@mjolnir:nixos.org | | NixOS Moderation Bot | Admin(100) |
@admin:nixos.org | | admin (Moderation Team) | Moderator(50) |
@hexa:lossy.network | | hexa | Moderator(50) |
@rummik:matrix.org | | *Kim | User(0) |
@-_o:matrix.org | | -_o | User(0) |
@0x17:kyb3r.space | | 0x17 | User(0) |
@0xmrtt:envs.net | | 0xMRTT [envs.net] | User(0) |
@0xfeebdaed:matrix.org | | 0xfeebdaed | User(0) |
@295cade1:matrix.org | | 295cade1 | User(0) |
@4n3ver:matrix.org | | 4n3ver | User(0) |
@r522:matrix.org | | 522 | User(0) |
@5sqrgsrdwk:matrix.org | | 5sqrgsrdwk | User(0) |
@80h:matrix.org | | 80h | User(0) |
@9pfs:h.hackclub.app | | 9pfs | User(0) |
@AleXoundOS:matrix.org | | | User(0) |
@aruzicka:matrix.org | | @aruzicka:matrix.org | User(0) |
@doronbehar:matrix.org | | | User(0) |
@life00:tchncs.de | | | User(0) |
@aaronmondal:matrix.org | | Aaron Siddhartha Mondal | User(0) |
@adda0:matrix.org | | Adda | User(0) |
@agathasorceress:finallycoffee.eu | | Agatha Valentine Lovelace | User(0) |
@nerdypepper:matrix.org | | Akshay | User(0) |
@alesya-h:nixos.dev | | Alesya Huzik | User(0) |
@tinwood:matrix.org | | Alex (tinwood) | User(0) |
@alex2022k:matrix.org | | Alex K | User(0) |
@ultra980:matrix.org | | Alex aka Ultra | User(0) |
@alexa//saveplanet:envs.net | | Alexa,SaveThePlanet | User(0) |
@alice:the-apothecary.club | | Alice | User(0) |
@mat:allpurposem.at | | All-Purpose Mat | User(0) |
@alper-celik:matrix.org | | Alper Çelik | User(0) |
@alyaman.mas:matrix.org | | Alyaman Massarani | User(0) |
@qyliss:fairydust.space | | Alyssa Ross | User(0) |
@amanda:graven.dev | | Amanda | User(0) |
@ambroisie:belanyi.fr | | Ambroisie | User(0) |
@Ambrosia:matrix.org | | Ambrosia | User(0) |
@anderscs:matrix.org | | Anders C. Sørby | User(0) |
@logimox:matrix.org | | Andreas Fjärrwall | User(0) |
@andir:nixos.dev | | Andreas Rammhold | User(0) |
@andreas.schraegle:helsinki-systems.de | | Andreas Schrägle | User(0) |
@andrew:kvalhe.im | | Andrew | User(0) |
@annaaurora:artemislena.eu | | Anna Aurora | User(0) |
@artturin:matrix.org | | Artturin | User(0) |
@asmundesen:matrix.org | | Artur Manuel | User(0) |
@joja6722:matrix.org | | Artur Silva | User(0) |
@signal-walker:matrix.org | | Ash | User(0) |
@ash:ashwalker.net | | Ash | User(0) |
@astro:envs.net | | Astro | User(0) |
@sogled:matrix.org | | AtnNn | User(0) |
@aumy:matrix.org | | Aumy | User(0) |
@aurorasystem:matrix.org | | Aurora Ennie Seidr (she / her) | User(0) |
@axman6:matrix.org | | Axman6 | User(0) |
@brian:bmcgee.ie | | BMG | User(0) |
@baneetparmar:matrix.org | | Baneet Parmar | User(0) |
@barongoones:matrix.org | | BaronGoones | User(0) |
@beat_link:matrix.org | | BeatLink | User(0) |
@behradji:matrix.org | | Behrad | User(0) |
@benpye:matrix.org | | Ben Pye (He/They) | User(0) |
@bynho:matrix.org | | Bobby John Ricardo | User(0) |
@bradlugo:matrix.org | | Brad Lugo | User(0) |
@bcnelson:matrix.org | | Bradley Nelson | User(0) |
@yapvoonyee:matrix.org | | Brian Yap | User(0) |
@badele:matrix.org | | Bruno Adele | User(0) |
@buckley310:matrix.org | | Buckley | User(0) |
@brsvh:mozilla.org | | Burgess Chang | User(0) |
@marius851000:mariusdavid.fr | | Burrito (Marius) | User(0) |
@curious-r:matrix.org | | C-word | User(0) |
@cathal_mullan:matrix.org | | CJ | User(0) |
@crtified:crtified.me | | CRTified | User(0) |
@cabalcrow:matrix.org | | CabalCrow | User(0) |
@cadair:cadair.com | | Cadair | User(0) |
@cflippin:matrix.org | | Carl Flippin | User(0) |
@caarl:matrix.org | | Carl Hedgren | User(0) |
@carlthome:matrix.org | | Carl Thomé | User(0) |
@cathalmullan:matrix.org | | Cathal | User(0) |
@chanceharrison:matrix.org | | ChanceHarrison | User(0) |
@guanran928:mozilla.org | | Charles He | User(0) |
@charles:computer.surgery | | Charles ⚡️ | User(0) |
@lotte:chir.rs | | Charlotte 🦝 (it/rac/racs/racself/🦝/plush) | User(0) |
@chrisoboe:one.ems.host | | ChrisOboe | User(0) |
@christian:kampka.net | | Christian | User(0) |
@ctheune:matrix.flyingcircus.io | | Christian Theune | User(0) |
@cafkafk:nixos.dev | | Christina Sørensen | User(0) |
@claesatwork:matrix.org | | Claes | User(0) |
@clumsily6239:matrix.org | | Clumsily6239 | User(0) |
@firemercuty21:matrix.org | | ColemakSupremacist | User(0) |
@Cu3PO42:matrix.org | | Cu3PO42 | User(0) |
@houstdav000:gh0st.ems.host | | CyntheticFox | User(0) |
@dannixon:matrix.org | | Dan | User(0) |
@dandellion:dodsorf.as | | Dandellion | User(0) |
@syntheit:matrix.org | | Daniel | User(0) |
@daniel-heppner-ibigroup:gitter.im | | Daniel Heppner | User(0) |
@danielhep:gitter.im | | Daniel Heppner | User(0) |
@hhefesto:matrix.org | | Daniel Herrera Rendón | User(0) |
@dtpontin:matrix.org | | Daniel P | User(0) |
@danielphan.2003:matrix.org | | Daniel Phan | User(0) |
@d.tomov33:matrix.org | | Daniel Tomov | User(0) |
@tiziodcaio:matrix.org | | Daniele | User(0) |
@qualytllc:matrix.org | | Danny Gerhardt | User(0) |
@davsanchez:matrix.org | | DavSanchez | User(0) |
@dave:aperture-science.engineering | | Dave | User(0) |
@zraexy:nixos.dev | | David Mell (zraexy) | User(0) |
@deftdawg:matrix.org | | Deft Dawg | User(0) |
@devurandom:matrix.org | | Dennis | User(0) |
@papalpenguin:matrix.org | | Derek | User(0) |
