
Nix Documentation

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23 Sep 2024
@fricklerhandwerk:matrix.orgfricklerhandwerk * Sure. But adding checks as a first step is not wrong, it will prevent things from falling apart and gives us time to think 21:03:56
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem * I don't think lychee check should be a blocker anywhere, it should just be like warnings/report.21:04:11
@fricklerhandwerk:matrix.orgfricklerhandwerk * Sure. But adding checks as a first step is not wrong, it will prevent things from falling apart while we're thinking 21:04:21
In reply to @fricklerhandwerk:matrix.org
(nix.dev has link checking and it regularly messes up builds because someone stops tolerating us hitting them)
ok, linkcheck from sphinx. my experience with lychee with github urls even with github_token provided will still result in flaky 403 errors, I wonder how linkcheck is working fine
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem also the redirect are good to know I guess, they can also be fixed. 21:12:10
In reply to @fricklerhandwerk:matrix.org
Sure. But adding checks as a first step is not wrong, it will prevent things from falling apart while we're thinking
do you mean checks like this sphinx/linkcheck?
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemdoes it work outside of sphinx?21:13:27
In reply to @phanirithvij:matrix.org
does it work outside of sphinx?
No, nix.dev linkchecks are pure Sphinix
In reply to @phanirithvij:matrix.org
does it work outside of sphinx?
* No, nix.dev linkchecks are pure Sphinx
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemI think scheduled gha is the way to go for external links21:15:30
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemam I right in assuming nix+nixpkgs+nixos manuals and wiki.nixos.org have a lot of overlap in people contributing?21:16:55
In reply to @phanirithvij:matrix.org
am I right in assuming nix+nixpkgs+nixos manuals and wiki.nixos.org have a lot of overlap in people contributing?
Eh, not that much. There are like 2-3 regular contributors who have touched all of them, but otherwise these are mostly disjoint groups as far as I can tell
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemmaybe a single gha which checks external links among all manuals + home-pages + wiki-dump could work?21:19:23
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemwait, need to think about rate-limits as well. 21:19:32
In reply to @phanirithvij:matrix.org
am I right in assuming nix+nixpkgs+nixos manuals and wiki.nixos.org have a lot of overlap in people contributing?

Eh, not that much. There are like 2-3 regular contributors who have touched all of them, but otherwise these are mostly disjoint groups as far as I can tell.

I mean, it's complicated. Define "a lot". There's not that many people working on documentation overall.

@fricklerhandwerk:matrix.orgfricklerhandwerk *

Eh, not that much. There are like 2-3 regular contributors who have touched all of them, but otherwise these are mostly disjoint groups as far as I can tell. I may be wrong.

I mean, it's complicated. Define "a lot". There's not that many people working on documentation overall.

@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemI found wiki to be easier to contribute to definitely21:21:24
In reply to @phanirithvij:matrix.org
maybe a single gha which checks external links among all manuals + home-pages + wiki-dump could work?
They all have very different update cycles, and running the checks in some other location from where the source is modified will just lead to people having to jump hoops. Had that with the Nix manual, please don't.
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemok so gha per repo then, tested on corresponding stable manuals and sites and each repo can adjust the run frequency per its release cycle21:25:43
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemthis doesn't need an rfc does it?21:28:50

I'm also interested in things like this https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-ecosystem-mind-map/28682/17
mindmaps, landscape, map-of-github, awesome-lists etc.

  • are the graphviz graphs in that thread maintained anywhere? say in some unofficial toy repo?
  • also nixos-landscape has been offline for a long time, that's a bummer

Another thing I'm interested in is to visualize/map nixpkgs health, i.e. how many packages are fresh, maintainer activity, most maintainted packages, packages without maintainers, long inactive maintainers etc. all of these clearly visible somewhere like nixpkgs.health. I see rfc 180 which adresses a few of these.

@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem *

I'm also interested in things like this https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-ecosystem-mind-map/28682/17
mindmaps, landscape, map-of-github, awesome-lists etc.

