5 May 2024 |
markus.lohmayer | Isn't this a problem that comes up eg with monorepos? isn't there are simple solution then? | 17:36:44 |
guangtao | In reply to @markus.lohmayer:matrix.org Thanks for sharing your templates. While I can definitely learn something from each of them, I am still wondering how I could compile the plots if the code changed and compile the LaTeX if the TeX code or the plots changed. I don't really understand your motivation. if the plots changed just quarto rebuild the qmd dir, that's all | 17:56:04 |
guangtao | nix only used to build and control the kernels' generatation | 17:56:38 |
guangtao | also there is no reason to exec 'quarto build' inside the nix store | 17:57:46 |
markus.lohmayer | OK, I don't know quarto, that's the point. but it sounds like it is doing what I need. I will have a look | 18:21:48 |
markus.lohmayer | Ok, I already stated that I am stuck with LaTeX, so suggesting quarto, as I understand by looking at quatro.org, is not helpful. | 18:26:47 |
jbedo | fetchurl and fetchgit have postFetch which you could use to extract the paper/figure code | 22:10:11 |
6 May 2024 |
kupac | A more 20th century solution would be GNU make to not have to recalculate unchanged stuff. | 06:51:38 |
9 May 2024 |
| euro-nutella-man joined the room. | 12:29:57 |
| euro-nutella-man set a profile picture. | 13:18:43 |
| euro-nutella-man changed their profile picture. | 13:18:52 |
| euro-nutella-man changed their profile picture. | 13:19:25 |
| SomeoneSerge (Gand St. Pieters) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (Way down Hadestown) to SomeoneSerge (UTC+3). | 17:11:29 |
| Sami Liedes joined the room. | 18:37:40 |
12 May 2024 |
| @verlannow:matrix.org joined the room. | 07:21:34 |
16 May 2024 |
| @anjoletto:matrix.org left the room. | 21:04:35 |
20 May 2024 |
| @daschw:matrix.org left the room. | 20:51:38 |
21 May 2024 |
| maxwell joined the room. | 09:44:44 |
maxwell | hello | 09:44:50 |
maxwell | I was trying to get a jupyter notebook setup following [this][https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Workgroup:DataScience] wiki page | 09:45:54 |
maxwell | I needed to use python 3.9+ preferably 3.11, which is whats provided by pkgs.python3. I there for dutifuly updated the top line so that it reads pythonPackages ? pkgs.python3Packages , but it seems that a number of packages used in this recipy are not avalible in python3, firstly was ipythonwebrtc , then also pythreejs , and jupyterlab-latex | 09:48:43 |
maxwell | This is problematic. I am looking for advice on how I should proceed | 09:48:57 |
| maxwell changed their display name from maxwell.gisborne to maxwell. | 09:51:53 |
| maxwell set a profile picture. | 09:52:54 |
Felix | Packaging them in Nix is an option | 10:06:19 |
22 May 2024 |
| NixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels. | 15:26:05 |
| NixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels. | 15:28:18 |
23 May 2024 |
| lazycaaat joined the room. | 10:58:15 |
24 May 2024 |
| @lotte:chir.rs changed their profile picture. | 06:54:08 |
| Rusty joined the room. | 10:59:15 |