@bytebandit:tac.lol | | DerivationDingus | User(0) |
@diamondburned:matrix.org | | Diamond (it/she) | User(0) |
@supremesorcerer:matrix.org | | Diego Naya | User(0) |
@dimitarnestorov:matrix.org | | Dimitar | User(0) |
@vhdirk:matrix.org | | Dirk Van Haerenborgh @ FOSDEM | User(0) |
@hive:the-apothecary.club | | Dr. Worm | User(0) |
@drewrypope:matrix.org | | Drewry Pope | User(0) |
@duanin2:duanin2.top | | Duanin2 | User(0) |
@bb010g:matrix.org | | Dusk | User(0) |
@callmeecho:matrix.org | | Echo | User(0) |
@edgarlee:matrix.org | | Edgar Lee | User(0) |
@edges:ilyamikcoder.com | | Edges [tempmoved to @edges:national.catposting.agency] | User(0) |
@eliand:matrix.org | | Elian D. | User(0) |
@etu:failar.nu | | Elis 🌱 | User(0) |
@ellie:monoid.al | | Ellie | User(0) |
@jkarlson:kapsi.fi | | Emil Thorsøe | User(0) |
@kiike:matrix.org | | Enric Morales | User(0) |
@testaccount666:matrix.org | | Entity303 | User(0) |
@erazemk:matrix.org | | Erazem | User(0) |
@errornointernet:envs.net | | ErrorNoInternet | User(0) |
@esperlily:matrix.org | | EsperLily [she/her] | User(0) |
@moxyfoxy:matrix.org | | Eve (She/Her) | User(0) |
@budevg:matrix.org | | Evgeny Budilovsky | User(0) |
@ezzobirbezziou:matrix.org | | Ezzobir Bezziou | User(0) |
@fabianhjr:matrix.org | | Fabián Heredia | User(0) |
@fawkulce:matrix.org | | Fawkulce | User(0) |
@faye:lolc.at | | Faye Chun | User(0) |
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org | | Federico Damián Schonborn | User(0) |
@sankaratupi:matrix.org | | Felipe Marcelino | User(0) |
@fliegendewurst:matrix.org | | FliegendeWurst | User(0) |
@fudgemaster:matrix.org | | Frank Geusch | User(0) |
@franz3:matrix.org | | Franz3 | User(0) |
@fugi:fugi.dev | | Fugi | User(0) |
@gjdan:hq.sebastiantech.ca | | GJdan ⚡️ | User(0) |
@dasaman:matrix.org | | Galactus | User(0) |
@galaxy-nova:matrix.org | | GalaxyNova | User(0) |
@glepage:matrix.org | | Gaétan Lepage | User(0) |
@grdryn:matrix.org | | Gerard Ryan | User(0) |
@gefla:matrix.org | | Gerd Flaig | User(0) |
@tyrion:matrix.org | | Germano | User(0) |
@andrycake:matrix.org | | Green Guy | User(0) |
@gregorburger:matrix.org | | Gregor Burger | User(0) |
@grimmauld:grimmauld.de | | Grimmauld | User(0) |
@gsaurel:laas.fr | | Guilhem | User(0) |
@hartmannsgruberben:matrix.org | | Hartmannsgruber Benjamin | User(0) |
@hbjy:matrix.org | | Hayden | User(0) |
@iamhayley:yatrix.org | | Hayley | User(0) |
@heisfer:matrix.org | | Heisfer | User(0) |
@adrianhodos:matrix.org | | Hodos Adrian | User(0) |
@sudoreboot:matrix.org | | Hrafn Blóðbók | User(0) |
@hbakardzhiev:matrix.org | | Hristo Bakardzhiev | User(0) |
@bootstrapper:matrix.org | | Ido Samuelson | User(0) |
@industrialrobot:matrix.org | | IndustrialRobot | User(0) |
@infinidoge:inx.moe | | Infinidoge 🏳️⚧️ | User(0) |
@irenes:matrix.org | | Irenes | User(0) |
@jceb:matrix.org | | JC (Jan Christoph Ebersbach) | User(0) |
@jhanafin:init6.sh | | Jacob | User(0) |
@jadtl:matrix.org | | Jad | User(0) |
@jtojnar:matrix.org | | Jan Tojnar | User(0) |
@janik0:matrix.org | | Janik (they/them) | User(0) |
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.de | | Janne Heß | User(0) |
@jaredmohammed:matrix.org | | Jared Mohammed | User(0) |
@jarkad:tchncs.de | | Jarkad | User(0) |
@jassu:kumma.juttu.asia | | Jassuko | User(0) |
@jeff:ocjtech.us | | Jeff | User(0) |
@jessie:the-apothecary.club | | Jessie (she/her) ∈ lavender cult | User(0) |
@petrichor:envs.net | | Jez (he/him) ♾️ | User(0) |
@jhu:pikaviestin.fi | | Jhu | User(0) |
@joe_0237:matrix.org | | Joe | User(0) |
@joedevivo:matrix.org | | Joe DeVivo | User(0) |
@joelmatrixaccount:matrix.org | | Joel | User(0) |
@JoelMcCracken:matrix.org | | JoelMcCracken | User(0) |
@Ericson2314:matrix.org | | John Ericson | User(0) |
@jboy:utwente.io | | John ✒️ | User(0) |
@joWeiss:matrix.org | | Jonas | User(0) |
@jordy:alkema.co | | Jordy | User(0) |
@josi:catgirl.cloud | | Josefine | User(0) |
@pjoao:matrix.org | | João Pereira | User(0) |
@jdemille:tchncs.de | | Julia DeMille | User(0) |
@julienmalka:matrix.org | | Julien | User(0) |
@julian:nekover.se | | June | User(0) |
@k900:0upti.me | | K900 ⚡️ | User(0) |
@kspatlas:tchncs.de | | KSP Atlas | User(0) |
@kamillaova:matrix.org | | Kamilla 'ova | User(0) |
@cmykarma:riot.anarchyplanet.org | | Karma | User(0) |
@everything-narrative:matrix.org | | Kashmira Qeel | User(0) |
@kasper24:matrix.org | | Kasper | User(0) |
@khalil:ksantana.net | | Khalil Santana | User(0) |
@khaneliman:matrix.org | | Khaneliman | User(0) |
@klaymore:klaymore.me | | Klaymore | User(0) |
@kng:kng.re | | Kng | User(0) |
@kritnich:kritni.ch | | Kritnich | User(0) |
@lanquil:matrix.org | | Lan Quil | User(0) |
@fwam:tchncs.de | | Legion | User(0) |
@lillecarl:matrix.org | | LilleCarl | User(0) |
@gladtherescake:matrix.gladtherescake.eu | | Lillian Violet (She/Fae) | User(0) |
@lily:lily.flowers | | Lily Foster | User(0) |
@linus:schreibt.jetzt | | Linux Hackerman | User(0) |
@lordmzte:mzte.de | | LordMZTE | User(0) |
@lordier:matrix.org | | Lordie | User(0) |
@lorenzleutgeb:matrix.org | | Lorenz Leutgeb | User(0) |
@louis2747:matrix.org | | Louis2747 | User(0) |
@luana:catgirl.cloud | | Luana 🏳️🌈 | User(0) |
