
Nix Documentation

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10 Oct 2024
In reply to @brunbjerg:matrix.org

Hello community,

Is there a kind of roadmap for the documentation?

Or a place that is the most in need of updating?

Kind regards

The most up to date that we have in terms of global vision: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/a-roadmap-for-the-documentation-ecosystem/42328
In reply to @johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.host
One of the big painpoints also the multipage rendering. getpsyched Working on that. afaik.
Other painpoint is that we have so many entry points, (nixos-, nixpkgs-, nix- manual, nix.dev)
This adds a whole new dimension, but could be solved with a smart navigation system on a single static website.
* Unifying everything in terms of navigation is not even an insurmountable technical or design problem — in fact we’ll hopefully soon be able to make some good progress on the design, end of November at the ZHF hackathon in Zurich — but it’s actually blocked on unclear ownership (Is the marketing team still fully operational? Last time I tried to reduce the number of sources of truth it got blocked, but we rarely see activity otherwise.) and a lack of people with enough availability to implement decisions once they’re made.
@johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.hostJohannes Kirschbauer @hsjobekiMaybe it would Help If we could ask for Money. Like CTF, each task gets a reward of lets say 1k-2k or sth. We have the Vision, the milestones. Just Lack of Motivation from enough people. 10:52:08
@johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.hostJohannes Kirschbauer @hsjobekiMaybe we can raise a pot of Money for all the Framework and infra refactoring Tasks. 10:59:59
@p4cmanus3r:matrix.orgp4cmanus3r joined the room.13:26:17
In reply to @johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.host
Maybe we can raise a pot of Money for all the Framework and infra refactoring Tasks.

Yes, we can put up a funding goal on https://opencollective.com/nixos/projects/nix-documentation

Just need to define concrete, achievable deliverables.

@requiem33:matrix.orgrequiem33 joined the room.22:40:04
15 Oct 2024
@detroyejr:matrix.orgdetroyejr joined the room.02:55:49
@pyrox:pyrox.devdish [Fox/It/She] joined the room.03:21:33
@marshmallow:althaea.zonemarshmallow joined the room.06:17:43
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulus joined the room.07:45:33
@unaboomer_:matrix.orgunaboomer_ joined the room.08:11:17
17 Oct 2024
@tiagod:matrix.orgtdillenburg changed their display name from tiagod to tdillenburg.01:41:41
@dmills27:matrix.orgDominic Mills set a profile picture.17:15:08
@ronef:matrix.orgronefHey, every NixCon I do a collaborative "State of the Union" where folks from various efforts/teams come share a slide for two minutes and a call to action. Thought to check if someone from the docs team might be interested and is coming to NixCon!20:55:27
19 Oct 2024
@jwillikers:matrix.orgjwillikers joined the room.12:09:32
@mwoodpatrickmx:matrix.orgmwoodpatrickmx joined the room.17:01:01
22 Oct 2024
@willbush:matrix.orgwillbush changed their profile picture.09:29:11
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgLEGO® Worm™ joined the room.12:16:59
@reloner:matrix.orgOleg Kaminskiy joined the room.23:46:10
23 Oct 2024
@brunbjerg:matrix.orgChristian Brunbjerg

It seems that I need to study the documentation more before, I can contribute.

I will donate to the Nix Documentation team as a first step.

Also, I have been reading through the dev.nix and of the parts that I have read I think does a really good job!

I may have visited nix.dev before, if I had it was not clear to me that nix.dev serves as an entrypoint for all the other documentation sources.

Also, the fact that when you go to nixos.org and from the main page are not 100% certain where the main documentation site is, seems to me a pressing point (what do you guys think?). Ideally we should be directing as much trafic through nix.dev as possible when people are looking for documentation?ronef

@brunbjerg:matrix.orgChristian Brunbjerg * It seems that I need to study the documentation more before, I can contribute.
I will donate to the Nix Documentation team as a first step.
Also, I have been reading through the dev.nix and of the parts that I have read I think does a really good job!
I may have visited nix.dev before, if I had it was not clear to me that nix.dev serves as an entrypoint for all the other documentation sources.
Also, the fact that when you go to nixos.org and from the main page are not 100% certain where the main documentation site is, seems to me a pressing point (what do you guys think?). Ideally we should be directing as much trafic through nix.dev as possible when people are looking for documentation?
24 Oct 2024
In reply to @ronef:matrix.org
Hey, every NixCon I do a collaborative "State of the Union" where folks from various efforts/teams come share a slide for two minutes and a call to action. Thought to check if someone from the docs team might be interested and is coming to NixCon!
Johannes Kirschbauer @hsjobeki: do you want to add something about doc comments last minute?
@johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.hostJohannes Kirschbauer @hsjobekiUh i didnt plan. But it would be so nice to call for help with the Last Bits of migration 08:41:00
@johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.hostJohannes Kirschbauer @hsjobeki @ronef:matrix.org: i am going on train now. A little Community effort to finish with doc-comments migration would be so nice. Its been a huge milestone and is actually very easy. But a lot of handwork is required. I could make a little guide for how to do it with the hope that some people are willing to jump in for the missing mile 08:44:07
In reply to @brunbjerg:matrix.org
It seems that I need to study the documentation more before, I can contribute.
I will donate to the Nix Documentation team as a first step.
Also, I have been reading through the dev.nix and of the parts that I have read I think does a really good job!
I may have visited nix.dev before, if I had it was not clear to me that nix.dev serves as an entrypoint for all the other documentation sources.
Also, the fact that when you go to nixos.org and from the main page are not 100% certain where the main documentation site is, seems to me a pressing point (what do you guys think?). Ideally we should be directing as much trafic through nix.dev as possible when people are looking for documentation?

Thanks a lot for the financial support!!

And adding clearer pointers to documentation from nixos.org would certainly help

@ronef:matrix.orgronef Johannes Kirschbauer @hsjobeki: see if there's anything you'd want to add here about it
Are you going to be around at NixCon?
@johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.hostJohannes Kirschbauer @hsjobeki
In reply to @ronef:matrix.org
Johannes Kirschbauer @hsjobeki: see if there's anything you'd want to add here about it
Are you going to be around at NixCon?
Yes i will be there starting from today 6pm
@johannes.kirschbauer:scs.ems.hostJohannes Kirschbauer @hsjobeki @fricklerhandwerk:matrix.org: do we want to add nix-documentation team Slide? There was quite some stuff Happening this year. Stuff for reference documentation - Jan noogle 2024 released - doc-comments now implemented in nix-repl (roberth ported from lix i think) - Infra / Domain Changed (you did this i think with roberth) - multi Version nix Manual - nix.dev (i dont know what Majors happened there) ... Maybe we should sit down and Filter Out the important stuff? 09:26:55
@ronef:matrix.orgronefHappy for you to have a slide and take ~2 minutes for doc team updates and call to actions09:28:18

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