
Nix Flakes

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2 May 2024
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.pl such as find . > $out 15:14:12
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.pl(there are probably better methods, just none of them come to mind right now)15:14:59
@azazel75:matrix.orgazazel75thanks, I'll try to do that15:15:35
@azazel75:matrix.orgazazel75gitIgnoreFilterWith is https://github.com/hercules-ci/gitignore.nix/blob/master/find-files.nix#L2415:16:34
@cabalcrow:matrix.orgCabalCrow joined the room.15:41:17
@cabalcrow:matrix.orgCabalCrow left the room.15:45:53
@cabalcrow:matrix.orgCabalCrow joined the room.15:46:29
@cabalcrow:matrix.orgCabalCrowis there a way to force nixos-rebuild to copy .git folders into the store directory?15:48:25
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.plyou could likely create a package with the current configuration repo if that's what you want. no built-in module for that afaik15:50:07

so, i did what you suggested mewp , whit a new package like:

          pkgsSrcContents = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
            name = "src-contents";
            src = pkgsSrc;
            builder = pkgs.writeText "builder.sh" ''
              ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find $src >> $out
@cabalcrow:matrix.orgCabalCrowwell that is a shame15:55:26
@azazel75:matrix.orgazazel75 it turns out that even if flake.nix isn't in the resulting $src, if I change it between two runs the hash of that $src store path will change 15:57:12
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.plinteresting, what about this last package containing only the names? does it also change?15:58:04
@azazel75:matrix.orgazazel75it changes because the path of $src changes... I should calculate a checksum of the whole contents of $src, maybe with a volatile tar command..15:59:35
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.pl you can avoid that by cding to the directory before find 16:00:18
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.pl then you'll be able to see if the list of files changes. you can also do find -type f . | sha1sum to see if the hashes differ 16:02:10
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.plit would be very weird for the hash to change without src changing16:02:45
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.pl(none of this has anything to do with flakes btw, this would work the same without them)16:04:19
@azazel75:matrix.orgazazel75 find -type f . | sha1sum would expose only a difference in the names of the contents though 16:08:54
@mewp:nurupo.pl@mewp:nurupo.pl sorry, find -type f . | xargs sha1sum is what I meant 16:09:50
@nick_kadutskyi:matrix.org@nick_kadutskyi:matrix.org joined the room.17:15:10
@soyouzpanda:matrix.orgsoyouzpanda joined the room.17:18:21
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot unbanned @ultranix:matrix.org@ultranix:matrix.org.19:05:32
@theutz:matrix.org@theutz:matrix.org joined the room.19:54:16
@hbjy:matrix.orgHayden joined the room.20:40:32
@nick_kadutskyi:matrix.org@nick_kadutskyi:matrix.org set a profile picture.21:19:13
4 May 2024
@hofsiedge:matrix.orgIlya Zuev joined the room.06:48:30
@abmantis:abcosta.com@abmantis:abcosta.com joined the room.19:18:22
@abmantis:abcosta.com@abmantis:abcosta.com Hey! Why is it that when I use nix develop (on some repo I've used already) it fetches and updates the packages automatically? It takes quite a while, and I would be happy most of the times to use the current packages I already used one day ago. any way to stop that? 19:24:06

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