
NixOS Audio

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27 Jan 2024
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
you have to have this kind of config: https://github.com/musnix/musnix/blob/master/modules/base.nix#L77-L82
Oh right, I forgot about that part! Thanks again!

Is it a bad idea to make my musical collaborators use NixOS for working on projects together? 🤔

I've had issues in the past when me and a collaborator try to work on the same ardour project file - the problem is we don't have all the same plugins, which need to be manually installed to the same version.

@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubNIX IS basically completely solves this problem... But it's not something I would generally suggest to anyone that's not like already a super-technical open source nerd16:37:12
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.club* NixOS basically completely solves this problem... But it's not something I would generally suggest to anyone that's not like already a super-technical open source nerd. But I feel like just using my config isn't too much to ask. But they'll probably have to use it through WSL....16:37:55
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubDunno if this is a good idea or a highly efficient frustration generator for my band16:38:31
@tacocatgirl:catgirl.cloud@tacocatgirl:catgirl.cloud joined the room.21:44:12
28 Jan 2024
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubI think my bandmates can handle it, they're tech-savvy. I think we'll try it and it should become clear whether NixOS is actually helping in this situation or becoming more of a hindrance due to the technical overhead.02:26:31
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinago for it, Nix band!05:27:39
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathere was this DAW that was trying to solve this problem05:28:12
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI forgot the name05:28:22
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubSo I decided to use musnix as a flake (to avoid the state associated with channels or cloning), and doing so had the effect of downgrading my ardour version from 8 to 7 🤔06:39:37
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubI guess that must mean that the flake input chain pins that version somewhere?06:41:03
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.cluboof Ardour got broken in other ways too... Seems to have had JACK support removed completely. I'm gonna delete this flake and try the install via clone.07:16:47
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubProbably I'm misusing the flake since this was my first attempt at using them.07:17:28
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson that's weird, how did you import the flake, symys ? 08:20:58
@Minijackson:matrix.orgMinijackson reading the README, it should not have an impact on your nixpkgs version 08:21:26
In reply to @Minijackson:matrix.org
that's weird, how did you import the flake, symys ?
I had created a flake from scratch, in /etc/nixos/, that was a combination of a basic system configuration flake from the NixOS Wiki and the flake given for installation in the musnix repo. I may have also downloaded the flake.lock from the repo, I feel like that was wrong. I deleted all that and copied the installation flake to /etc/nixos/flake.nix. Ardour seems to be working properly with pipewire, and is the correct version now, but it still can't find some of the plugins I installed in my config.
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubIDK, I think I have a full plugin suite without Calf, although I like those plugins. I might just do without them for now.22:12:30
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubI don't want to have to do any kind of stateful configuration.22:12:47
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubHmm, not actually able to get sound from my audio interface, though pipewire can clearly stat it and I can route audio around successfully to other devices 🤔23:09:57
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubSo far PipeWire is not coming across as the improvement upon JACK it was sold to me as23:10:46
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubJACK can understand my audio interface and is aware of its sample rate....23:11:19
31 Jan 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.03:36:41
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.06:22:17
@chocolatestrawberry:matrix.org@chocolatestrawberry:matrix.org changed their profile picture.19:02:46
@chocolatestrawberry:matrix.org@chocolatestrawberry:matrix.org changed their profile picture.19:03:26
@tacocatgirl:catgirl.cloud@tacocatgirl:catgirl.cloud changed their profile picture.21:54:16
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubYeahhhh I'm gonna switch back to JACK, after asking about the issue in the PipeWire matrix.org room and reading some docs, this is probably going to be a huge issue to fix.21:57:50
@fractivore:cyberia.club@fractivore:cyberia.clubI didn't realize PipeWire only got its first stable release in November. Somebody was recommending it to me before that like it was all ready.21:58:22
1 Feb 2024
@timlepes:humble.hostTim joined the room.03:20:54

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