@lugeha:matrix.org | | Lucas | User(0) |
@luke:vuksta.com | | Luke | User(0) |
@lzebulon:matrix.org | | Lzebulon | User(0) |
@mangoiv.:matrix.org | | MangoIV | User(0) |
@mrtrk:matrix.org | | Marco Turchetto | User(0) |
@marcusramberg:matrix.org | | Marcus | User(0) |
@marie:marie.cologne | | Marie | User(0) |
@marillindie:matrix.org | | Marillindië | User(0) |
@marmar22:tchncs.de | | Marmar22 | User(0) |
@0xcaff:matrix.org | | Martin Charles | User(0) |
@gremlon:matrix.org | | Mathias Leichtenstern | User(0) |
@voyager:t2bot.io | | Matrix Traveler (bot) | User(0) |
@mattsturg:matrix.org | | Matt Sturgeon | User(0) |
@zi0p4tch0:matrix.org | | Matteo Pacini | User(0) |
@max:privatevoid.net | | Max | User(0) |
@mxkrsv:matrix.org | | Maxim Karasev | User(0) |
@maximetremblay:matrix.org | | Maxime | User(0) |
@mg:maximiliangaedig.com | | Maximilian Gaedig ⚡️ | User(0) |
@s9616726:tu-dresden.de | | Maximilian Marx | User(0) |
@mbdf:matrix.org | | Maëlys Bras de fer | User(0) |
@umear:matrix.org | | Mear | User(0) |
@mel:rnrd.eu | | Mel | User(0) |
@shapeshifting_loki:matrix.org | | Michael van Slingerland | User(0) |
@koutensky:matrix.nesad.fit.vutbr.cz | | Michal Koutenský | User(0) |
@rwx-rwx-rwx:matrix.org | | Mikael Fangel | User(0) |
@technicus:matrix.org | | Miles Dyson | User(0) |
@Minijackson:matrix.org | | Minijackson | User(0) |
@minion3665:matrix.org | | Minion3665 | User(0) |
@notcallip:ckie.dev | | Monica | User(0) |
@moritz:moritzboeh.me | | Moritz | User(0) |
@msanft:matrix.org | | Moritz Sanft | User(0) |
@morj:morj.men | | Morj | User(0) |
@nx2:nx2.site | | NX2 | User(0) |
@nhp:nhp.sh | | Nadia | User(0) |
@nadimkobeissi:matrix.org | | Nadim Kobeissi | User(0) |
@m52957:matrix.org | | Nate | User(0) |
@nemesis:bark.lgbt | | Nemesis | User(0) |
@nickkadutskyi:matrix.org | | Nick Kadutskyi | User(0) |
@eisfunke:eisfunke.com | | Nicolas Lenz | User(0) |
@niklaskorz:korz.dev | | Niklas Korz | User(0) |
@noodlez1232:matrix.org | | Noodlez (he/him) | User(0) |
@pacien:pacien.net | | Notkea | User(0) |
@noughtypixel:matrix.org | | Noughty Pixel | User(0) |
@nullcube:matrix.org | | NullCube | User(0) |
@olaf_freund:matrix.org | | Olaf Krasicki Freund | User(0) |
@olafkfreund:matrix.org | | Olaf Krasicki-Freund | User(0) |
@hashphoenix:matrix.org | | Oluwapelumi Adeosun | User(0) |
@pachumicchu:myrdd.info | | Pacman99 | User(0) |
@tsallinia_nixos:matrix.org | | Panagiotis Ts. | User(0) |
@patka1234:matrix.org | | Patka | User(0) |
@paulgdpr:matrix.org | | Paul | User(0) |
@katexochen:matrix.org | | Paul Meyer (katexochen) | User(0) |
@paul:zettoit.eu | | PaulZ (pfz4) | User(0) |
@psmigielski:matrix.org | | Pawel Śmigielski | User(0) |
@pawel.zydek:matrix.org | | Paweł | User(0) |
@peter:hoeg.com | | Peter Hoeg ⚡️ | User(0) |
@philip4g:matrix.org | | Philip | User(0) |
@philiptaron:matrix.org | | Philip Taron | User(0) |
@picnoir:alternativebit.fr | | Picnoir | User(0) |
@picog:matrix.org | | Pico | User(0) |
@lumbo7332:matrix.org | | PopeRigby | User(0) |
@quadradical:matrix.org | | QuadRadical | User(0) |
@quentin:connecteu.rs | | Quentin Gliech | User(0) |
@qyriad:matrix.org | | Qyriad | User(0) |
@qyriad:katesiria.org | | Qyriad | User(0) |
@rz_mj:freiburg.social | | RZ_MJ | User(0) |
@rasmus:rend.al | | Rasmus | User(0) |
@nakibrayan:matrix.im | | Rayan Nakib (ريان نقيب) | User(0) |
@nakibrayane:matrix.org | | Rayane Nakib (ريان نقيب) | User(0) |
@remcoschrijver:tchncs.de | | Remco Schrijver | User(0) |
@renato-trevisan:matrix.org | | Renato Trevisan | User(0) |
@robmicha:matrix.tu-bs.de | | Robert Michael | User(0) |
@rob.sliwi:matrix.org | | Robert Sliwinski | User(0) |
@nilp0inter2k6:matrix.org | | Roberto Abdelkader Martínez Pérez | User(0) |
@robin:robin.town | | Robin | User(0) |
@ronnypfannschmidt:matrix.org | | Ronny | User(0) |
@rosariopulella:matrix.org | | Rosario Pulella | User(0) |
@rostby:matrix.org | | Rostby | User(0) |
@papa_birb:matrix.org | | Ru MacTunnag | User(0) |
@ryoschin:matrix.org | | Ryoschin | User(0) |
@softinio:matrix.org | | Salar Rahmanian (softinio) | User(0) |
@lehmanator:tchncs.de | | Sam Lehman | User(0) |
@lehmanator:gnulinux.club | | Sam Lehman | User(0) |
@sliedes:hacklab.fi | | Sami Liedes | User(0) |
@sammy:cherrykitten.dev | | Sammy (It/Its) | User(0) |
@samuel:mnzn.dev | | Samuel | User(0) |
@sandro:supersandro.de | | Sandro 🐧 | User(0) |
@sasha:the-apothecary.club | | Sashanoraa.gay (ze/zir) | User(0) |
@dscottboggs:matrix.org | | Scott | User(0) |
@scottscoble:matrix.org | | Scott Scoble | User(0) |
@sebtm:lodere.es | | SebTM | User(0) |
@shasler:stuvus.de | | Sebastian Hasler | User(0) |
@sefodopo:matrix.org | | Sefodopo | User(0) |
@sethrankada52:matrix.org | | Sethran | User(0) |
@shados:nixos.dev | | Shados | User(0) |
@swrogers:matrix.org | | Shane | User(0) |
@shiny:shine.horse | | Shine | User(0) |
@siddharthkapoor:matrix.org | | Siddharth Kapoor | User(0) |
@siddheshkukade:matrix.org | | Siddhesh Bhupendra Kuakde | User(0) |
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org | | SigmaSquadron | User(0) |
@sigmanificient:matrix.org | | Sigmanificient | User(0) |
@argentsileo:matrix.org | | Silver | User(0) |
