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10 Jan 2022
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduit changed their profile picture.14:31:41
@ultranix:matrix.orgultranixgood job in moving the channel back to nixos.org17:27:28
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.host joined the room.19:43:31
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostI'm a little confused about getting started and could use a little guidance. So I've read through the first few pages of documentation and started to split out my configuration.nix into a users/worldofgeese/default.nix for user stuff, filesystem stuff into a hosts/endless-summer.nix and filled out the root user with a hashed password and pubkey. So I'm ready to go, right? Here's where I get confused: the install instructions indicate I should build an ISO from the bootstrap.nix but that won't source a lot of my personalizations. Do I wait on those until after I've built and booted a minimal ISO?19:51:54
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostDevOS also has a tool for creating a guideline hosts file so I assume I wait on including my personal changes but I'm unsure19:52:47
11 Jan 2022
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduit
In reply to@worldofgeese:one.ems.host

I'm a little confused about getting started and could use a little guidance.

So I've read through the first few pages of documentation and started to split out my configuration.nix into a users/worldofgeese/default.nix for user stuff, filesystem stuff into a hosts/endless-summer.nix and filled out the root user with a hashed password and pubkey.

So I'm ready to go, right? Here's where I get confused: the install instructions indicate I should build an ISO from the bootstrap.nix but that won't source a lot of my personalizations. Do I wait on those until after I've built and booted a minimal ISO?

Yes, normally you would into a minimal ISO and deploy your personalizations to the remote machine. Since this is your first time installing, you can copy your devos config to the booted ISO and nixos-install from that.
Download DSC_0000_BURST20220111103107683_COVER.JPG
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostI got a little further on this, thanks Daniel (and cool you're running Conduit, that's why I'm setting up a NixOS server now with the recently merged Conduit service). Following the documentation to set authorizedKeys, the key is set in the ISO but restrictive firewall rules block access to sshd.09:34:42
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostI needed to clear the iptables rules and was then able to ssh into the live environment09:34:59
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostIs this intended behavior?09:35:11
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduit The docs actually didn't mention that you would need networking.trustedInterfaces = [ "eth0" ]; 10:26:57
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduit I found out about networking.trustedInterfaces because I tried to opened port for Spotify and my phone couldn't detect my computer, though I only tested this with tailscale. 10:32:53
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduitOops, nevermind. https://github.com/divnix/devos/blob/main/profiles/core/default.nix#L149 wasn't true by default, so you had to clear the iptables rules.10:37:10
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostI can make a PR for the docs to specify that openFirewall must be set to true when creating an ISO if remote access is desired10:40:43
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduit Yes, that will do. Just set services.openssh.openFirewall = true; in hosts/bootstrap.nix and recreate the ISo 10:41:58
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduit * Yes, that will do. Just set services.openssh.openFirewall = true; in hosts/bootstrap.nix and recreate the ISO 10:42:00
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostWell, I almost succeeded in the initial install but was bitten by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/73404. The suggested solution is to `nixos-enter` and try again but that doesn't work because `nixos-install --flake .#host` expects `/mnt` I have logs at https://gist.github.com/worldofgeese/76446406a2c970a8908167bad848259620:03:00
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduit What about nixos-rebuild boot .#host? 20:06:28
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostFrom inside the chroot?20:14:09
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduitYep20:14:13
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostLet me give it a shot20:14:28
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostRedacted or Malformed Event20:24:14
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostWell, maybe? I think all that's left is to try a reboot and see20:26:56
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostThere's no output apart from warning that my git tree is dirty and some cachix saved settings20:27:28
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostI'm going to do a systemctl reboot and pray 🙏🏼20:27:53
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostHard stop at GRUB. 🤔 And I did have systemd-boot enabled. I'll give this another try tomorrow, thanks again Daniel20:34:42
@worldofgeese:one.ems.host@worldofgeese:one.ems.hostPushed my forked config to https://github.com/worldofgeese/devos20:53:11
13 Jan 2022
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgWhats exactly the reason why flakes are not expected to support nested package sets in the future?14:35:24
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgis it due to extra eval?14:35:42
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99 I think the simplest reason is that it hurts the performance of nix search 18:12:36

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