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14 Jul 2024
@p14:matrix.orgp14woot https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/06/drm-lease-protocol-support-finally-merged-for-gnome-wayland-great-for-vr-fans/. Is there a straightforward way to run the prerelease mutter without running prerelease everything? Or is this just going to be too cursed?17:26:45
15 Jul 2024
@okamis:matrix.org@okamis:matrix.org left the room.09:16:27
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnar
In reply to @p14:matrix.org
woot https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/06/drm-lease-protocol-support-finally-merged-for-gnome-wayland-great-for-vr-fans/.

Is there a straightforward way to run the prerelease mutter without running prerelease everything? Or is this just going to be too cursed?
You would have to try. I would start with mutter and gnome-shell overlay and add more stuff until it builds – it migh t not be that many or it might be ton of work.
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan TojnarOr you can try checking meson.build files of the projects for version bounds23:33:54
16 Jul 2024
@getchoo:matrix.orggetchoo joined the room.08:25:03
@semsinchenko:matrix.org@semsinchenko:matrix.org changed their display name from Semyon to Sem.12:45:07
@semsinchenko:matrix.org@semsinchenko:matrix.org left the room.12:45:47
In reply to @jtojnar:matrix.org
You would have to try. I would start with mutter and gnome-shell overlay and add more stuff until it builds – it migh t not be that many or it might be ton of work.
I actually had some pretty quick success and got steamvr running under wayland. Had to revert some patches and hack some pieces out but wasnt too much effort. The main path worked but there were some crashy paths.
17 Jul 2024
@flashgnash:matrix.orgflashgnash set a profile picture.13:17:05
@flashgnash:matrix.orgflashgnash changed their profile picture.13:17:23
@setunset:matrix.orgFreeVariableIs there a way to peramently disable "Key sequence to kill X server"?16:55:05
@setunset:matrix.orgFreeVariableCapture d’écran du 2024-07-17 18-53-42.png
Download Capture d’écran du 2024-07-17 18-53-42.png
@setunset:matrix.orgFreeVariable* Is there a way to permanently disable "Key sequence to kill X server"?16:55:17
In reply to@jtojnar:matrix.org
I guess you could set /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options to an empty array with dconf module as a workaround
This key already is set to an empty array
@setunset:matrix.orgFreeVariable* This key already is set to an empty array, probably as per my unticking the checkbox. The issue is that it ticks itself back from time to time when rebuilding.16:58:47
In reply to @setunset:matrix.org
This key already is set to an empty array

In your home-manager configuration, add:

  dconf.settings = {
    "org/gnome/desktop/input-sources" = {
      "xkb-options" = lib.gvariant.mkEmptyArray lib.gvariant.type.string;

Setting it in my main configuration.nix didn't work for some reason. However, home-manager's configuration works.

18 Jul 2024
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarit should work in NixOS too (the syntax will be different though). IIRC, gnome-settings-daemon takes the value from X config (in which NixOS module adds kill X server shortcut) when the config value is not present in the dconf database but there might be a bug where it also re-sets it if it exists but is merely empty07:20:12
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan TojnarLooking at the source, it indeed does not distinguish between being unset (and thus defaulting to empty string), and being set to an empty string: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon/-/blob/a41725fd553df8ffa14117a8371e769ed16160ee/plugins/keyboard/gsd-keyboard-manager.c#L419-42007:24:56
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnar FreeVariable: opened https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon/-/merge_requests/373, feel free to test 07:59:53
@thisisliam:one.ems.host@thisisliam:one.ems.host changed their profile picture.10:54:22
@thisisliam:one.ems.host@thisisliam:one.ems.host changed their profile picture.10:54:38
@thisisliam:one.ems.host@thisisliam:one.ems.host changed their profile picture.10:54:55
@thisisliam:one.ems.host@thisisliam:one.ems.host changed their profile picture.10:56:25
@thisisliam:one.ems.host@thisisliam:one.ems.host changed their profile picture.11:00:02
@feel_stool:matrix.orgfeel_stool joined the room.16:14:04
@sofo:matrix.orgSofie (AWAY) removed their display name Sofie.16:37:33
@sofo:matrix.orgSofie (AWAY) set their display name to Sofie (AWAY).16:37:42
23 Jul 2024
@ezzobirbezziou:matrix.orgEzzobir Bezziou joined the room.08:22:59
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:15:07

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