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6 Jul 2021
@ultranix:matrix.orgultranix joined the room.23:12:17
8 Jul 2021
@pamymaf:matrix.orgpamymaf joined the room.18:12:52
@anodium:matrix.orgAndrea Pascal joined the room.18:23:04
@pamymaf:matrix.orgpamymaf set a profile picture.20:15:38
9 Jul 2021
@danielphan.2003:matrix.org@danielphan.2003:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event02:15:53
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org Do any of you have any idea why GA is not printing any logs when nix develop is used? https://github.com/gytis-ivaskevicius/flake-utils-plus/runs/3030446572?check_suite_focus=true 15:34:06
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgits not even reporting exit statuses :/15:34:13
@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.org@gytis-ivaskevicius:matrix.orgIt seems that it stopped working after few random fixups 🤔15:45:57
10 Jul 2021
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) fufexan maybe you'd have an interest to review https://github.com/divnix/digga/pull/84? (w.r.t. the hm fup issue). 00:53:17
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) I'm currently transitioning to set up my hm, so this is might be a good time window to share ideas / findings. 🙂 00:54:12
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)

I'm still not 100% settled on a conlusion, but right now after some discussions with Pacman99 I'm thinking of homeConfigurations in two use cases:

  • an alternative deployment method to, let's say, deploy-rs using home-manager. In this case we want an unaltered user@host config in self.homeConfigurations.

  • a way to port my user to non-nixos machines (user-at-work use case). In this case I'd want a pure user without any host specific configuration and use useUserPackages = false, so that $HOME/.nix-profile is used instead of the system wide /etc/profiles/....

Does that +- make sense?

11 Jul 2021
In reply to @blaggacao:matrix.org
fufexan maybe you'd have an interest to review https://github.com/divnix/digga/pull/84? (w.r.t. the hm fup issue).
sorry, I wasn't online yesterday, but yes, I'll review it :)
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexan David Arnold: is it necessary to use homeConfigurations in the form user@host as described here? https://github.com/divnix/digga/pull/84/files#diff-34527206e391faf315867402419cb48d33a1351f2b245863dd78a7d521cfd9c1R4-R10 12:16:39
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanmaybe I don't really understand how it works12:17:15
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
 --flake flake-uri[#name]

    Build Home Manager configuration from the flake, which must contain the output homeConfigurations.name. If no name is specified it will first try username@hostname and then username
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)(hm docs)12:18:43
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) So this means that the home-manager utility has knowledge of the current user and hostname. Btw. that's quite similar to divnix/bud here, but I digress. 12:20:05
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanoh, right. this makes sense now12:20:30
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanin that case, it looks fine12:20:38
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) I think the key take away is, that we still want to have a "portable" user variant that uses $HOME/.nix-porfile and is completely evaluated without any access to any host config. 12:21:50
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) For example, without such host related stuff 12:22:47
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexantrue, that would be nice to have12:23:27
@rosariopulella:matrix.orgrosariopulella joined the room.15:46:00
@timdeh:matrix.org@timdeh:matrix.orgI dunno if I like that. I like how the current setup can share configuration between home-manager and nixos, even if using hm standalone. Why would we give that up?17:35:07
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)

I don't see us giving that up: a hm config can still be created independently of any specific host, and the same config then can still be deployed to any nixos host.

In fact and as far as I can tell right now, the only requirement for a hm config to work portably is to set useUserPackages = false while setting it to true on a nixos host seems to be a good idea.

@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* I don't see us giving that up: a `hm` config can still be created independently of any specific host, and the same config then can still be deployed to any nixos host. In fact and as far as I can tell right now, the only requirement for a hm config to work portably on a non-nixos host is to set `useUserPackages = false` while setting it to true on a nixos host seems to be a good idea.21:03:49
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* I don't see us giving that up: a `hm` config can still be created independently of any specific host, and the same config then can still be deployed to any nixos host. In fact and as far as I can tell right now, the only requirement for a hm config to work portably on a non-nixos host is to set `useUserPackages = false` while on the other hand setting it to true on a nixos host seems to be a good idea.21:04:10
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* I don't see us giving that up: a `hm` config can still be created independently of any specific host, and the same config then can still be deployed to any nixos host. In fact, and as far as I can tell right now, the only requirement for a hm config to work portably on a non-nixos host is to set `useUserPackages = false` while on the other hand setting it to true on a nixos host seems to be a good idea.21:04:32
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) I also think ot might be prohibitive for a "portable" user to depend on nixos host config values of any particular host. However, currently this seems to be our thought model which the PRs propose to rectify. 21:05:50

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