@silvio:booq.org | | Silvio | User(0) |
@simonmenke:matrix.org | | Simon Menke | User(0) |
@snuupy:matrix.org | | Snuupy | User(0) |
@sofo:matrix.org | | Sofi | User(0) |
@soispha:vhack.eu | | Soispha | User(0) |
@soliprem:beeper.com | | Soliprem | User(0) |
@ss:someonex.net | | SomeoneSerge (Gand St. Pieters) | User(0) |
@shivayspec:matrix.org | | Specx | User(0) |
@sporesirius:matrix.org | | Sporesirius | User(0) |
@sr.estegosaurio:matrix.org | | Sr. Estegosaurio | User(0) |
@srishti-j18:matrix.org | | Srishti Jaiswal | User(0) |
@stephen:crabsin.space | | Stephen D | User(0) |
@mayersj1:matrix.org | | Steve Mayer | User(0) |
@sumner:nevarro.space | | Sumner Evans | User(0) |
@superflyjohnson1:matrix.org | | Superfly Johnson | User(0) |
@sushi_dude:matrix.org | | Sushi Dude | User(0) |
@delta231:matrix.org | | Swastik Baranwal | User(0) |
@syboxez:matrix.org | | Syboxez | User(0) |
@sylvie:karp.lol | | Sylvie (any) 🏳️⚧️ | User(0) |
@synthetica:matrix.org | | Synthetica | User(0) |
@tmhalser:nitro.chat | | T.M.H. | User(0) |
@tamipes:matrix.org | | Tami | User(0) |
@tammi:greyseal.eu | | Tammi (she/ey) | User(0) |
@tanja-6584:matrix.org | | Tanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud) | User(0) |
@tanja:catgirl.cloud | | Tanja (she/her) | User(0) |
@teakmirror:matrix.org | | TeakMirror113 | User(0) |
@tejasagarwal:matrix.org | | Tejas Agarwal | User(0) |
@thatoo:matrix.org | | Thatoo | User(0) |
@thedragon44:matrix.org | | TheDragon | User(0) |
@optimal:kde.org | | TheOPtimal | User(0) |
@theory_of_everything:halogen.city | | Theory_of_Everything | User(0) |
@thibaultmol:matrix.org | | Thibaultmol | User(0) |
@tdjordan:matrix.org | | Thom Jordan | User(0) |
@howlymowly:matrix.org | | Thomas m | User(0) |
@thunder:kotiboksi.xyz | | Thunder | User(0) |
@zimmi48:nixos.dev | | Théo Zimmermann | User(0) |
@theophane:hufschmitt.net | | Théophane | User(0) |
@tilosp:tilosp.de | | Tilo | User(0) |
@timlepes:humble.host | | Tim | User(0) |
@toddt:matrix.org | | Todd Thompson | User(0) |
@tomherbers:matrix.org | | Tom (deprecated) | User(0) |
@tomasajt:matrix.org | | Toma | User(0) |
@buttars:matrix.org | | TommyJ | User(0) |
@tomodachi94:matrix.org | | Tomo | User(0) |
@torstenbtj:matrix.org | | Torsten Boettjer | User(0) |
@atra1n:matrix.org | | Train | User(0) |
@seb:the-apothecary.club | | Tseb | User(0) |
@tumble1999:matrix.org | | Tumble | User(0) |
@twig6943:matrix.org | | Twig. | User(0) |
@tylergetsay:matrix.org | | Tyler Getsay | User(0) |
@iamtvk:matrix.org | | Vamshi Krishna | User(0) |
@omnipotent:catgirl.cloud | | Vanessa | User(0) |
@palasso:matrix.org | | Vassilis Palassopoulos | User(0) |
@vikanezrimaya:nixos.dev | | Vika | User(0) |
@vika:fireburn.ru | | Vika (she/her) | User(0) |
@vinetos:matrix.org | | Vinetos | User(0) |
@catalin:one.ems.host | | Viorel-Cătălin Răpițeanu | User(0) |
@somniaumbra:matrix.org | | Vivek Chakravorty | User(0) |
@ne_dvoeshnik:matrix.org | | Volodymyr Antonov | User(0) |
@weathercold:matrix.org | | Weathercold | User(0) |
@weebsorceress:matrix.org | | WeebSorceress | User(0) |
@weethet:catgirl.cloud | | WeetHet | User(0) |
@whiteblackgoose:matrix.org | | WhiteBlackGoose | User(0) |
@willi:butz.cloud | | Willi Butz | User(0) |
@wim:dewith.io | | Wim de With | User(0) |
@wimpress:matrix.org | | Wimpy | User(0) |
@zeorin:matrix.org | | Xandor Schiefer | User(0) |
@yoganshsharma:matrix.org | | Yogansh | User(0) |
@shadowrz:nixos.dev | | Yorusaka Miyabi | User(0) |
@errisnotnil:matrix.org | | Yuddite G | User(0) |
@yukiisbored:matrix.org | | Yuki (they/them) | User(0) |
@yuki:backalley.club | | Yuki (they/them) (Old) | User(0) |
@yuka:yuka.dev | | Yureka (she/her) | User(0) |
@/yvan:matrix.org | | Yvan Sraka (old) | User(0) |
@zxgu:matrix.org | | ZXGU | User(0) |
@girardj:inpt.fr | | Zempashi | User(0) |
@zhaofeng:zhaofeng.li | | Zhaofeng Li | User(0) |
@zm94zgv2:private.coffee | | Zm94ZGV2 | User(0) |
@zyansheep:matrix.org | | Zyansheep | User(0) |
@0x4a6f:matrix.org | | [0x4A6F] | User(0) |
@x3ro_:matrix.org | | ^x3ro | User(0) |
@edge4:matrix.org | | _Frog (feddit.ch) | User(0) |
@a-kenji:matrix.org | | a-kenji | User(0) |
@a-n-n-a-l-e-e:matrix.org | | a-n-n-a-l-e-e | User(0) |
@aaron:matrix.org | | aaron | User(0) |
@aaronjanse:matrix.org | | aaronjanse | User(0) |
@accelbread:matrix.org | | accelbread | User(0) |
@adis:blad.is | | adisbladis | User(0) |
@adrblo:matrix.org | | adrblo | User(0) |
@adriangl:pvv.ntnu.no | | adriangl | User(0) |
@aftix:matrix.org | | aftix | User(0) |
@ajs124:ajs124.de | | ajs124 | User(0) |
@akshaykarle:matrix.org | | akshaykarle | User(0) |
@aktaboot:matrix.org | | aktaboot (Old) | User(0) |
@alarsyo:alarsyo.net | | alarsyo | User(0) |
@alejandrosame:matrix.org | | alejandrosame | User(0) |
@aleksana:mozilla.org | | aleksana (force me to bed after 18:00 UTC) | User(0) |
@alex:acrawford.com | | alex | User(0) |
@alicecandyom:krendelhoff.space | | alicecandyom | User(0) |
@alina:kescher.at | | alina🏳️⚧️🐾 | User(0) |
@aloisw:kde.org | | aloisw | User(0) |
@alphabet5:matrix.org | | alphabet5 | User(0) |
@canony:redpill.canony.xyz | | alteredEnvoy | User(0) |
@alxanyae:matrix.org | | alyaeanyx | User(0) |
