
Nix Documentation

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12 Jul 2021
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan TojnarI also looked into https://github.com/jgm/lunamark (lua should be small enough hopefully)23:49:38
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarlooks pretty nice but that does not support commonmark23:49:55
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmperhaps the answer is to make a fork of either cmark or cmark-gfm.23:51:12
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnaryeah, but that would be even more work23:51:35
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmOr maybe convince the cmark people to add a better extensibility mechanism.23:51:35
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarso at the moment, it feels to me like the MyST is the best choice effort-wise23:51:58
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmYeah, that makes sense. I think I'm probably going to keep following the less pragmatic approach of making mmdoc though because I like it.23:52:42
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmEven if it can't be adopted for nixpkgs, I believe it could be a useful tool.23:53:15
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarso the manpage directive is primarily motivated by the NixOS options description, which I intend to convert to markdown soon23:59:21
13 Jul 2021
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan TojnarIMO, it is too much effort for description authors to look for online versions of the man pages00:00:27
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarbut for the common ones, it makes sense to link them (and we can do that automatically if we know it is a manpage)00:01:00
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnar ryantm: I guess alternative would be just checking all inline codes if they match a known manpage 00:03:43
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmWhat if we use the CommonMark syntax for links referenced in multiple places but "magically" populate it from outside?00:05:11
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantm Like [][tmpfiles.d(5)] 00:05:58
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarthat lacks the fallback when no link is present00:06:28
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarso it would be even more magic (e.g. in github rendering)00:07:02
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarhmm, I guess the xrefs do too00:07:45
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarfinally got the db-to-md conversion script to work – even forces pandoc to use fenced code blocks00:13:27
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnar * you did good job, but the API will not allow you do much better00:30:07
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnar * you did good job, but the API will not allow you to do much better00:30:15
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnar ryantm: one of the reasons I want to do high-fidelity db-to-md is that we still have not decided on the set of features we want to support 00:42:28
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarif we carry over as much as possible, we can then decide we do not want to have manpage links00:43:02
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarbut if we drop them in conversion, it will be PITA to add them back00:43:23
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnareventually, I want to make a RFC evaluating each feature individually, based on different criteria00:46:55
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarbut until then, I want to preserve everything that is reasonably simple to preserve00:47:38
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmSounds good.00:55:03
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnar ryantm: I want to recommend the db-to-md script from the PR instead of manual pandoc+prettier invocation 00:58:31
@jtojnar:matrix.orgJan Tojnarnow that we convinced pandoc to use fenced code blocks, we should not even need prettier00:59:34
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmMaybe we could avoid "footnote" link magic, but aggregating the "footnote" links across the whole set of documents.01:00:16
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantm By "footnote" link, I mean the [link][1] ones 01:00:36

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