
Nix Data Science

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11 Sep 2023
@softinio:matrix.orgSalar Rahmanian (softinio) joined the room.01:26:02
@maupind:matrix.orgmaupind Do many people here work with non-nix users, particularly people on Windows? Curious on workflows that you use to share your code/projects. I've played around with the rix package (awesome work Bruno Rodrigues), but trying to make as low of barrier entry as possible. I'm hoping to be able to upload code used in research data analysis and would love a simple approach with as little work for end-users who may want to check. I've thought Docker could work and also been told about devcontainer.json as an option. Any other ideas/tips? 15:54:00
@petrichor:envs.netJez (he/him) ♾️ i'm still pretty new to using nix in this way, but i mostly rely on the "standard" tools for this (e.g. requirements.txt/pyproject.yaml for python) and then adapt them for nix for my own convenience, either with automated tools like mach-nix where they work, or otherwise by hand (because my requirements are usually fairly simple) 16:02:04
12 Sep 2023
@maupind:matrix.orgmaupindHave only just started getting into Python. That seems like it'd be a good option for my projects that end up using it though 07:15:26
13 Sep 2023
@alx_sim:matrix.orgAlexis left the room.22:11:45
16 Sep 2023
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesfriends I've written a blog post on literate programming with Nix14:58:25
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesit focuses on Quarto and R, but the main takeaways can be adapted to any tools and languages 14:58:48
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodrigueshttps://www.brodrigues.co/blog/2023-09-15-nix_for_r_part5/14:58:51
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno RodriguesI'm a beginner so if you notice something stupid, that's normal 😁14:59:21
18 Sep 2023
@flxai:matrix.orgFelix changed their profile picture.20:21:13
@flxai:envs.netFelix joined the room.20:24:20
20 Sep 2023
@nbathum:matrix.orgnbathum (he or they) changed their display name from nbathum (he or they) to nbathum.04:58:30
@nbathum:matrix.orgnbathum (he or they) removed their profile picture.04:58:41
21 Sep 2023
@ben:tirohia.netben joined the room.09:41:27
@dedmunwalk:matrix.orgdedmunwalk joined the room.23:05:21
24 Sep 2023
@mib:kanp.aimib πŸ₯ joined the room.12:20:51
25 Sep 2023
@bertof:matrix.orgbertof joined the room.10:43:16
@srid:matrix.orgsrid joined the room.15:19:06
@srid:matrix.orgsrid Hi all, what do people generally use for jupyter notebooks? https://github.com/tweag/jupyenv ? Or some other way? 15:20:19
@srid:matrix.orgsrid In particular, I'm looking nixify (flake'ify, actually, so it can be nix runed) https://github.com/fastai/fastbook 15:20:35
@srid:matrix.orgsrid * In particular, I'm looking to nixify (flake'ify, actually, so it can be nix runed) https://github.com/fastai/fastbook 15:20:43
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk joined the room.15:23:37
@boogiewoogie:bopsen.clubboogiewoogie joined the room.15:23:55
@srid:matrix.orgsrid Interesting: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/criticism-of-the-new-jupyterwith/28494?u=srid 15:47:44
27 Sep 2023
@mib:kanp.aimib πŸ₯ changed their display name from mib to mib πŸ₯.05:53:09
29 Sep 2023
@lotte:chir.rsCharlotte 🦝 (it/its) changed their profile picture.17:15:04
30 Sep 2023
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk changed their profile picture.15:55:58
1 Oct 2023
@haruka:sakura.ciharuka joined the room.20:10:42
3 Oct 2023
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.nopbsds changed their profile picture.21:04:56
4 Oct 2023
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.nopbsds changed their profile picture.22:20:44

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