@amardeeps:matrix.org | | amardeeps | User(0) |
@andi:kack.it | | andi- | User(0) |
@alienpirate5:matrix.org | | anna | User(0) |
@antimimonpneumatos:matrix.org | | antimimonpneumatos | User(0) |
@aprl:uwu.is | | aprl | User(0) |
@ar:is-a.cat | | ari ❄ | User(0) |
@ariashark:matrix.org | | aria (shark, it/its) | User(0) |
@arilebedey:matrix.org | | arilebedey | User(0) |
@armeen:matrix.org | | armeen | User(0) |
@artemist:mildlyfunctional.gay | | artemist | User(0) |
@artemist:artem.ist | | artemist (old) | User(0) |
@aruzeta:matrix.org | | aruZeta | User(0) |
@as-ementio:matrix.org | | as-ementio | User(0) |
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk | | asymmetric | User(0) |
@atagen:imagisphe.re | | atagen | User(0) |
@auk:unredacted.org | | auk | User(0) |
@austinp17:matrix.org | | austinp17 | User(0) |
@avgvstvs96:matrix.org | | avgvstvs96 | User(0) |
@axolotl:the-apothecary.club | | axolotl (avery) | User(0) |
@aynish:sealight.xyz | | aynish | User(0) |
@azahi:azahi.cc | | azahi | User(0) |
@kimblo:matrix.org | | backspace | User(0) |
@baduhai:matrix.org | | baduhai | User(0) |
@bake:cybre.space | | bake | User(0) |
@balsoft:balsoft.ru | | balsoft | User(0) |
@bandithedoge:matrix.org | | bandithedoge | User(0) |
@bangzek:matrix.org | | bangzek | User(0) |
@bashfulrobot.:matrix.org | | bashfulrobot | User(0) |
@batot78pl:matrix.org | | batot78pl | User(0) |
@bbenno:matrix.org | | bbenno | User(0) |
@bbigras:matrix.org | | bbigras | User(0) |
@max:coven.palaiologos.rocks | | ben | User(0) |
@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.net | | benjaminedwardwebb | User(0) |
@bitzoom:matrix.org | | bitzoom | User(0) |
@blackwhite1337:matrix.org | | blackwhite1337 | User(0) |
@bltavares:matrix.bltavares.com | | bltavares ⚡️ | User(0) |
@borax4:matrix.org | | borax4 | User(0) |
@brendanzab:matrix.org | | brendanzab | User(0) |
@brokenpip3:matrix.org | | brokenpip3 | User(0) |
@buf:matrix.org | | buf | User(0) |
@bzzm3r:matrix.org | | bzm3r | User(0) |
@c-x-berger:boiler.social | | c-x-berger | User(0) |
@c3lphie:matrix.org | | c3lphie | User(0) |
@c3r5b8:matrix.org | | c3r5b8 | User(0) |
@cadecadet:matrix.org | | cadecadet | User(0) |
@cafkafk:matrix.cafkafk.com | | cafkafk | User(0) |
@cafkafk:fem.gg | | cafkafk 🏳️⚧️ | User(0) |
@bobymcbobs:matrix.org | | calebwoodbine | User(0) |
@camocatx:matrix.org | | camocatx | User(0) |
@canony:canony.xyz | | canony | User(0) |
@carlos:zoenglinghou.xyz | | carlos | User(0) |
@catbrained:tchncs.de | | catbrained | User(0) |
@catcloud:envs.net | | catcloud | User(0) |
@catdrout:matrix.org | | catdrout | User(0) |
@catenane:matrix.org | | catenane | User(0) |
@cblacktech:matrix.org | | cblacktech | User(0) |
@cdepillabout:matrix.org | | cdepillabout | User(0) |
@chayleaf:matrix.pavluk.org | | chayleaf | User(0) |
@checooh:matrix.org | | checooh | User(0) |
@cw:kernelpanic.cafe | | chinchilla optional | User(0) |
@chintuchamar:matrix.org | | chintuchamar | User(0) |
@chito:tchncs.de | | chito 😺 | User(0) |
@chmanie:matrix.org | | chmanie | User(0) |
@cg:zknt.org | | chris | User(0) |
@charlotte:vanpetegem.me | | chvp | User(0) |
@cifre:matrix.org | | cifre | User(0) |
@ckie:ckie.dev | | ckie (they/them) | User(0) |
@cleverca22:matrix.org | | cleverca22 | User(0) |
@clvxaz:matrix.org | | clvxaz | User(0) |
@cmacr.ae:matrix.org | | cmacrae | User(0) |
@cole-h:matrix.org | | cole-h | User(0) |
@colemickens:matrix.org | | colemickens | User(0) |
@zh40le1zoob:transgirl.cafe | | command_block | User(0) |
@common0r:matrix.org | | common0r | User(0) |
@coolboyssk:matrix.org | | coolboyssk | User(0) |
@coolneng:coolneng.duckdns.org | | coolneng | User(0) |
@coolshaurya:community.rs | | coolshaurya | User(0) |
@cosm0:matrix.org | | cosm0 | User(0) |
@craige:mcwhirter.io | | craige | User(0) |
@cronjob:matrix.org | | cronjob | User(0) |
@crop_tech:matrix.org | | crop | User(0) |
@crunch:kde.org | | crunch | User(0) |
@csyn:matrix.org | | csyn | User(0) |
@cullenmcd:matrix.org | | cullenmcd | User(0) |
@cy:cything.io | | cy | User(0) |
@cyanlight:matrix.org | | cyanlight | User(0) |
@cyclopentane:aidoskyneen.eu | | cyclopentane ⭔ | User(0) |
@damccull:matrix.org | | damccull | User(0) |
@daniel:duesen.chat | | daniel | User(0) |
@danielrf:matrix.org | | danielrf | User(0) |
@danielsidhion:nixos.dev | | danielsidhion | User(0) |
@danio:pvv.ntnu.no | | danio (PVV) | User(0) |
@danmax:envs.net | | danmax | User(0) |
@washort:greyface.org | | dash | User(0) |
@daskladas:tchncs.de | | daskladas | User(0) |
@d:arcticfoxes.net | | dave | User(0) |
@davidlars:nitro.chat | | davidlars | User(0) |
@daxvena:matrix.org | | daxvena | User(0) |
@dayvidpham:envs.net | | dayvidpham | User(0) |
@dbw:matrix.org | | dbw | User(0) |
@deb776:tedomum.net | | deb776 | User(0) |
@dedmunwalk:matrix.org | | dedmunwalk | User(0) |
@delroth:delroth.net | | delroth | User(0) |
@depthruby:matrix.org | | depthruby | User(0) |
@devonproctor:matrix.org | | devonproctor | User(0) |
@digiseb:c-base.org | | digiseb | User(0) |
@pyrox:pyrox.dev | | dish [Fox/It/She] | User(0) |
@dminca:matrix.org | | dminca | User(0) |
@doaN:matrix.org | | doaN | User(0) |
