
Nix + Doom Emacs

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Running Doom Emacs with Nix | You probably want https://github.com/nix-community/nix-doom-emacs40 Servers

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27 Jun 2024
@zeorin:matrix.orgXandor Schiefer TL;DR: Doom's source is just a package that is installed to disk by home-manager. Doom respects an env var, $DOOMLOCALDIR, that can be set to a writable directory, i.e. not a directory managed by nix. Then I take advantage of some onChange hooks to run doom install/doom sync automatically when certain things change, this become a part of home-manager's activation script. 22:35:51
@zeorin:matrix.orgXandor Schiefer * TL;DR: Doom's source is just a package that is installed to disk by home-manager. Doom respects an env var, $DOOMLOCALDIR, that can be set to a writable directory, i.e. not a directory managed by nix. Then I take advantage of some onChange hooks to run doom install/doom sync automatically when certain files change (packages.el, etc), this become a part of home-manager's activation script. 22:36:21
@zeorin:matrix.orgXandor Schiefer * I've been using Nix & Doom Emacs mostly declaratively for years. Here's my approach at a high level: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/advice-needed-installing-doom-emacs/8806/8?u=zeorin, and you're welcome to take a look at my current implementation (please excuse the 6000 line home.nix file, I haven't yet neatly modularized it). 22:37:17
28 Jun 2024
@sem:one.ems.hostsemAre the eMacs packages in a lock file managed by nix?18:07:58
@zeorin:matrix.orgXandor SchieferNope, not at this stage... The way to do it properly would be to create a `fetchStraightDeps` nix function that creates a fixed output derivation including a lock file, and then this should be an input to a Doom derivation. Haven't got that far yet.18:28:48
@zeorin:matrix.orgXandor Schiefer* Nope, not at this stage... The way to do it properly would be to create a `fetchDoomDeps` nix function that creates a fixed output derivation including a lock file, and then this should be an input to a Doom derivation. Haven't got that far yet.18:36:43
@zeorin:matrix.orgXandor Schiefer* Nope, not at this stage... The way to do it properly would be to create a `fetchDoomDeps` nix function that creates a fixed output derivation including a lock file, and then this should be an input to a Doom derivation. Haven't got that far yet.18:37:20
29 Jun 2024
In reply to @zeorin:matrix.org
Nope, not at this stage... The way to do it properly would be to create a `fetchDoomDeps` nix function that creates a fixed output derivation including a lock file, and then this should be an input to a Doom derivation. Haven't got that far yet.
Ahh same, could you DM me when you’ve got it working? Would love to copy some nix to get my config 100% reproducible
30 Jun 2024
@er10:matrix.org@er10:matrix.org left the room.17:55:30
2 Jul 2024
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒&

hi, i am stepping down from nix-doom-emacs. it's already been inactive for a while but i'm leaving the detsys community

good luck everybody, nice/hacky/declarative doom or not!

@hexa:lossy.network@hexa:lossy.network joined the room.22:48:44
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.22:49:53
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5 Jul 2024
@aaronvargo:matrix.orgaaron joined the room.03:35:37
@wcohen:matrix.orgwcohen joined the room.13:26:11
8 Jul 2024
@zzantares:matrix.org@zzantares:matrix.org changed their display name from zzantares to demo-reset.06:00:26
@zzantares:matrix.org@zzantares:matrix.org removed their profile picture.06:00:34
10 Jul 2024
@zzantares:matrix.org@zzantares:matrix.org changed their display name from demo-reset to Hamlet'sPiedPlumber.23:02:24
15 Jul 2024
@adzuki:matrix.orgadzuki joined the room.21:18:51
21 Jul 2024
@heap:heap.wtf@heap:heap.wtf left the room.12:03:23
23 Jul 2024
@ezzobirbezziou:matrix.orgEzzobir Bezziou joined the room.08:20:29
25 Jul 2024
@bumperboat:matrix.org@bumperboat:matrix.org changed their display name from bumperboat (UTC+2) to bumperboat.12:47:26
26 Jul 2024
@luxzi:matrix.org@luxzi:matrix.org joined the room.22:41:37
27 Jul 2024
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7 Aug 2024
@hyperflarex:matrix.orghyperflare left the room.19:16:26
@hyperflarex:matrix.orghyperflare joined the room.19:44:49
10 Aug 2024
@tsomipa_ts:matrix.orgTsomipa_ts joined the room.09:12:05
12 Aug 2024
@kyub:matrix.org@kyub:matrix.org left the room.16:59:18

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