
NixOS System Operations

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About system administration for running NixOS systems in production. Declaratively manage your operations. | Room recommendations: #networking:nixos.org88 Servers

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5 Oct 2024
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerriccoI think they found out it was some kernel tuning they had done that was the problem. But maybe that was wrong and the problem is somewhere in nixos?15:44:44
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco (also, that is an unbelievable amount of swap. Absolutely a waste lol) 15:47:56
In reply to @elvishjerricco:matrix.org
(also, that is an unbelievable amount of swap. Absolutely a waste lol)
Yes, totally obscene... I have a 1 TB NVMe drive that I am not using for anything right now, so I thought I'd dedicate it to swap. But that'll be the first to go when I need more storage.
@theelevated:matrix.orgtheelevatedI need to duplicate the same system over 30 school laptops with the same setup and settings everywhere. Would nixos be feaseable also considering every laptop need to be a little unique with hostname? 21:43:56
In reply to @theelevated:matrix.org
I need to duplicate the same system over 30 school laptops with the same setup and settings everywhere. Would nixos be feaseable also considering every laptop need to be a little unique with hostname?

I think it could be a great option here.

Basically you could configure everything once and then just set different hostnames for different machines in separate configurations. You could then generate small disk images that you can then dd onto the drives while using the option boot.growPartition to expand the rootfs to the remaining size.

In reply to @scrumplex:duckhub.io

I think it could be a great option here.

Basically you could configure everything once and then just set different hostnames for different machines in separate configurations. You could then generate small disk images that you can then dd onto the drives while using the option boot.growPartition to expand the rootfs to the remaining size.

does nix also shell bin commands? if I need want to have a elevated listener for a root ssh session and in the global file.
In reply to @scrumplex:duckhub.io

I think it could be a great option here.

Basically you could configure everything once and then just set different hostnames for different machines in separate configurations. You could then generate small disk images that you can then dd onto the drives while using the option boot.growPartition to expand the rootfs to the remaining size.

* does nix also shell bin commands? if I need want to have a elevated listener for a root ssh session in the global file.
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.orgmagic_rb changed their profile picture.22:16:52
6 Oct 2024
@raf:notashelf.devraf joined the room.12:43:02
@bytebandit:tac.lolDerivationDingus changed their display name from bytebandit to DerivationDingus.19:43:20
7 Oct 2024
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org removed their profile picture.00:05:36
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org removed their display name memegames99.00:05:47
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org left the room.00:06:01
In reply to @scrumplex:duckhub.io

I think it could be a great option here.

Basically you could configure everything once and then just set different hostnames for different machines in separate configurations. You could then generate small disk images that you can then dd onto the drives while using the option boot.growPartition to expand the rootfs to the remaining size.

I wonder, is there a more elegant way of doing this? If you build an image per system, you'll be compressing the same content a lot of times. I'd rather have one image, and an activation script that checks what mac addresses it can find on the system and then pics the hostname / activation script for the correct system. But that sounds brittle to set up. Are there any examples of doing this in a sane way?
In reply to @theelevated:matrix.org
does nix also shell bin commands? if I need want to have a elevated listener for a root ssh session and in the global file.
Your question is a little bit gibberish. Are you using some translation software? In any case: Yes, you can run sshd and add something to users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys on all hosts, so you'll be able to ssh in as root and e.g. execute nixos-rebuild.
@thunder:kotiboksi.xyzThunder joined the room.08:28:15
@mabh:matrix.orgmabh joined the room.10:19:59
@steveej0:matrix.orgsteveejdoes anyone here happen to have a disko config for EFI boot with raid0 over two drives?11:34:23

interesting, hetzner puts the EFI partition on a mdadm raid1 with their default debian installations. it seems they're doing something non-standard which is using "EFI System" as a partition type for a mdadm member:

/dev/nvme0n1p1     4096     528383     524288  256M EFI System

i'll see if disko supports creating such a layout


snippet from lsblk

nvme0n1     259:0    0   1.7T  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:2    0   256M  0 part
│ └─md0       9:0    0 255.9M  0 raid1 /boot/efi
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens Raid zero for efi? I hope you mean one, because what in the world…. 13:23:48
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens Anyway there’s `boot.loader.grub.mirroredBoots` . I haven’t used it but would investigate if I was trying to have boot redundancy 13:25:22
@lehmanator:tchncs.deSam Lehman changed their profile picture.14:24:40

I noticed today that one file in my Nix store was off. It is a YAML config file for frigate. I mounted the config file into an oci-container (using Docker, not Podman) using the following snippet:

virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."frigate".volumes = [ "${configFile}:/config/config.yml" ];

When comparing the contents of this store file with the store file I built locally it has version: 0.14 at the end of it. I assume this was added by Frigate.

I created a root shell in this container, installed a text editor but was unable to edit the file in anyway, as I would expect, so I am wondering if I am missing something here


I ran these inside of the container:

# ls -la /config/config.yml
-r--r--r-- 2 root root 2250 Sep 30 20:48 /config/config.yml
# chmod 644 /config/config.yml
chmod: changing permissions of '/config/config.yml': Read-only file system
8 Oct 2024
@monkcanatella:matrix.orgMonkCanatella joined the room.00:24:02
@neoshock604:matrix.orgLloyd Alexandre joined the room.00:57:45
@turmite:matrix.orgturmite joined the room.17:17:56
10 Oct 2024
@p4cmanus3r:matrix.orgp4cmanus3r joined the room.13:21:47
@woahitskarma:matrix.orgKarma joined the room.14:36:52

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