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12 Mar 2023
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonworks like hitting the 'z' key20:10:24
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaif you hit rec20:10:24
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonthat I haven't tried, I'm not familiar with milkytracker20:10:43
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson * milkytracker can read from my MIDI controller20:10:52
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonok, just tried it, and it works20:11:45
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonby hitting the rec button20:11:57
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinawhy does nothing work for me .-.20:12:03
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonbefore that, I changed the I/O driver to Jack20:12:09
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonnot sure if it works using the ALSA or SDL driver20:12:20
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinayeah I did that as well20:12:28
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI think it only works on jack20:12:38
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinait doesn't even have any in jack connections20:13:09
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonI have this setup:20:13:50
Download 20230312_21h13m44s_grim.png
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonthe RtMidi Input is Milkytracker20:14:13
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI connected that manually and it works20:15:21
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinadid you make the connection manually?20:15:41
In reply to @rampoina:matrix.org
did you make the connection manually?
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI would have never guessed that rtmidi was MilkyTracker lol20:15:58
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonnow to write Pipewire Lua scripts so that it connects automatically 🙃20:16:00
In reply to @rampoina:matrix.org
I would have never guessed that rtmidi was MilkyTracker lol
I just restarted the app to check that it disappeared / reappeared
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina Minijackson: thanks! 20:16:22
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaone less thing20:16:24
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
now to write Pipewire Lua scripts so that it connects automatically 🙃
and package them as flakes
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI haven't written Pipewire Lua scripts yet20:21:07
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI didn't even know it could do that20:21:12
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonI just did one, so that my microphone gets recognized as mono, and not stereo20:21:42
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonso people's right ear doesn't feel lonely20:21:55

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