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16 Jul 2024
@connorbaker:matrix.orgconnor (he/him) (UTC-7)

Ah, okay.
The think addDriverRunpath.driverLink links to is /run/opengl-driver. That is in turn a symlink, created by this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/c82d9d313d5107c6ad3a92fc7d20343f45fa5ace/nixos/modules/hardware/graphics.nix#L5-L8
That derivation isn't expose except as a path, used here:
I updated my nixos config as follows, and it seems to work.

  programs.nix-required-mounts = {
    enable = true;
    presets.nvidia-gpu.enable = true;
    allowedPatterns.nvidia-gpu = {
      onFeatures = [
      # It exposes these paths in the sandbox:
      paths =
          inherit (pkgs.addOpenGLRunpath) driverLink;
          thingDriverLinkLinksTo =

Of course, that same process would need to be repeated for anything in there which is in turn a symlink (which is the purpose of unsafeFollowSymlinks, I suppose), but I'm not getting that odd systemd bin error any more.

@mkiefel:matrix.orgmkiefelHi! I trying to get an application to work with libGL on a Jetson Orin AGX. For context, I am trying to get a camera image from a device with libargus (which requires GL). I'm not on the latest from unstable; maybe that is the issue. I've already tried pre-loading various GL libs from the base image of Jetpack but to no avail. Does anybody have some pointers for me, please?19:43:27
@mkiefel:matrix.orgmkiefel* Hi! I trying to get an application to work with libGL on a Jetson Orin AGX (with Ubuntu as host linux). For context, I am trying to get a camera image from a device with libargus (which requires GL). I'm not on the latest from unstable; maybe that is the issue. I've already tried pre-loading various GL libs from the base image of Jetpack but to no avail. Does anybody have some pointers for me, please?19:44:24
In reply to@mkiefel:matrix.org
Hi! I trying to get an application to work with libGL on a Jetson Orin AGX (with Ubuntu as host linux). For context, I am trying to get a camera image from a device with libargus (which requires GL). I'm not on the latest from unstable; maybe that is the issue. I've already tried pre-loading various GL libs from the base image of Jetpack but to no avail. Does anybody have some pointers for me, please?
Man, I got it. Somehow the wrong libEGL_nvidia.so got picked up. With the right one it works. This kept me busy this afternoon. :) In any case, thanks so much for the great work on the cuda packages! I really appreciate all the work that you folks put into this.
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3)
In reply to @connorbaker:matrix.org

Ah, okay.
The think addDriverRunpath.driverLink links to is /run/opengl-driver. That is in turn a symlink, created by this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/c82d9d313d5107c6ad3a92fc7d20343f45fa5ace/nixos/modules/hardware/graphics.nix#L5-L8
That derivation isn't expose except as a path, used here:
I updated my nixos config as follows, and it seems to work.

  programs.nix-required-mounts = {
    enable = true;
    presets.nvidia-gpu.enable = true;
    allowedPatterns.nvidia-gpu = {
      onFeatures = [
      # It exposes these paths in the sandbox:
      paths =
          inherit (pkgs.addOpenGLRunpath) driverLink;
          thingDriverLinkLinksTo =

Of course, that same process would need to be repeated for anything in there which is in turn a symlink (which is the purpose of unsafeFollowSymlinks, I suppose), but I'm not getting that odd systemd bin error any more.

Answering from a phone, curt. That's the reason the module mounts the closure of hardware.opengl.package by default. If you used mkForce somewhere you.could've overridden that accidentally. The symlink branch is for non-nixos but I don't trust it. I was thinking maybe a runtime closure computation (nix-store --query --rewuisites) might be a reasonable future alternative. We'll have to come up with something stable anyway, for cdi
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3)The datacenter driver is also merged into hardware.opengl.package isn't it?20:18:10
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3) To be clear: the intention is that on nixos the user should manually list all packages in the driver's closure. If you find that you need to that's either a bug or an edge case I failed yo handle 20:19:42
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3)* To be clear: the intention is that on nixos the user shouldn't manually list all packages in the driver's closure. If you find that you need to that's either a bug or an edge case I failed yo handle20:19:53
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3)* To be clear: the intention is that on nixos the user should never have to manually list all packages in the driver's closure. If you find that you need to that's either a bug or an edge case I failed yo handle20:20:12
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3)* To be clear: the intention is that on nixos the user should never have to manually list all packages in the driver's closure. If you find that you need to that's either a bug or an edge case I failed to handle20:20:27
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3)
In reply to @mkiefel:matrix.org
Man, I got it. Somehow the wrong libEGL_nvidia.so got picked up. With the right one it works. This kept me busy this afternoon. :) In any case, thanks so much for the great work on the cuda packages! I really appreciate all the work that you folks put into this.
Thanks. Could you still tell us which libegl was the wrong one and which one is the right?
In reply to@ss:someonex.net
Thanks. Could you still tell us which libegl was the wrong one and which one is the right?
Sure. It went for /nix/store/cg66ia01r8226nr478rv2b7fffvrl4gg-xgcc-12.3.0-libgcc/lib/libEGL_nvidia.so.0 but should have picked the one in /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/tegra-egl/libEGL_nvidia.so.0. I think I need to do something like nixGL and set these libraries up when calling the executable. I am still a bit confused why setting export __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_FILENAMES=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/tegra-egl/nvidia.json didn't do the trick.
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org left the room.23:17:07
17 Jul 2024
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl changed their display name from ironbound to Professor Bin Dong.18:22:01
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl removed their profile picture.18:22:09
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl set a profile picture.18:23:57
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8) joined the room.19:07:33
18 Jul 2024
@jiashuaixu:matrix.orgJesse joined the room.09:51:27
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl changed their display name from Professor Bin Dong to Professor.22:49:10
@ironbound:hackerspace.pl@ironbound:hackerspace.pl changed their display name from Professor to P_Big.22:49:51
19 Jul 2024
@shapr:cofree.coffeeshapr joined the room.19:25:24
@fishball02:matrix.org@fishball02:matrix.org left the room.21:30:09

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