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30 Dec 2023
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius (DECT 2128) to raitobezarius.19:53:16
31 Dec 2023
@benoitdr:matrix.orgbenoitdrRedacted or Malformed Event08:30:54
In reply to @benoitdr:matrix.org
Thanks, dontUseCmakeConfigure = true was the missing piece
Yeah protip, if you're looking for AI packages, use github search and do language:Nix PACKAGE_NAME buildPythonPackage and there's a good chance someone has already packaged it. That saves me so much time :D
2 Jan 2024
In reply to @trexd:matrix.org
Yeah protip, if you're looking for AI packages, use github search and do language:Nix PACKAGE_NAME buildPythonPackage and there's a good chance someone has already packaged it. That saves me so much time :D
Great, thanks !
@1h0:matrix.org@1h0:matrix.org joined the room.11:33:37
3 Jan 2024
@benoitdr:matrix.orgbenoitdrStill a question : I have successfully packaged ctransformers based on the information above, but it cannot see my GPU. If I would pip install it, I would use the cuda option (pip install ctransfomers[cuda]). Is there a way to pass the same option to buildPythonPackage ?13:01:55
In reply to @benoitdr:matrix.org
Still a question : I have successfully packaged ctransformers based on the information above, but it cannot see my GPU. If I would pip install it, I would use the cuda option (pip install ctransfomers[cuda]). Is there a way to pass the same option to buildPythonPackage ?

(partially) answering to myslef, looking at setup.py, I can see that the cuda option corresponds to 2 extra packages :

        "cuda": [
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S(casual reminder that these are poetry2nix-generated wrappers for the pypi wheels, expect them to break)14:33:54
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S
In reply to @benoitdr:matrix.org
Still a question : I have successfully packaged ctransformers based on the information above, but it cannot see my GPU. If I would pip install it, I would use the cuda option (pip install ctransfomers[cuda]). Is there a way to pass the same option to buildPythonPackage ?
Pass the respective flags to cmake
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S *

(casual reminder that these are poetry2nix-generated wrappers for the pypi wheels, expect them to break)

EDIT: aj this is from setup.py, nvm

@benoitdr:matrix.orgbenoitdrNeed more info ... indeed these 2 pkgs from setup.py are nvidia proprietary and only distributed as wheels on pypi. So what is the way out (if any) ? I have already tried to include python310Packages.pycuda, cudaPackages.libcublas, cudaPackages.cuda_cudart, cudaPackages.cudatoolkit , also passing allowUnfree = true; cudaSupport = true; to nixpkgs config, without success. I'm feeling a bit stuck here ...14:43:55
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S You need to pass this flag during the ctransformers build: https://github.com/marella/ctransformers/blob/ed02cf4b9322435972ff3566fd4832806338ca3d/CMakeLists.txt#L6 14:45:55
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S


You can remove this one

@ss:someonex.netSomeone S


I don't see pycuda in ctrasnformers' dependencies?

@ss:someonex.netSomeone S
In reply to @ss:someonex.net
You need to pass this flag during the ctransformers build: https://github.com/marella/ctransformers/blob/ed02cf4b9322435972ff3566fd4832806338ca3d/CMakeLists.txt#L6
Their setup.py introduces an ad hoc environment variable for that: https://github.com/marella/ctransformers/blob/ed02cf4b9322435972ff3566fd4832806338ca3d/setup.py#L10C41-L10C42
@ss:someonex.netSomeone SIt would've been better if they weren't wrapping/hiding cmake from the user but at least there's a variable14:50:37
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S So you can set something like env.CT_CUBLAS = "ON" 14:51:22
@benoitdr:matrix.orgbenoitdrYep, env.CT_CUBLAS = "ON"; was the trick. Still I need cudatoolkit in propagatedBuildInputs, nothing more. Thanks a lot !15:58:26
4 Jan 2024
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S

Still I need cudatoolkit in propagatedBuildInputs

cudaPackages.cudatoolkit is being deprecated, you do not need it; cf. nixpkgs' torch or opencv4 derivations for examples

@ss:someonex.netSomeone SAlso there's no need to propagate it04:48:08
@thetootler:matrix.orgthetootler joined the room.06:25:27
@benoitdr:matrix.orgbenoitdrStrange ... It doesn't work without it on my side19:56:48
5 Jan 2024
@palo:xaos.space@palo:xaos.space joined the room.08:38:35
@palo:terranix.orgpalo joined the room.08:54:18
@ava:milliways.info@ava:milliways.info joined the room.10:16:35
@ava:milliways.info@ava:milliways.info left the room.10:16:48
@Hmpffff:matrix.orgHmpffff joined the room.13:17:55
@ss:someonex.netSomeone S
In reply to @benoitdr:matrix.org
Strange ... It doesn't work without it on my side
Could you elaborate? What are the errors
6 Jan 2024

Here is my shell.nix file :

  nixpkgs = fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/04220ed6763637e5899980f98d5c8424b1079353.tar.gz";
  pkgs = import nixpkgs { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; overlays = []; };
  ctransformers = pkgs.python310.pkgs.buildPythonPackage rec {
      pname = "ctransformers";
      version = "0.2.27";
      format = "setuptools";
      src = pkgs.python310.pkgs.fetchPypi {
        inherit pname version;
        sha256 = "25653d4be8a5ed4e2d3756544c1e9881bf95404be5371c3ed506a256c28663d5";
      doCheck = false;
      dontUseCmakeConfigure = true;
      nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
      propagatedBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
      env.CT_CUBLAS = "ON";
  pkgs.mkShell {
    packages = with pkgs; [
      (python310.withPackages (ps: with ps; [

Without cudatoolkit, at compile time, ctransformers complaints that cublas is not found, and at runtime, ctransformers cannot use the GPU.
As far as I undertstand, it seems a bit logical to me. How would ctransfomers find the cuda libraries without cudatoolkit ?


BTW, the same thing happens if I set cudaSupport to true like this :

pkgs = import nixpkgs { config = { allowUnfree = true; cudaSupport = true; }; overlays = []; };

cudatoolkit is still needed


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