
NixOS Audio

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26 Feb 2023
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksondo you see your mic using pavucontrol ? Is your mic "connected" to firefox (you can see that by using carla for ex.)11:52:50
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin

Minijackson: oh cool. this might be something on my setup then. i documented my issue on https://matrix.to/#/!HYUobyZMSPKrlDZHzZ:mozilla.org/$J-4P7juwJdU_Jj5AWvIgoeVuCIvI0Oz3gsPFlet_sT0?via=mozilla.org&via=matrix.org&via=igalia.com

i will forward the comments, just a coment

@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin *

Minijackson: oh cool. this might be something on my setup then. i documented my issue on https://matrix.to/#/!HYUobyZMSPKrlDZHzZ:mozilla.org/$J-4P7juwJdU_Jj5AWvIgoeVuCIvI0Oz3gsPFlet_sT0?via=mozilla.org&via=matrix.org&via=igalia.com

i will forward the comments, just a moment

@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin

Microphone issues. On Linux, using pipewire and pipewire-pulse. Firefox 110.0 (64-bit), stock/default profile.

Microphone works on https://mozilla.github.io/webrtc-landing/gum_test.html, although it seems there is a non-ideal filter, noise reduction going which "cuts" my voice.

Microphone does NOT work on meet.jit.si, app.element.io, etc. When I check with pulsemixer and/or helvum, I see Firefox connects to the correct audio source (the microphone/input), but at "best" I hear some noise on the other device.

This is also an issue on Chromium, with the additional issue that on it the GUM test does not work. So it is not a Firefox specific issue, but a Web browser issue?

When I capture/record the mic with a native system app (e.g. ffmpeg -f pulse -i my-mic) it works okay.

@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin2023-02-22T17-45-52UTC.png
Download 2023-02-22T17-45-52UTC.png
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu YinThis is how Firefox connects to the audio source/mic in meet.jit.si. It's the same for the gum test.11:53:59
@mindtree:matrix.orgmindtreeI’ve been using pipewire + Firefox + jitsi without issue fwiw (not sure about pipewire-pulse)11:54:00
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonthat's weird11:55:00
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonspecific webapps on firefox are not working ? Have you tried other things on firefox (like call.element.io, or bigbluebutton if you have access to an instance)11:55:55
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonor on Chrome ?11:55:59
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin
In reply to @mindtree:matrix.org
I’ve been using pipewire + Firefox + jitsi without issue fwiw (not sure about pipewire-pulse)

nice, so it is really an issue on my end/setup. i do not have any config files on ~/.config/pipewire or ~/.config/pulse. my nix audio config is

  # Disable ALSA.
  sound.enable = false;

  # Disable PulseAudio sound server.
  hardware.pulseaudio.enable = false;

  # PipeWire
  # (rtkit is optional but recommended)
  security.rtkit.enable = true;
  services.pipewire = {
    enable = true;

    jack = {
      enable = true;

    pulse = {
      enable = true;

    alsa = {
      enable = false;
      support32Bit = true;

    wireplumber = {
      enable = true;
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonit seems pretty close to what I have12:03:21
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson I just don't have the alsa.support32bit, but it shouldn't matter for Firefox 12:03:48
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonI'm also using pipewire from the unstable channel, not sure if it changes things12:04:14
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
specific webapps on firefox are not working ? Have you tried other things on firefox (like call.element.io, or bigbluebutton if you have access to an instance)
on firefox with a clean/stock profile, i just tried call.element.io and web.whatsapp.com. same issue. on firefox, only https://mozilla.github.io/webrtc-landing/gum_test.html has worked so far.
@mindtree:matrix.orgmindtreeMy profile is also very similar I think (though I don't have rtkit or wireplumber enabled). I'm also on GNOME - not sure if the desktop audio routing has anything to do with it?12:20:48
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
I just don't have the alsa.support32bit, but it shouldn't matter for Firefox
i disabled alsa there, so i suppose it would not make a difference. but i had tested with alsa enabled as well, and had same issue (ofc, like you said, firefox only supports pulse, so alsa should not make a difference). do you have alsa enabled anyway?
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin
In reply to @mindtree:matrix.org
My profile is also very similar I think (though I don't have rtkit or wireplumber enabled). I'm also on GNOME - not sure if the desktop audio routing has anything to do with it?
i should try it on gnome on a clean /home/user. i'm suspect something might be going on on my xmonad / user profile
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
I'm also using pipewire from the unstable channel, not sure if it changes things
i'm on unstable as well.
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksoncan you try on a NixOS live USB ?12:23:56
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijacksonthe GNOME live CD should be using PipeWire + Wireplumber, since it's the default when installing12:24:20
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson(if not, you can make your own ISOs)12:24:43
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin Minijackson: oh true, i'll try that. downloading the ISO right now 12:26:11
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin

Minijackson: i just tried with nixos-gnome-22.11.2720.50c23cd4ff6-x86_64-linux.iso

didn't work either. i tested on meet.jit.si and web.whatsapp.com. again, only https://mozilla.github.io/webrtc-landing/gum_test.html kinda worked

@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yinso i suppose this is a nixos/driver issue idk. i remember on Arch Linux it worked. I'll have to grab an Ubuntu, etc ... ISO to test it13:37:53
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yinjust for reference, the pipewire and pulse /etc configs are13:38:38
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin * just for reference, nixos-gnome-22.11.2720.50c23cd4ff6-x86_64-linux.iso pipewire and pulse /etc configs are13:38:48
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu YinDownload nixos-gnome-22.11.2720.50c23cd4ff6-x86_64-linux-etc-pipewire-pulse.tar13:39:28
In reply to @yuu:matrix.org
sent a file.
oops, this contains only symlinks
@yuu:matrix.orgYuu Yin Minijackson: oh no facepalm i legit tar --create --file. i suppose i should have added another option for directories 13:46:55

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