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14 Jan 2022
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgI'm pretty sure it's just minimal metadata16:08:49
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgMaybe evaluation of whole flake too. Not sure where that is stored16:09:07
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgActually whole flake eval is probably stored in daemon heap16:09:21
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgAlso these days nixpkgs takes up like 30gb of ram to evaluate....16:09:54
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgIs your SQLite half the size of whole nix store? :d16:10:12
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99Nix does use sqlite for eval caching but I believe it creates a separate file meant for eval caching in your home directory. The daemon's db isn't used for eval caching.17:51:34
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99And I think its actually multiple databases17:52:08
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99Also, with a rebase I feel like https://github.com/gytis-ivaskevicius/flake-utils-plus/pull/89 is ok to merge. Its not a breaking change since it keeps auto channel detection just with a better strategy.18:02:37
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgbefore merging this one - can we collectively give some thought if there is a better solution that does the same thing and if there is a better name for it18:25:42
In reply to @pachumicchu:myrdd.info
Also, with a rebase I feel like https://github.com/gytis-ivaskevicius/flake-utils-plus/pull/89 is ok to merge. Its not a breaking change since it keeps auto channel detection just with a better strategy.
lets not 'just merge it', lets do a proper release
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99 For 110, another idea is passing adding inputs to the channel, except sort of dropping the system, so you can do inherit (inputs.agenix.packages) agenix; 18:45:56
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99Now I'm not yet sure how to implement that18:46:07
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99 something like mapAttrs (n: v: if v ? ${prev.system} then v.${prev.system}) inputs 18:46:59
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99But then we run into the discussion of whether we should give any overlay access to all the inputs18:47:33
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99 * maybe something like mapAttrs (n: v: if v ? ${prev.system} then v.${prev.system}) inputs 18:48:20
In reply to @gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org
lets not 'just merge it', lets do a proper release
release before or after merging?
In reply to @pachumicchu:myrdd.info
release before or after merging?
at the same time
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99Also I'm not super familiar with managing matrix rooms. I have to upgrade the room version to v9 so this room can be discovered in the nixos space. Is it alright if I do that? (just want to make sure there won't be any issues)23:56:45
15 Jan 2022
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)Let's try and see. 😁 What else can we mere matrix-mortals do?00:28:55
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99cool ill do it00:29:17
@pachumicchu:myrdd.infoPacman99changed room power levels.00:29:29
@danielphan.2003:matrix.org@danielphan.2003:matrix.org left the room.04:48:01
@danielphan.2003:c-137.meDaniel Phan on conduit left the room.04:47:54
@yusdacra:nixos.dev@yusdacra:nixos.dev left the room.09:21:08
@lourkeur:nixos.dev@lourkeur:nixos.dev left the room.17:30:34
19 Jan 2022
@janus:dark.fijanus left the room.17:51:28
20 Jan 2022
@andi:kack.itandi- left the room.00:26:52
2 Feb 2022
@cw:kernelpanic.cafe@cw:kernelpanic.cafe changed their display name from CoilWinder (novus ordo seclorum) to Chuck Winter.08:36:59
3 Feb 2022
@ultranix:matrix.org@ultranix:matrix.org changed their display name from ultranix to tgunnoe.13:33:30

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