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1 Sep 2023
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguestry to post a minimal reproducible example of what you're looking for 10:33:44
@maupind:matrix.orgmaupind Bruno Rodrigues: awesome, thank you! This is definitely a good start and I'll explore this and before trying Posit 10:37:57
3 Sep 2023
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesfriends, what do you use to build pipelines that integrate will with Nix? something that would let you build an environment and run a pipeline as simple as possible? me, coming from R I'm adding the command to run the pipeline in the shellHook of a shell (typically targets::tar_make)14:04:29
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguessou dropping in the shell starts the pipeline and then let's me explore the results 14:05:00
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno RodriguesI would imagine que there's likely a way to use nix itself to do it 14:09:20
@crtified:crtified.meCRTified Maybe check out https://github.com/PapenfussLab/bionix - it appears to at least partially match your description (although I don't have any experience with it) 14:10:17
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesyep I've taken a look at it already 😁14:11:22
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedCan't really help further than that, I'm still pondering whether I should migrate our hpc cluster to NixOS, but my contract ends soon and I likely won't have enough time14:13:14
@crtified:crtified.meCRTified* Can't really help further than that, I'm still only pondering whether I should migrate our hpc cluster to NixOS, but my contract ends soon and I likely won't have enough time14:13:27
@jb:vk3.wtfjbedoI use bionix pretty extensively, largest project currently involves processing ~90TiB of primary data21:43:06
In reply to @jb:vk3.wtf
I use bionix pretty extensively, largest project currently involves processing ~90TiB of primary data
Does that dataset interact with the nix store in any way? Or is it kept separately? (Just asking, because I had some problems with putting just <30GB inside the store)
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedIt probably doesn't make sense to put it in the store, I guess 😄21:45:21
@jb:vk3.wtfjbedoIt does make sense and we do :)21:45:33
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedWow, that's surprising 😄21:46:15
@jb:vk3.wtfjbedoIt means we can cache some key intermediate products so we rarely need to revisit the primary inputs 21:46:26
@jb:vk3.wtfjbedoLarge store paths used to be an issue but mostly work pretty smoothly now as a lot of the memory bottlenecks have been removed21:49:18
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedThat makes sense. I really had the impression that large store entries still pose a lot of problems 🙂 Nice to know that this changed21:51:16
4 Sep 2023
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesdoes that mean that you could retrieve intermediary outputs from the store to further Analyse in R?16:25:16
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguessay I create a ggplot does it get into the store, and could I look at it in R later?16:25:50
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedI mean, the store contains files after all. I don't see a reason why that shouldn't work16:26:07
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesthat's essentially how targets works and I find it very useful 16:26:08
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguestrue, but I was wondering if bionix provides a mechanism for retrieving these files within an R session 16:26:49
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesand also suppose I fit a model, and would like to save this model 16:31:35
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodrigueswith targets this model gets serialized and saved for later retrieval in an r session 16:32:06
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesdoes nix/bionix serialize intermediary outputs ?16:32:46
@crtified:crtified.meCRTified I think jbedo could help a bit more for the bionix question, but for additional outputs, I'd actually check the outputs argument for mkDerivation 16:33:08
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedThe typical usecase are distinct outputs for libs, bin and so on, but I think it would fit that application nicely as well16:33:37
In reply to @brodriguesco:matrix.org
with targets this model gets serialized and saved for later retrieval in an r session
there's no knowledge of bionix at the application level, for R i use the builtin serialisation like save() and writeRDS(), and as CRTified said multiple outputs are handy for dealilng with several outputs produced simultaneously
5 Sep 2023
@brodriguesco:matrix.orgBruno Rodriguesvery nice I'll have to play around with it 07:18:04
@ri-char:hashi.sbsri-char left the room.15:55:18

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