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5 Jul 2021
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)(it currently does not reproduce it, I guess, does it? -- I tried)20:45:52
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanokay, pushed on that same branch20:47:00
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) my bad I thought I was testing ip, but actually tested master, srt 20:50:01
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) * my bad I thought I was testing ip, but actually tested master, sry 20:50:06
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanoh no worries20:50:11
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)But now can reproduce πŸ˜€20:50:15
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Ah~ now I see it: it is fromOvlerys self.overlays not fromOverlays self.overlay 20:51:35
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanyes, that's it20:52:14
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @fufexan:matrix.org
  description = "NUR packages";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = github:NixOS/nixpkgs;
    utils.url = github:gytis-ivaskevicius/flake-utils-plus/staging;

    nixpkgs-osu.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/73b982e62194a5d85827d87b0851aee06932979f";
    nixpkgs-kak.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/e5920f73965ce9fd69c93b9518281a3e8cb77040";

    kakoune-cr = { url = "github:alexherbo2/kakoune.cr"; flake = false; };
    picom-jonaburg = { url = "github:jonaburg/picom"; flake = false; };

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, utils, ... }@inputs:
    utils.lib.systemFlake rec {
      inherit self inputs;

      overlay = import ./pkgs { inherit inputs; };
      overlays = utils.lib.exporters.internalOverlays { inherit (self) pkgs inputs; };

      # build all packages defined in ./pkgs/default.nix for their respective systems
      outputsBuilder = channels: {
        packages = utils.lib.exporters.fromOverlays self.overlays channels;

this is my flake if it helps

This was actually correct. 🀣 and should not fail
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexan as Pacman99 said, I was missing setting overlaysBuilder for the channel 20:52:50
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexan or sharedOverlays 20:53:06
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Ah yeah! But that still wouldn't error out. πŸ™‚ So all good with fromOverlays and internalOverlays, which I feel kind of responsible for... πŸ‘οΈ 20:54:36
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanhmm, then I'm not really sure what caused it after all20:55:50
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) It definitly was self.overlay vs self.overlays 20:56:11
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)(since self.overlay` is a function)20:56:33
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) * (since self.overlay is a function) 20:56:42
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index 5903627..c2ce172 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
       utils.lib.systemFlake {
         inherit self inputs;

-        channels.nixpkgs.overlaysBuilder = _: [ self.overlay ];
+        # channels.nixpkgs.overlaysBuilder = _: [ self.overlay ];

         overlay = import ./pkgs { inherit inputs; };
         overlays = internalOverlays { inherit (self) pkgs inputs; };

         # build all packages defined in ./pkgs/default.nix for their respective systems
         outputsBuilder = channels: {
-          packages = fromOverlays self.overlay channels;
+          packages = fromOverlays self.overlays channels;
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) This makes aaef1cbefa3827d759d5a75c000fd6fa1fa2b52d so it does not error out. 20:58:22
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)No worries, trading m time for mind share is usually a high yield tradeoff 🀣21:00:21
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanthen I'm happy to help and be helped πŸ˜€21:01:07
In reply to @blaggacao:matrix.org
This makes aaef1cbefa3827d759d5a75c000fd6fa1fa2b52d so it does not error out.
well, it does not but the output isn't right

without the overlaysBuilder

β”œβ”€β”€β”€overlay: Nixpkgs overlay
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€β”€aarch64-linux
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€β”€i686-linux
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€β”€x86_64-darwin
β”‚   └───x86_64-linux
└───pkgs: unknown
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @fufexan:matrix.org
well, it does not but the output isn't right
Hehe, yeah. That's beyond my responsability, though πŸ˜‚
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)But that's where Pacman helped πŸ‘οΈ21:02:44
@fufexan:matrix.orgfufexanthat's right, thank you both!21:02:59
6 Jul 2021
@timdeh:matrix.org@timdeh:matrix.org David Arnold: hows the patch polyfill coming along? I'd like to test with a nixpkgs PR 18:27:53
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)
In reply to @timdeh:matrix.org
David Arnold: hows the patch polyfill coming along? I'd like to test with a nixpkgs PR
I wasn't yet able to trick nix into accepting an impure builds env where patch binary would be externally supplied. I kind of assume this must be possible since this is how I understand the nixpkgs itself sets up the stdenv, well at least /bin/sh.
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Applying them patches via an overlay is currently my best bet: https://www.github.com/blaggacao/devos/tree/main/flake.nix, but there is also pkgs.applyPatches which depends on stdenvNoCC. Yesterday, I was looking into how I could build that stdenvNoCC artificially to expose that function only, bit didn't make it to a conclusion, yet. 19:02:08
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* Applying them patches via an overlay is currently my best bet: https://www.github.com/blaggacao/devos/tree/main/flake.nix, but there is also `pkgs.applyPatches` which depends on `stdenvNoCC`. Yesterday, I was looking into how I could build that `stdenvNoCC` artificially to expose that function only, but didn't make it to a conclusion, yet.19:02:44
@spacesbot:nixos.devspacesbot - keeps a log of public NixOS channels changed their display name from spacesbot to spacesbot - keeps a log of public NixOS channels.22:11:39

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