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12 Jul 2021
@gtrunsec:matrix.org@gtrunsec:matrix.orgit works for me 19:59:17
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @citadelcore:nixos.dev
Excuse me for going a little bit "off-topic", but I think some of you here may find this interesting - for the past several months I've been working on a framework very heavily inspired by DevOS (and retaining a very similar folder/configuration structure), oriented more towards enterprise/high-complexity configurations. I'd be interested to know what you all think - I believe there are definitely some lessons that could be learnt on either side as far as best practices go :) https://github.com/ArctarusLimited/KuiserOS
This is exciting, I have had a similar use case which is why I got involved in devos in the first place. I do plan to retake kubenix at some point (when nixos-vm test refactoring progresses), so that we can bridge access to the kubernetes packaged applications, which there are a lot of in the enterprise world, so that we can combine best of both worlds.
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroThat's really interesting! As a matter of fact I'm actually working on integrating kubernetes support into the kuiseros repo currently - and I'm probably going to end up using kubenix with the cluster20:06:30
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroKubernetes support is already present in nixpkgs of course - but I'm leveraging the repo logic for some cool stuff, like Calico for CNI and certificate issuance from Vault20:08:23
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroI built a mechanism for configuring and deploying Vault keys that is currently in the process of being upstreamed - but the repo provides additional tools to actually deploy the approles to the nodes20:09:24
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) I've been bulding something with SPIFFE/Spire for workload attestation and full mTLS with rotating certificates every 5 mins. It will be seom work to put all the puzzles in place, though. I think we have some sort of consensus that we need to stabilize devos in the short term, maybe produce a 1.0 and then take on form there. 20:11:27
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Thank you for your work on the follows issue! I very much appreciate it! 20:12:20
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) * I've been bulding something with SPIFFE/Spire for workload attestation and full mTLS with rotating certificates every 5 mins. It will be some work to put all the puzzles in place, though. I think we have some sort of consensus that we need to stabilize devos in the short term, maybe produce a 1.0 and then take on form there. 20:12:46
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroNo problem! It was pretty much a necessity in order to get my flake setup working, lol.20:13:04
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) This PR was my secret ally 🤣 20:14:03
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) * This PR was my secret ally for testing your branch 🤣 20:14:22
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroHahaha, can definitely see that20:15:10
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroRight know with kubernetes I'm just working on stabilising the configuration with a single-node cluster (with Calico). Next step after that will be a 6-node with 3 Ceph storage servers, so it's gonna get interesting20:17:38
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex Zero * Right now with kubernetes I'm just working on stabilising the configuration with a single-node cluster (with Calico). Next step after that will be a 6-node with 3 Ceph storage servers, so it's gonna get interesting20:17:47
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @citadelcore:nixos.dev
Right now with kubernetes I'm just working on stabilising the configuration with a single-node cluster (with Calico). Next step after that will be a 6-node with 3 Ceph storage servers, so it's gonna get interesting
Have a look at https://longhorn.io/
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @citadelcore:nixos.dev
Right now with kubernetes I'm just working on stabilising the configuration with a single-node cluster (with Calico). Next step after that will be a 6-node with 3 Ceph storage servers, so it's gonna get interesting
* Have a look at https://longhorn.io/ -- I came to the conclusion it's probably the best persistence layer available right now. And I also trust the Rancher guys for their snout for innovation.
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroHuh interesting, I will be sure to check it out!20:19:27
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) I'm planning to do a k3os based on nix on the basis of not-os if I have time. 20:19:59
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroNever heard of k3os before but looking at it now it certainly seems nice20:21:09
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) But first, let's make devos /kuiseros stable 🤣🚀 20:21:34
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroYeah, lol. Definitely an important task :)20:22:05
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Make sure to check out https://github.com/divnix/digga/ & https://github.com/divnix/bud/ which are kind of the new powerhouses behind devos 20:23:05
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex Zero Will do! I'll be honest, when I first started my project it was back in the nixflk days, lol 20:24:22
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroA lot has changed since then20:24:33
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)I think what happened thereafter was pure telepathy 😄20:24:52
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) * I think what happened thereafter was pure telepathy 😄 (we end up with the same follows issue) 20:25:39
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroYep, lol. I'm kind of a perfectionist and didn't want to use any kind of hacky solution, so naturally I just went, and fixed it20:26:17
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroI will say the code is very confusing, many sleepless nights were spent on understanding how flake.cc actually worked20:26:45
@timdeh:matrix.org@timdeh:matrix.orgNix's codebase is a bit intractable 😅21:30:34
@gtrunsec:matrix.org@gtrunsec:matrix.org David Arnold: what do you think about this https://github.com/pogobanane/lambda-pirate? 21:45:37

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