@paki23:matrix.org | | docRekd | User(0) |
@dooygoy:matrix.org | | dooygoy | User(0) |
@plusgut5:matrix.org | | doppelplusgut | User(0) |
@robert:funklause.de | | dotlambda | User(0) |
@doyouseeamin:matrix.org | | doyouseeamin | User(0) |
@dryya:matrix.underworld.fr | | dryya | User(0) |
@dryya:projectsegfau.lt | | dryya | User(0) |
@dunxen:x0f.org | | dunxen | User(0) |
@dustee:matrix.org | | dustee | User(0) |
@dustsucker:matrix.org | | dustsucker | User(0) |
@dwawlyn:matrix.org | | dwawlyn | User(0) |
@madisetti:matrix.org | | dylan | User(0) |
@earthwalker31:tchncs.de | | earthwalker31 | User(0) |
@easel:matrix.org | | easel | User(0) |
@edgar.vincent:matrix.org | | edgar.vincent | User(0) |
@edomfjp:privacytools.io | | edomfjp | User(0) |
@edrex:matrix.org | | edrex | User(0) |
@eduarrrd:matrix.org | | eduarrrd | User(0) |
@eliaselias:matrix.org | | eliaselias | User(0) |
@elikoga:matrix.org | | elikoga | User(0) |
@ellie:catgirl.cloud | | ellie | User(0) |
@n0emis:noemis.me | | ember | User(0) |
@embr:fairydust.space | | embr | User(0) |
@emilazy:matrix.org | | emily | User(0) |
@me:indeednotjames.com | | emily | User(0) |
@emilytrau:matrix.org | | emilytrau | User(0) |
@eigrp:matrix.org | | eric | User(0) |
@erincandescent:fairydust.space | | erincandescent | User(0) |
@error_pro:matrix.org | | error_pro | User(0) |
@ethan2:matrix.org | | ethan2 | User(0) |
@eva:blahaj.nyc | | eva | User(0) |
@evils:nixos.dev | | evils | User(0) |
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dk | | eyJhb | User(0) |
@f44:matrix.org | | f44 | User(0) |
@fadenb:utzutzutz.net | | fadenb | User(0) |
@farcaller:hdev.im | | farcaller | User(0) |
@farcaller:matrix.org | | farcaller | User(0) |
@feathecutie:tchncs.de | | fea (she/they) | User(0) |
@feamor:kde.org | | feamor | User(0) |
@felipeggmarcelino:matrix.org | | felipeggmarcelino | User(0) |
@felschr:matrix.org | | felschr | User(0) |
@fgaz:matrix.org | | fgaz | User(0) |
@yuri:nekover.se | | fi (she/her) | User(0) |
@figsoda:matrix.org | | figsoda | User(0) |
@fiioul:matrix.org | | fiioul | User(0) |
@finn:tomesh.net | | finn | User(0) |
@fiona:mystical.garden | | fiona | User(0) |
@flatiron0:matrix.org | | flatiron0 | User(0) |
@flx-:matrix.org | | flx | User(0) |
@fpletz:lodere.es | | fpletz | User(0) |
@frogelos:matrix.org | | frogelos | User(0) |
@fufexan:matrix.org | | fufexan | User(0) |
@gas.station.sushi:matrix.org | | gas.station.sushi | User(0) |
@ger_inferno:matrix.org | | ger_inferno | User(0) |
@getpsyched:matrix.org | | getpsyched | User(0) |
@9hp71n:matrix.org | | ghpzin | User(0) |
@globin:toznenetl.chat | | globin | User(0) |
@greaka:greaka.de | | greaka | User(0) |
@h7x4:nani.wtf | | h7x4 | User(0) |
@hanmiru.kim:matrix.org | | haemeah | User(0) |
@haennes:matrix.binary-kitchen.de | | haennes | User(0) |
@hakutaku:chat.hakutaku.org | | hakutaku | User(0) |
@hansemschnokeloch:matrix.org | | hansemschnokeloch | User(0) |
@hax404:hax404.de | | hax404 | User(0) |
@hdhog:matrix.hdhog.ru | | hdhog | User(0) |
@hdloqfa:matrix.org | | hdloqfa | User(0) |
@hexchen:colon.at | | hexchen | User(0) |
@higebu:matrix.org | | higebu | User(0) |
@himazawa:matrix.org | | himazawa | User(0) |
@hjulle:matrix.org | | hjulle | User(0) |
@hmenke:matrix.org | | hmenke | User(0) |
@hpfr:matrix.org | | hpfr | User(0) |
@huegene:matrix.org | | huegene | User(0) |
@human:nitro.chat | | human | User(0) |
@hx-markus:matrix.org | | hx-markus | User(0) |
@hyperflarex:matrix.org | | hyperflare | User(0) |
@iamameatpopsicle:matrix.org | | iamameatpopsicle | User(0) |
@ian-h-chamberlain:matrix.org | | ian-h-chamberlain | User(0) |
@ibizaman:matrix.org | | ibizaman | User(0) |
@ichbinmatz:matrix.org | | ichbinmatz | User(0) |
@ieltan:matrix.org | | ieltan | User(0) |
@ijustwannalurk:matrix.org | | ijustwannalurk | User(0) |
@iknacx:matrix.org | | iknacx | User(0) |
@iko:iko.soy | | iko | User(0) |
@ilaumjd:matrix.org | | ilaumjd | User(0) |
@immll:envs.net | | immll | User(0) |
@inayet:matrix.org | | inayet | User(0) |
@infinisil:matrix.org | | infinisil | User(0) |
@omnifounder:matrix.org | | intabih | User(0) |
@io:meat.computer | | io | User(0) |
@iridium:faui2k11.de | | iridium | User(0) |
@isabel:isabelroses.com | | isabel | User(0) |
@jade_:matrix.org | | jade_ | User(0) |
@jakuzureno:matrix.org | | jakuzureno | User(0) |
@jan9103:matrix.org | | jan9103 | User(0) |
@jannr:matrix.org | | jannr | User(0) |
@janst1000:matrix.org | | janst1000 | User(0) |
@javbit:matrix.org | | javbit | User(0) |
@jaymes2:matrix.org | | jaymes2 | User(0) |
@jb:vk3.wtf | | jbedo | User(0) |
@jhauschildt:matrix.org | | jhauschildt | User(0) |
@jlesquembre:matrix.org | | jlesquembre | User(0) |
@jm.wanka:matrix.org | | jm.wanka | User(0) |
@jmartindf:4d2.org | | jmartindf | User(0) |
@joei:envs.net | | joei | User(0) |
@jonatasscdc:matrix.org | | jonatasscdc | User(0) |
@jopejoe1:matrix.org | | jopejoe1 | User(0) |
@jquispe:matrix.org | | jquispe | User(0) |
@jschvz:matrix.org | | jschvz | User(0) |
@jthulhu:matrix.org | | jthulhu | User(0) |
@jnglrobba:matrix.org | | junglerobba | User(0) |
@juuso:matrix.ponkila.com | | juuso | User(0) |
@jwoudenberg:matrix.org | | jwoudenberg | User(0) |
