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17 Mar 2023
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin
In reply to @rampoina:matrix.org
is that required?
* no afaik. zrythm --reset-to-factory basically does the same as dconf reset by using gsettings directly.
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin btw just updated zrythm again https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/221681 magnetophon tshaynik 17:29:03
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI just see the dconf warnings17:30:40
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina (zrythm:651848): dconf-WARNING **: 18:30:29.745: (dconf_engine_change_completed:1268): failed to commit changes to dconf: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name ca.desrt.dconf was not provided by any .service file 17:31:08
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin Rampoina: hm try installing dconf, and see what happens 17:31:37
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yinoh nvm17:31:55
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yinit is a zrythm dependency already17:32:05
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinadoesn't seem to work inside a shell with dconf either17:32:11
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI'm using KDE17:32:45
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yinso i suppose there is something going on with the service file17:33:46
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson dconf uses dbus for communication, so there needs to be a systemd user service file installed for it 17:34:35
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson IIRC, in NixOS, you can set programs.dconf.enable = true; 17:35:07
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina I've added services.dbus.packages = [ pkgs.zrythm ]; 17:40:15
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinasame errors17:40:19
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinadbus is active and running17:40:52
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonI meant that the dconf service should be installed17:42:01
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
IIRC, in NixOS, you can set programs.dconf.enable = true;
yeah ok my fault I was placing this on the wrong section
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinawith this it works17:44:26
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinabut ughh17:44:30
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinacan't the package do that?17:44:35
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson the package itself cannot install things into /etc/systemd/user 17:44:57
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonbut a NixOS module could do that17:45:04
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
IIRC, in NixOS, you can set programs.dconf.enable = true;
Rampoina: are you on NixOS? i have that enabled so that might be why i cant reproduce your issue
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson e.g.: programs.zrythm.enable = true; 17:45:21
In reply to @yuu:matrix.org
Rampoina: are you on NixOS? i have that enabled so that might be why i cant reproduce your issue
yes but I didn't have this enabled
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinano idea how I should know if the package doesn't tell me17:45:42
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathat's like really shitty UX17:45:48
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonyou could open an issue upstream, asking if it would be possible to check that dconf is installed and running17:46:26
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
e.g.: programs.zrythm.enable = true;
let me see...

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