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11 Jul 2021
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* I also think it is prohibitive for a "portable" user to depend on nixos host `config` values of any particular host. However, currently this seems to be our thought model which the PRs propose to rectify.21:06:06
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* I also think it is prohibitive for a "portable" user to depend on nixos host `config` values of any particular host. However, currently this seems to be our thought model which the PRs seeks to rectify.21:06:41
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) In fact, I think our current implementation simply ignores the difference between a host-specific application of a hm config and a "portable" variant of the same config and treats them as the same which might result in intricate problems in either use case. 21:08:04
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* In fact, I think our current implementation simply ignores the difference between a host-specific application of a `hm` config and a "portable" variant of the same config and treats them as the same which might result in intricate problems in either use case. Such problems manifest when a `useUserPackes = false` - nixos hm module suddenly is used in conjunction with a `userUserPackages = true` config. However, this is currently the case if you would use the `home-manager` cli in good faith with the current inplementation 21:10:45
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* In fact, I think our current implementation simply ignores the difference between a host-specific application of a `hm` config and a "portable" variant of the same config and treats them as the same which might result in intricate problems in either use case. Such problems manifest when a `useUserPackes = false` - nixos hm module suddenly is used in conjunction with a `userUserPackages = true` config. However, this is currently the case if you would use the `home-manager` cli in good faith with the current implementation.21:10:57
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* In fact, I think our current implementation simply ignores the difference between a host-specific application of a `hm` config and a "portable" variant of the same config and treats them as the same which might result in intricate problems in either use case. Such problems could manifest when a `useUserPackes = false` - nixos hm module suddenly is used in conjunction with a `userUserPackages = true` config. However, this is currently the case if you would use the `home-manager` cli in good faith with the current implementation.21:11:24
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Hence I think it is better to provide a fully nixos-compliant hm config as user@host so that good faith use of home-manager cli at least does not do any potential harm. And render a separate user with useUserPackages = mkForce false so that this config is guaranteed to work on non-nixos hosts. 21:13:10
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* Hence I think it is better to provide a fully nixos-compliant `hm` config as `user@host` so that good faith use of `home-manager` cli at least does _not_ do any potential harm. And render a separate `user` with `useUserPackages = mkForce false` so that this config is guaranteed to work on non-nixos hosts.21:13:34
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* Hence I think it is better to provide a fully nixos-compliant `hm` config as `user@host` so that good faith use of `home-manager` cli at least does _not_ do any potential harm. And render a separate `user` with `useUserPackages = mkForce false` so that such config is guaranteed to work "portably" on non-nixos hosts.21:14:02
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Lastly, one might want to deploy a user (normally used on 86_64-linux) on an aarch64 server. user@host would not help, since that would have 86_64-linux. To successfully "portably" use that user on an aarch64 machine, I'd have to either create a dummy aarch64 host or render a user-acrch64 output for homeConfigurations. 21:17:24
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* Lastly, one might want to deploy a `user` (normally used on 86_64-linux) on an aarch64 server. `user@host` would not help, since that would have 86_64-linux. To successfully "portably" use that user on an aarch64 machine, I'd have to either create a dummy aarch64 host or render a `user-aarch64` output for `homeConfigurations`.21:17:33
12 Jul 2021
@timdeh:matrix.org@timdeh:matrix.org invited @citadelcore:nixos.devAlex Zero.17:37:26
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex Zero joined the room.17:37:35
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroHello!17:38:19
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroExcuse me for going a little bit "off-topic", but I think some of you here may find this interesting - for the past several months I've been working on a framework very heavily inspired by DevOS (and retaining a very similar folder/configuration structure), oriented more towards enterprise/high-complexity configurations. I'd be interested to know what you all think - I believe there are definitely some lessons that could be learnt on either side as far as best practices go :) https://github.com/ArctarusLimited/KuiserOS18:52:54
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroIt shares a bunch of library functions, and more or less functions in a very similar way, but it's quite different "under the hood"18:53:59
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex ZeroIt's quite a niche thing, and it is not intended to be any sort of replacement for devos, but I think it's an interesting proof of concept, and so far the composable/DRY model works pretty well for child flakes19:00:51
@teutat3s:pub.solar@teutat3s:pub.solar Hello everybody,
I'm trying to use overrides https://devos.divnix.com/concepts/overrides.html to get neovim v0.5.0 with this home-manager option, but probably I'm missing something, because it's still pulling the version from the nixos channel instead of latest
@teutat3s:pub.solar@teutat3s:pub.solar I've added neovim-unwrapped to the list of pkgs in overlays/overrides.nix 19:28:49
@teutat3s:pub.solar@teutat3s:pub.solaris home-manager ignoring the overlay / override? https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/blob/master/modules/programs/neovim.nix#L13519:29:30
@teutat3s:pub.solar@teutat3s:pub.solarthank you for this awesome piece of open-source software ( : really enjoying it as a base for declarative configuration management 19:30:32
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex Zero Try setting config.home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true; 19:44:08
@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex Zeroiirc home-manager uses its own package set by default?19:44:20
Download image.png
In reply to @citadelcore:nixos.dev
Try setting config.home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;
❯ nixos-option home-manager.useGlobalPkgs

seems it's already set to true, but not picking up the overlay

@citadelcore:nixos.devAlex Zerohm, strange... 19:54:43
In reply to @gtrunsec:matrix.org
sent an image.
yeah that's where I've added neovim-unwrapped
@gtrunsec:matrix.org@gtrunsec:matrix.orgsorry, I cannot reproduce it.19:56:29
@gtrunsec:matrix.org@gtrunsec:matrix.orgdo you mind to show me your repo?19:57:02
Download image.png

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