
Nix Data Science

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12 Feb 2024
@lunchtime:envs.netlunchtime joined the room.10:45:57
14 Feb 2024
@user_5739:matrix.orguser_5739 joined the room.12:51:42
@user_5739:matrix.orguser_5739Hello All 👋 New to NixOS here but I need to be able to run a virtual env manager like miniconda. Anybody has any successes in this regard?12:56:13
@benoitdr:matrix.orgbenoitdrI think nix-shell is what you are looking for. Personally I completely gave up conda, venv and pip since I discovered nix ;-)13:26:59
17 Feb 2024
In reply to@benoitdr:matrix.org
I think nix-shell is what you are looking for. Personally I completely gave up conda, venv and pip since I discovered nix ;-)
Interesting... I've been avoiding going out of the config file in terms of configuration. I'll try to use the nix-shell. Any guides you can recommend?
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S
In reply to @user_5739:matrix.org
Hello All 👋
New to NixOS here but I need to be able to run a virtual env manager like miniconda. Anybody has any successes in this regard?
I also use nixpkgs python3Packages as my main python distribution, but if you need conda then nix-ld + micromamba work fine
In reply to @user_5739:matrix.org
Interesting... I've been avoiding going out of the config file in terms of configuration. I'll try to use the nix-shell. Any guides you can recommend?
Follow the turorial on https://nix.dev/
19 Feb 2024
@rhizomes:matrix.orgrhizomes joined the room.04:27:41
@user_5739:matrix.orguser_5739Thank you both 🙂14:07:09
22 Feb 2024
Download image.png
@benoitdr:matrix.orgbenoitdrHi folks, I have a weird problem with jupyterlab-git extension. The diffs appear inline instead of side-by-side as it should be (and as it is with the pip package). I suspect a missing dependency in jupyterlab-git. Anyone has seen this already ? any idea ?11:56:21
23 Feb 2024
@tyberius_prime:matrix.orgTyberiusPrime changed their display name from TyberiusPrime to TyberiusPrime (possibly infected with highly specific brain worms).11:31:29
26 Feb 2024
@tyberius_prime:matrix.orgTyberiusPrime changed their display name from TyberiusPrime (possibly infected with highly specific brain worms) to TyberiusPrime (smilodon inopinatus).09:24:22
27 Feb 2024
@nerves:bark.lgbtJason Odoom joined the room.04:11:03
@nerves:bark.lgbtJason Odoomwhat version of tensorflow are you using? I seem t have problems building this when using a flake04:13:39
29 Feb 2024
@kandread_umass.edu:matrix.org@kandread_umass.edu:matrix.org changed their display name from kandread to Kostas Andreadis.17:38:06
1 Mar 2024
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberek set a profile picture.15:20:51
@mlen:hackerspace.pl@mlen:hackerspace.pl left the room.22:18:43
2 Mar 2024
@benoitdr:matrix.orgbenoitdrI spent a couple of days to look around for all kind on jupyter + nix projects, but I'm now wondering : is there any solution for reproducible jupyter lab extensions using nix ??? The unmerged PR on the wiki does not work anymore, the jupyterWith project mentions extension support as TODO, so I'm doubtful ...20:40:23
@nerves:bark.lgbtJason Odoom * what version of tensorflow are you using? I seem to have problems building this when using a flake 21:20:18
@nerves:bark.lgbtJason OdoomI am having a similar issue. Especially building on arm6421:21:38
8 Mar 2024
@sdvohet:matrix.orgSdvohet joined the room.03:00:44
9 Mar 2024
@jee_mj:matrix.orgmj joined the room.03:36:05
@enoch111:matrix.orgenoch111 joined the room.09:42:04
11 Mar 2024
@maml702c:tu-dresden.de@maml702c:tu-dresden.de joined the room.08:16:21
@maml702c:tu-dresden.de@maml702c:tu-dresden.de left the room.08:43:43
12 Mar 2024
@h0n3yb4dg3r:matrix.orgIPK joined the room.12:51:47
14 Mar 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org left the room.02:03:45
@lotte:chir.rsCharlotte 🦝 (it/its) changed their display name from Charlotte 🦝 (it/rac/racs/racself/🦝/plush) to Charlotte 🦝 (it/its).10:57:54
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.18:45:36

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