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20 Jul 2021
❯ nix-cd g-firefox

@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Something a la nix-j (jump) 19:24:56
In reply to @blaggacao:matrix.org
Gytis Ivaskevicius: I've to win you over for divnix/bud where we could land the users within the editable directory (if it's a custom pkg). Or we could even boostrap an overlay to modfy upstream in the appropriate local place.
what is exactly the goal of it?
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgone could mount overlayfs over /nix/store and make it editable 😀19:25:24
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)


  • "I want to modify my firefox"
  • nix-j firefox
  • profit!
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgAnd how are you expecting to do that?19:26:12
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org you are aware of nix-store --verify, right? 19:26:38
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
target=$(nix eval --expr "(builtins.getFlake "flake:self").outputs.pkgs.${system}.nixpkgs.$1.outPath" --impure --raw)
base=$(nix eval --expr "(builtins.getFlake "flake:self").outPath" --impure --raw)
cd $FLAKEROOT/$(diffpath? target base)
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) *
target=$(nix eval --expr "(builtins.getFlake "flake:self").outputs.pkgs.${system}.nixpkgs.$1.outPath" --impure --raw)
base=$(nix eval --expr "(builtins.getFlake "flake:self").outPath" --impure --raw)
cd $FLAKEROOT/$(diffpath? target base)

(not sure what's the command for diffpath)

@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) *
target=$(nix eval --expr "(builtins.getFlake "flake:self").outputs.pkgs.${system}.nixpkgs.$1.outPath" --impure --raw)
base=$(nix eval --expr "(builtins.getFlake "flake:self").outPath" --impure --raw)
cd $FLAKEROOT/$(diffpath? target base)

(not sure what's the command for diffpath, but you get the idea)

@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)Ah, no, wouldn't work. 🤣19:29:08
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgim interested in the editing part19:29:23
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)ANyhow, it would be nice if we could make it wirk somehow...19:29:24
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) * ANyhow, it would be nice if we could make it work somehow...19:29:30
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgone could make fancy nix shell which just copies existing derivation and throws you into a shell19:29:41
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgthat would be simple and useful19:29:49
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org
im interested in the editing part
in divnix/bud we have FLAKEROOT wich is guarantted to be the editable root of the system flake.
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgyeah, but werent you talking about editing any package? (like firefox)19:30:29
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @blaggacao:matrix.org
in divnix/bud we have FLAKEROOT wich is guarantted to be the editable root of the system flake.
regardless wether you are in a devshell or in a nixos system
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org
yeah, but werent you talking about editing any package? (like firefox)
In addition, we'd have to copy that over into the correct place within the flake repo.
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org
yeah, but werent you talking about editing any package? (like firefox)
* In addition, we'd have to copy (or wrap) that over into the correct place within the flake repo.
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgI can see it being useful for debuging, not for long term use tho19:31:59
@teutat3s:pub.solar@teutat3s:pub.solarPR is out, feeback welcome https://github.com/divnix/digga/pull/9319:32:26
@teutat3s:pub.solar@teutat3s:pub.solar What would be the way to test my changes locally? I guess somehow convincing digga to use my PR's branch instead of develop? 19:35:40
@teutat3s:pub.solar@teutat3s:pub.solar I'll try digga.url = "github:pub-solar/digga/fix/merge-or-append-nix-extraOptions"; 19:37:30
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)nix ... --override-input digga github:dinvix/digga/<sha>19:37:30
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) * nix ... --override-input digga github:dinvix/digga/<sha> 19:37:37
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) I guess I found the cause for my infinite recursion loop: access to self.inputs seems not always to be cool. 19:46:13
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @blaggacao:matrix.org
I guess I found the cause for my infinite recursion loop: access to self.inputs seems not always to be cool.
Seems that was only one infinite recursion, the other one was: https://github.com/divnix/digga/commit/b121e7d9ecec9531d6fd90022c6cf9310bb9ecda
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)Do tests pass on https://github.com/gytis-ivaskevicius/flake-utils-plus/pull/84?21:15:33

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