
Nix + Doom Emacs

172 Members
Running Doom Emacs with Nix | You probably want https://github.com/nix-community/nix-doom-emacs40 Servers

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20 Jan 2024
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒& well it's possible, it's just not good at all 12:28:50
21 Jan 2024
@ixlun:matrix.orgMatthew LeachHi folks. Just wondered what people are doing as an alternative now that NDE is broken? I'm manually maintaining my NDE installation but I've got a lot of machines to manage; having Nix build and push everything worked really well. I'm considering switching to a custom config to get nix back building it again.08:49:56
@heap:heap.wtf@heap:heap.wtfRedacted or Malformed Event11:23:41
@heap:heap.wtf@heap:heap.wtfRedacted or Malformed Event11:23:42
22 Jan 2024
In reply to @ixlun:matrix.org
Hi folks. Just wondered what people are doing as an alternative now that NDE is broken? I'm manually maintaining my NDE installation but I've got a lot of machines to manage; having Nix build and push everything worked really well. I'm considering switching to a custom config to get nix back building it again.
I switched to managing doom "imperatively", following the NixOS install instructions on the repo: https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/blob/master/docs/getting_started.org#nixos
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2 https://gitlab.com/AsbjornOlling/plate-nixos < my config is public here, if you want to peek 10:54:06
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's a bit messy10:54:08
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2 but my SPC / works again, and so I am happy 10:54:11
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2and I'm on emacs 29 which is apparently good?10:54:21
@asbjorn:olli.ngA2 I still check in here and in NDE #316 every so often, in case it becomes possible to build doom with nix again 10:54:31
@ixlun:matrix.orgMatthew Leach
In reply to @asbjorn:olli.ng
I still check in here and in NDE #316 every so often, in case it becomes possible to build doom with nix again
I'm the same.... I'm kinda hoping that eventually it will get fixed and I can have a packaged working version again. For now, I'm working on rolling my own config and getting the bits of doom emacs working that I use. I'm not too far off with it to be fair!
@ixlun:matrix.orgMatthew Leach
In reply to @asbjorn:olli.ng
https://gitlab.com/AsbjornOlling/plate-nixos < my config is public here, if you want to peek
Thanks for sharing.
28 Jan 2024
@sepiabrown:matrix.orgSuwon ParkSelection_027.png
Download Selection_027.png
@sepiabrown:matrix.orgSuwon ParkGreetings, I'm trying out using `nixd` with Doom Emacs. However, `lsp-mode` seems to not work well with `nixd`. With vscode, it was successful. What could be wrong? 1. https://github.com/nix-community/nixd/blob/main/nixd/docs/examples/package/package.nix 2. https://github.com/nix-community/nixd/blob/main/nixd/docs/examples/options/nixos/module.nix 20:01:03
@gjdan:hq.sebastiantech.caGJdan ⚡️ joined the room.22:17:53
31 Jan 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org changed their profile picture.03:36:41
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org changed their profile picture.06:22:17
@minion:clicks.codes@minion:clicks.codes joined the room.11:19:01
1 Feb 2024
@artem.types:matrix.orgArtemI wonder if it works with vanilla (non-doom) emacs...19:28:21
2 Feb 2024
@xx_doomer_xx:matrix.orgsimple-coder joined the room.17:31:38
@xx_doomer_xx:matrix.orgsimple-coderIf any of you don't mind taking a look at this issue, thanks, I commented more on the regular nixos channel if you want to take a look here as well, they let me know if this channel.17:32:33
@artem.types:matrix.orgArtem simple-coder: have you looked into the bug tracker, e.g. https://github.com/nix-community/nix-doom-emacs/issues/409 18:38:13
3 Feb 2024
@havk64:matrix.orgAlexandro de Oliveira joined the room.12:46:30
4 Feb 2024
@xx_doomer_xx:matrix.orgsimple-coderThanks, it finally built with emacs28, so I'm happy, but, the only issue is this warning message keeps on getting thrown whenever I do a nix rebuild, any tips on how to fix it?14:45:15
5 Feb 2024
@havk64:matrix.orgAlexandro de Oliveira

Hello everyone 👋

I was wondering if some of you have tried the approach of the doom-emacs' author to install emacs "imperatively": https://github.com/hlissner/dotfiles/blob/master/modules/editors/emacs.nix
I'm considering give it a try but I decided to ask before, as it's been a bit long that the author doesn't update his repository.

6 Feb 2024
@twitchy0:matrix.orgtwitchy0It's fine I guess. How often do you need to do that? I used to, but now just manually run the clone and install if I provision a new machine with a desktop environment01:19:33
@xx_doomer_xx:matrix.orgsimple-coder Alexandro de Oliveira: Hello there, I was able to get nix-doom-emacs to install doom emacs using the (flake+home-manager) method, so if you want to install it this way I can help, otherwise I haven't installed it imperatively, so I won't be able to help you with that. And being that nix-doom-emacs broke at some point due to an issue, it's a year behind nix-emacs-overly, but I'm ok with that for now. 13:10:12
@xx_doomer_xx:matrix.orgsimple-coderHey guys I have an issue trying to install a package that's not in any emacs repo or nix packages with nix-doom-emacs, if any of you would not mind taking a look at this issue, thanks:13:12:00

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