
NixOS Audio

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12 Mar 2023
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina Minijackson: nice controller btw :P 20:24:55
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI just have this digital piano https://www.casio.com/intl/electronic-musical-instruments/product.CDP-S100BK/20:26:37
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinadoesn't have many controller features but my choice was limited because I wanted to make it fit under my desk20:27:02
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinawith a drawer :)20:27:06
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonseems good!20:27:17
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonI miss 88keys20:27:21
@ckie:ckie.devckie (they/them)i'm desperate for more midi cc pedals & knobs and a working xenharmonic tuning piano synth i can run on nixos22:59:47
@ckie:ckie.devckie (they/them) * i'm desperate for more midi cc pedals & knobs and a working xenharmonic tuning piano synth i can run on nixos 23:00:23
@ckie:ckie.devckie (they/them)pianoteq is nice as a synth generally but i am not ready to fork out that much money23:01:54
@ckie:ckie.devckie (they/them) * pianoteq is nice as a synth generally but i am not ready to fork over that much money23:01:57
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaan opensource pianoteq would be a godsent23:09:32
@ckie:ckie.devckie (they/them)i agree so so much23:18:16
@ckie:ckie.devckie (they/them) * i agree so so much 💜23:18:23
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI'm trying aeolus on NixOS23:22:11
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinawhere is the interface??23:22:15
Download Screenshot_20230313_002313.png
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinait's missing the main screen with the organ controls23:24:17
[rampoina@nixos:~]$ aeolus -J
Can't open 'stops/Aeolus/definition' for reading
Can't open 'stops/Aeolus/presets' for reading
Can't open 'stops/Aeolus/presets' for writing
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaseems broken23:29:56
14 Mar 2023
@ckie:ckie.devckie (they/them) changed their display name from ckie (they/them) to ckie (they/them; heavily limited keyboard usage, dictation or voice only).01:08:44
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.nopbsds joined the room.13:10:27
@carlthome:matrix.orgCarl Thomé joined the room.21:44:23
@pjhenning:matrix.orgpjhenningHello, I've been hacking on a variant of the ossia score package definition from this pr: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/174802 to get a working build of master running on aarch64 and with ysfx integration, would this matrix room be a good place to discuss if/how I can contribute to this pr, or is it better to do so via the comments section of the pr?23:49:32
15 Mar 2023
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonHey, absolutely! I've been meaning to get back to this PR, but haven't had the time06:57:04
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonHappy to hear someone else is interested06:57:21
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathis program does like everything06:58:25
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaseems cool although I don't quite understand what it's for06:58:57
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonI think it's basically to make a show07:27:39
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksona visual show linked in some way to the audio07:27:53

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