
NixOS System Operations

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About system administration for running NixOS systems in production. Declaratively manage your operations. | Room recommendations: #networking:nixos.org88 Servers

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27 Aug 2024
@duckunix:matrix.orgduckunix joined the room.15:03:34
@libert.ador:matrix.orglibert.ador joined the room.21:56:18
28 Aug 2024
@armeen:matrix.orgarmeen joined the room.03:31:43
29 Aug 2024
@florens:matrix.org@florens:matrix.org joined the room.12:21:22
@florens:matrix.org@florens:matrix.org left the room.12:21:37
30 Aug 2024
@spd:robonomics.networkspd joined the room.15:55:58
@firestz:matrix.orgfirestz joined the room.20:28:40
31 Aug 2024
@shymega:one.ems.host@shymega:one.ems.host left the room.07:43:39
@tombl:matrix.orgtombl joined the room.08:27:00
@tyx:matrix.orgtyx joined the room.08:48:14
@voxxit:matrix.orgvoxxit joined the room.14:38:55
@aaron:matrix.orgaaron joined the room.17:07:42
@aaron:matrix.orgaaron https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/274052 any way to get the draupnir package unstuck? Given it's the same build as mjolnir seems like this one is mired in PR-hell. 17:08:54
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathe feedback cycle with the author is slow17:09:16
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaand what was once accepted for mjolnir is not acceptable for today's standards17:09:45
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaI have open review comments dating back to july 21st17:10:32
@aaron:matrix.orgaaronIs there no one else willing to maintain the package? I dunno how package-hijacking is taken.17:11:31
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensyou could always open another PR with the feedback addressed. if you're more responsive i don't see why you couldn't get yours across the line first, closing the other,17:27:17
@aaron:matrix.orgaaronWell, I don't know nix.17:28:08
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensthat could be problematic :)17:30:00
@aaron:matrix.orgaaronMakes it a wee bit hard, yes. :D17:33:27
1 Sep 2024
@va13:matrix.orgva13 joined the room.06:18:27
@packet_:matrix.orgpacket changed their display name from packet_ to packet.13:11:38
2 Sep 2024
@frumon:matrix.orgFrumon joined the room.10:10:43
@zenware:matrix.org@zenware:matrix.org joined the room.12:33:39
@dom:rodriguez.org.ukDom 'shymega' Rodriguez joined the room.21:57:52
3 Sep 2024
@alpha.404:matrix.orgalpha.404 joined the room.11:23:32
@magnusjurdal:matrix.orgMagnus Jurdal joined the room.11:24:47
@nicke:lundgrensjostrom.comnicke joined the room.16:27:59
4 Sep 2024
@lychee:wires.cafelychee removed their profile picture.02:52:16

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