@k3ys:matrix.org | | k3ys | User(0) |
@kabo:matrix.org | | kabo | User(0) |
@kadawee:cat.casa | | kadawee | User(0) |
@kadokusei10:matrix.org | | kadokusei10 | User(0) |
@kalbasit:matrix.org | | kalbasit | User(0) |
@kamadorueda:matrix.org | | kamadorueda | User(0) |
@karlericsson:matrix.org | | karlericsson | User(0) |
@karlthane:matrix.org | | karlthane | User(0) |
@kayla.fire:matrix.org | | kayla (she/they) | User(0) |
@kenzie:matrix.kenzi.dev | | kenzie :3 | User(0) |
@pnotequalnp:matrix.org | | kevin | User(0) |
@kevincox:matrix.org | | kevincox | User(0) |
@khalilsantana:matrix.org | | khalil | User(0) |
@cinerealkiara:matrix.org | | kiara | User(0) |
@kidsan:matrix.org | | kidsan | User(0) |
@king_krimson:matrix.org | | king_krimson | User(0) |
@kingofscorchers:matrix.org | | kingofscorchers | User(0) |
@kinroy_:matrix.org | | kinroy_ | User(0) |
@kira:jakira.space | | kira | User(0) |
@kittenmreeow:matrix.org | | kittenmreeow | User(0) |
@kmogged:ninjalasers.com | | kmogged_32bit | User(0) |
@kraem:ne.bul.ae | | kraem | User(0) |
@kraftnix:matrix.org | | kraftnix | User(0) |
@krrabb:matrix.org | | krrabb | User(0) |
@kugland:matrix.org | | kugland | User(0) |
@kuznero:matrix.org | | kuznero | User(0) |
@kyub:matrix.org | | kyub | User(0) |
@vengmark2:matrix.org | | l0b0 | User(0) |
@lab-cat:ag-link.xyz | | lab-cat | User(0) |
@labataxe:matrix.org | | labataxe | User(0) |
@laurents:fsfe.org | | laurents | User(0) |
@laurynasp:matrix.org | | laurynasp | User(0) |
@lazycaaat:matrix.org | | lazycaaat | User(0) |
@leoisverycool:matrix.org | | leoisverycool | User(0) |
@leona:leona.is | | leona | User(0) |
@leonardp:matrix.org | | leonardp | User(0) |
@lexea:matrix.org | | lexea | User(0) |
@luisf:matrix.org | | lhf | User(0) |
@lholh:matrix.org | | lholh | User(0) |
@linear:kity.wtf | | linear | User(0) |
@linex:matrix.org | | linex | User(0) |
@me:linj.tech | | linj | User(0) |
@rdfg77:kde.org | | linsui | User(0) |
@lithobreakergb:matrix.org | | lithobreakergb | User(0) |
@littlejohn24:matrix.org | | littlejohn (jcray) | User(0) |
@lord-valen:matrix.org | | lord-valen | User(0) |
@phanirithvij:matrix.org | | loudgolem | User(0) |
@lovesegfault:matrix.org | | lovesegfault (Old) | User(0) |
@luna-null:matrix.org | | luna-null | User(0) |
@luncht1me:matrix.org | | lunchtime | User(0) |
@lunchtime:envs.net | | lunchtime | User(0) |
@lunik1:lunik.one | | lunik1 | User(0) |
@luoguuser:matrix.org | | luoguuser | User(0) |
@luxus:furiosa.org | | luxus | User(0) |
@luxus:luxus.ai | | luxus | User(0) |
@luxus:beeper.com | | luxus | User(0) |
@luxzi:matrix.org | | luxzi (she/they) | User(0) |
@luzifer2222:matrix.org | | luzifer2222 | User(0) |
@lychee:wires.cafe | | lychee | User(0) |
@badatnames:badat.dev | | mae | User(0) |
@magbeat:matrix.org | | magbeat | User(0) |
@magic_rb:matrix.redalder.org | | magic_rb | User(0) |
@makoya:matrix.org | | makoya | User(0) |
@mao_tse-tung:matrix.org | | mao_tse-tung | User(0) |
@marijan:matrix.org | | marijan | User(0) |
@mars:jupiterbroadcasting.com | | mars | User(0) |
@martiert:matrix.org | | martiert | User(0) |
@mattpackwood:matrix.org | | mattpackwood | User(0) |
@matz.a:matrix.org | | matz | User(0) |
@l0n:the-apothecary.club | | maya | User(0) |
@meatcar:matrix.org | | meatcar | User(0) |
@medliviz:matrix.org | | medliviz | User(0) |
@mexisme:matrix.org | | mexisme | User(0) |
@mfmcl:matrix.org | | mfmcl | User(0) |
@mhj:matrix.org | | mhj | User(0) |
@mib:kanp.ai | | mib 🥐 | User(0) |
@michaelpj:matrix.org | | michaelpj | User(0) |
@midirhee12:tchncs.de | | midirhee12 | User(0) |
@mighty-heron:digitalprivacy.diy | | mighty-heron | User(0) |
@miriku:community.rs | | miriku | User(0) |
@mith:matrix.org | | mith | User(0) |
@jee_mj:matrix.org | | mj | User(0) |
@chris:mkaito.net | | mkaito | User(0) |
@mkg20001:mkg20001.io | | mkg20001 | User(0) |
@bunashimeji:matrix.org | | mochi | User(0) |
@mor:linuxistcool.de | | mor | User(0) |
@mountainrose:matrix.org | | mountainrose | User(0) |
@artur:glasgow.social | | moved to @amadaluzia:tchncs.de | User(0) |
@mrtni:matrix.org | | mrtni | User(0) |
@munkel_:matrix.org | | munkel_ | User(0) |
@murazaki:matrix.org | | murazaki | User(0) |
@musicmatze:beyermatthi.as | | musicmatze | User(0) |
@mutantmell:helveticastandard.com | | mutantmell | User(0) |
@mutantmell:matrix.org | | mutantmell | User(0) |
@mvtva:matrix.org | | mvnetbiz | User(0) |
@mwoodpatrickmx:matrix.org | | mwoodpatrickmx | User(0) |
@myhlamaeus:matrix.org | | myhlamaeus | User(0) |
@ygt:matrix.org | | nadir | User(0) |
@nanoplink:matrix.org | | nanoni17728 | User(0) |
@nasrally:matrix.org | | nasrally | User(0) |
@nat-418:nat-418.xyz | | nat-418 | User(0) |
@nebunebu:matrix.org | | nebu | User(0) |
@nebucatnetzer13:matrix.org | | nebucatnetzer13 | User(0) |
@networkexception:nwex.de | | networkException | User(0) |
@networkexception:chat.upi.li | | networkException | User(0) |
@10leej:matrix.org | | nevoyu | User(0) |
@nhnn:nhnn.dev | | nhnn | User(0) |
@nico.user:matrix.org | | nico.user | User(0) |
@hobbit:nerdsin.space | | nicolas | User(0) |
@nirudium:matrix.org | | nirudium | User(0) |
@nixinator:nixos.dev | | nixinator | User(0) |