  • are the graphviz graphs in that thread maintained anywhere? say in some unofficial toy repo?
  • also nixos-landscape has been offline for quite a while, that's a bummer

Another thing I'm interested in is to visualize/map nixpkgs health, i.e. how many packages are fresh, maintainer activity, most maintainted packages, packages without maintainers, long inactive maintainers etc. all of these clearly visible somewhere like nixpkgs.health. I see rfc 180 which adresses a few of these.

@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem *

I'm also interested in things like this https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-ecosystem-mind-map/28682/17
mindmaps, landscape, map-of-github, awesome-lists etc.

  • are the graphviz graphs in that thread maintained anywhere? say in some unofficial toy repo?
  • also nixos-landscape has been unreachable for quite a while, that's a bummer

Another thing I'm interested in is to visualize/map nixpkgs health, i.e. how many packages are fresh, maintainer activity, most maintainted packages, packages without maintainers, long inactive maintainers etc. all of these clearly visible somewhere like nixpkgs.health. I see rfc 180 which adresses a few of these.

@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem *

I'm also interested in things like this https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-ecosystem-mind-map/28682/17
mindmaps, landscape, map-of-github, awesome-lists etc.

  • are the graphviz graphs in that thread maintained anywhere? say in some unofficial toy repo?
  • also nixos-landscape has been inaccesible for quite a while, that's a bummer

Another thing I'm interested in is to visualize/map nixpkgs health, i.e. how many packages are fresh, maintainer activity, most maintainted packages, packages without maintainers, long inactive maintainers etc. all of these clearly visible somewhere like nixpkgs.health. I see rfc 180 which adresses a few of these.

@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem *

I'm also interested in things like this https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-ecosystem-mind-map/28682/17
mindmaps, landscape, map-of-github, awesome-lists etc.

  • are the graphviz graphs in that thread maintained anywhere? say in some unofficial personal repo?
  • also nixos-landscape has been inaccesible for quite a while, that's a bummer

Another thing I'm interested in is to visualize/map nixpkgs health, i.e. how many packages are fresh, maintainer activity, most maintainted packages, packages without maintainers, long inactive maintainers etc. all of these clearly visible somewhere like nixpkgs.health. I see rfc 180 which adresses a few of these.

@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem *

I'm also interested in things like this https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-ecosystem-mind-map/28682/17
mindmaps, landscape, map-of-github, awesome-lists etc.

  • are the graphviz graphs in that thread maintained anywhere? say in some unofficial personal repo?
  • also nixos-landscape has been inaccesible for quite a while, that's a bummer

Another thing I'm interested in is to visualize/map nixpkgs health, i.e. how many packages are fresh, maintainer activity, most maintainted packages, packages without maintainers, long time inactive maintainers etc. all of these clearly visible somewhere like nixpkgs.health. I see rfc 180 which adresses a few of these.

@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolemrepology statistics could be useful too21:41:21
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem going to bed, I'll see about the linkchecks via testers.lycheeLinkCheck across all these repos tomorrow 21:42:44
24 Sep 2024
In reply to @phanirithvij:matrix.org

I'm also interested in things like this https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nix-ecosystem-mind-map/28682/17
mindmaps, landscape, map-of-github, awesome-lists etc.

  • are the graphviz graphs in that thread maintained anywhere? say in some unofficial personal repo?
  • also nixos-landscape has been inaccesible for quite a while, that's a bummer

Another thing I'm interested in is to visualize/map nixpkgs health, i.e. how many packages are fresh, maintainer activity, most maintainted packages, packages without maintainers, long time inactive maintainers etc. all of these clearly visible somewhere like nixpkgs.health. I see rfc 180 which adresses a few of these.

For data wrangling, you may be interested in https://github.com/Nix-Security-WG/nix-security-tracker

There's a full DB model of Nixpkgs metadata and a worker for periodic evaluations. (The end game of this would be Hydra dumping all the information directly into the database for everyone to build tools around.)

In reply to @infinisil:matrix.org
ryantm: I guess especially @pennae, who has been saying a lot that nixos-render-docs can already render with multiple pages with some small changes to the code. Furthermore Johannes Kirschbauer @hsjobeki and danielsidhion who have been investigating existing docs rendering tools to see if we could maybe not roll our own tooling at all. Your PR introduces yet another custom-built tool 😅
has anything been done for rendering docs in multiple pages since this discussion?

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