
Nix Flakes

625 Members
128 Servers

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28 Mar 2024
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberekSometimes nice to have the actual name as well. Especially once you start to have more than one package. 14:18:20
@gsaurel:laas.frnim65swith multiple package, I understand, yes14:19:30
@mewp:nurupo.plmewpRedacted or Malformed Event14:24:41
29 Mar 2024
@sebtm:lodere.esSebTM joined the room.03:39:25
30 Mar 2024
@yoghurtt:matrix.orgyoghurt joined the room.10:30:00
@larstvei:matrix.orglarstvei joined the room.12:24:06
31 Mar 2024
@kshlm:matrix.orgkshlm changed their display name from kshlm to kshlm (Old).04:13:58
@kshlm:matrix.orgkshlm changed their display name from kshlm (Old) to kshlm.04:33:01
@lychee:lefishe.club@lychee:lefishe.club joined the room.20:03:16
@chadac:matrix.orgchadac joined the room.20:13:10
@skiparoo:matrix.orgskippy joined the room.20:34:45
@technicus:matrix.orgMiles Dyson joined the room.23:04:55
1 Apr 2024
In reply to @mewp:nurupo.pl
yesterday, the room avatar seems to have changed, as as far as I can see it's no longer in the nixos space. anyone has an idea why?
I don’t see any room avatar for this one atm, perhaps my client is glitching 
@sako:catgirl.cloud@sako:catgirl.cloud joined the room.20:17:53
@sako:catgirl.cloud@sako:catgirl.cloud set a profile picture.20:43:29
@sako:catgirl.cloud@sako:catgirl.cloud changed their profile picture.20:44:21
2 Apr 2024
@sako:catgirl.cloud@sako:catgirl.cloud changed their profile picture.00:59:56
@dgrig:erethon.comdgrig joined the room.15:13:06
3 Apr 2024
@brokenpip3:matrix.org@brokenpip3:matrix.org joined the room.08:27:17
@aniketd:matrix.org@aniketd:matrix.org left the room.10:57:25
@maka_77x:matrix.orgmaka_77x joined the room.14:07:08
4 Apr 2024
@stevenewey:matrix.orgStephen joined the room.08:08:25
@stevenewey:matrix.orgStephen changed their display name from stevenewey to Stephen.08:11:45
@mlyx:matrix.org@mlyx:matrix.org left the room.15:19:38
@darinmorrison:matrix.orgsilvanshade joined the room.19:41:45
@borax4:matrix.orgborax4 joined the room.20:03:48
@thatoo:matrix.orgThatoo joined the room.21:11:14
5 Apr 2024
@krystek17:matrix.orgkrystek17 joined the room.14:39:11
@yaqueen:matrix.orgyaqueen joined the room.20:27:22
@thatoo:matrix.orgThatooHello, I have an issue trying to migrate to flakes.23:11:07

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