
Nix + Doom Emacs

172 Members
Running Doom Emacs with Nix | You probably want https://github.com/nix-community/nix-doom-emacs40 Servers

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29 Apr 2024
@c4lliope:matrix.orgc4lliope joined the room.18:19:40
30 Apr 2024
@imperivohaace:matrix.orgimperivohaace joined the room.17:04:23
1 May 2024
@pmbauer:matrix.orgpmbauer joined the room.03:24:47
@jw910731:matrix.orgjw910731 joined the room.08:39:12
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:07:16
@gavinrogers:matrix.orgGavin changed their display name from Gavin R to Gavin.16:19:15
2 May 2024
@rolandco:matrix.orgRoland Coeurjoly joined the room.20:06:13
3 May 2024
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒&i finally gave up (until i maybe come back to this One Day™) and started using imperative doom00:27:44
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒&it is so much faster00:27:47
In reply to @ckie:ckie.dev
it is so much faster
Which part? Isnt it possible to get the best of both worlds?
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒&it is but it requires Work23:35:52
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒&so for now it isn;t23:35:59
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒& * so for now it isn't23:36:00
@twitchy0:matrix.orgtwitchy0I'm using imperative doom right now and I'm scared of updating. I use nix emacs for some cron jobs23:36:51
@twitchy0:matrix.orgtwitchy0Work being trying out a new package or Work for replicating the doom setup?23:37:47
4 May 2024
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒&replicating the doom setup, i.e. rewriting nix-doom-emacs's package extractor-finder-and-fetcher00:07:29
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒&maybe when the governance crisis is over00:07:46
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒& * maybe after the governance crisis is over someday00:07:56
@ckie:ckie.devmei 🌒& * maybe after the governance crisis is over, someday i'll get around to it00:08:01
6 May 2024
@checooh:matrix.orgchecooh joined the room.10:01:54
7 May 2024
@mequbic:matrix.orgiqubic (she/her)What's the governance crisis?20:17:30
@pxc:matrix.orgpxcthis isn't the crisis so much as the board's attempt to remedy it: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nixos-foundation-board-giving-power-to-the-community/4455220:29:39
9 May 2024
@theutz:matrix.org@theutz:matrix.org left the room.08:52:10
10 May 2024
@hyperflarex:matrix.orghyperflare joined the room.21:27:29
12 May 2024
@nomm:matrix.orgnomm joined the room.19:46:18
13 May 2024
@bandithedoge:matrix.orgbandithedogehas anyone tried https://github.com/marienz/nix-doom-emacs-unstraightened yet?15:32:05
@c-x-berger:boiler.socialc-x-berger joined the room.22:26:34
14 May 2024
@nrs-status:matrix.orgthirdofmay18081814goya joined the room.07:06:39
@nrs-status:matrix.orgthirdofmay18081814goyaanyone willing to share their nix emacs config?07:08:00
In reply to @nrs-status:matrix.org
anyone willing to share their nix emacs config?

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