@nixuser:catgirl.cloud | | nixuser | User(0) |
@nogerine:matrix.org | | nogerine | User(0) |
@schatztruhe:stratum0.org | | nora | User(0) |
@nospaces:fairydust.space | | nospaces | User(0) |
@not7cd:0x3c.pl | | not7cd | User(0) |
@notgne2:wizbos.club | | notgne2 | User(0) |
@notgne2:gen2.space | | notgne2 | User(0) |
@notkea:krutonium.ca | | notkea | User(0) |
@notoh:matrix.flake.sh | | notoh | User(0) |
@npulidomateo:matrix.org | | npulidomateo | User(0) |
@nry_:matrix.org | | nry_ | User(0) |
@nukke:matrix.org | | nukke | User(0) |
@nuko.2mb:matrix.org | | nuko | User(0) |
@niko:conduit.rs | | nyanbinary | User(0) |
@niko:nyanbinary.rs | | nyanbinary 🏳️⚧️ | User(0) |
@oddlama:matrix.org | | oddlama | User(0) |
@ofalvai:matrix.org | | ofalvai | User(0) |
@oh:matrix.flake.sh | | oh | User(0) |
@oliver.falvai:oliverfalvai.xyz | | oliver.falvai | User(0) |
@xondtx:matrix.org | | ondt | User(0) |
@opliko:matrix.org | | opliko (Old) | User(0) |
@outfoxxed:matrix.org | | outfoxxed | User(0) |
@p4cmanus3r:matrix.org | | p4cmanus3r | User(0) |
@palo:xaos.space | | palo moved to @mrvandalo:terranix.org | User(0) |
@pandalanax:sorry2004.org | | pandalanax ⚡️ | User(0) |
@partisani:matrix.org | | partisani | User(0) |
@patryk4815:matrix.org | | patryk4815 | User(0) |
@pawrsley:matrix.org | | pawrsley | User(0) |
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.no | | pbsds | User(0) |
@pedrohlc:ubiquelambda.dev | | pedrohlc ⚡️ | User(0) |
@peedrr:matrix.org | | peedrr | User(0) |
@pennae:matrix.eno.space | | pennae | User(0) |
@penni:matrix.org | | penni | User(0) |
@pereira.alex:matrix.org | | pereira.alex | User(0) |
@phaer:matrix.org | | phaer | User(0) |
@pallas_42:matrix.org | | phasmid | User(0) |
@philipp:xndr.de | | philipp | User(0) |
@phv.42:matrix.org | | phv | User(0) |
@piegames:matrix.org | | piegames | User(0) |
@pinage404:matrix.org | | pinage404 | User(0) |
@deerouspie:matrix.org | | piousdeer | User(0) |
@pistache:systemli.org | | pistache | User(0) |
@plabadens:matrix.org | | plabadens | User(0) |
@plmh:matrix.org | | plmh | User(0) |
@polykernel:kde.org | | polykernel | User(0) |
@kity:kity.wtf | | problems | User(0) |
@psudojo:matrix.org | | psudojo | User(0) |
@psvo:matrix.org | | psvo | User(0) |
@puffnfresh:chat.home.brianmckenna.org | | puffnfresh | User(0) |
@purepani:matrix.org | | purepani | User(0) |
@pvdp:matrix.org | | pvdp | User(0) |
@pvn:matrix.org | | pvn | User(0) |
@pyanezs:matrix.org | | pyanezs | User(0) |
@l-88:matrix.org | | pzka | User(0) |
@qazerito:matrix.org | | qazer | User(0) |
@qbit:tapenet.org | | qbit | User(0) |
@yetanotheraccount:matrix.org | | qrqrtty 🍓 | User(0) |
@jade:the-apothecary.club | | quartz | User(0) |
@quasigod:matrix.org | | quasigod | User(0) |
@quasineutral:matrix.org | | quasineutral | User(0) |
@quantenzitrone:matrix.org | | quazi [ˈkvaːzi] | User(0) |
@queezle:queezle.net | | queezle | User(0) |
@query.roads:matrix.org | | query.roads | User(0) |
@quik2007:matrix.org | | quik2007 | User(0) |
@qwim:matrix.org | | qwim | User(0) |
@r._.hit:matrix.org | | r._.hit | User(0) |
@r3vx:matrix.org | | r3vx | User(0) |
@raekya:ggc-project.de | | raekya | User(0) |
@raghavsood:matrix.org | | raghavsood | User(0) |
@rakijapunk:matrix.org | | rakijapunk | User(0) |
@raven:matrix.binary-kitchen.de | | raven 🪶 (they/them) | User(0) |
@rbutani:matrix.org | | rbutani | User(0) |
@realnyte:matrix.org | | realnyte | User(0) |
@red:ha.redcatho.de | | red | User(0) |
@redbeardy_mcgee:matrix.org | | redbeardymcgee | User(0) |
@redears:matrix.org | | redears | User(0) |
@redrield:matrix.org | | redrield | User(0) |
@redstone-menace:matrix.org | | redstone-menace | User(0) |
@redviking:matrix.org | | redviking 🐧 | User(0) |
@test-user:c.imperishable.name | | rendakuenthusiast⚡️ | User(0) |
@reym:matrix.org | | reym | User(0) |
@ribosomerocker:matrix.org | | ribosomerocker | User(0) |
@mon:tchncs.de | | ribosomerocker | User(0) |
@rickbonavigo:matrix.org | | rickbonavigo | User(0) |
@rifirhbf:matrix.org | | rifirhbf | User(0) |
@risson:lama-corp.space | | risson | User(0) |
@ritiek:matrix.org | | ritiek | User(0) |
@rohandes:matrix.org | | rohandes | User(0) |
@ronanberntsen:matrix.org | | ronanberntsen | User(0) |
@rootname:matrix.org | | rootname | User(0) |
@rosnovsky:matrix.org | | rosnovsky | User(0) |
@zkourouma:matrix.org | | rouma7 | User(0) |
@ruthcomputes:matrix.org | | ruthcomputes | User(0) |
@ryand56:matrix.ryand.ca | | ryand56 | User(0) |
@ryantm:matrix.org | | ryantm | User(0) |
@samueldr:matrix.org | | samueldr | User(0) |
@sayanarijit:matrix.org | | sayanarijit | User(0) |
@schlegs:matrix.org | | schlegs | User(0) |
@schmittlauch:ohai.su | | schmittlauch legacy (new: @schmittlauch:ohai.is) | User(0) |
@seapat:matrix.org | | seapat | User(0) |
@sef:exotic.sh | | sefidel | User(0) |
@selachimorpha:matrix.org | | selachimorpha | User(0) |
@ser:sergevictor.eu | | ser(ial) | User(0) |
@shapr:cofree.coffee | | shapr | User(0) |
@shawn8901:matrix.org | | shawn8901 | User(0) |
@sheemap:matrix.org | | sheemap | User(0) |
@shekhinah:she.khinah.xyz | | shekhinah | User(0) |
@shift-:matrix.org | | shift | User(0) |
@shu9:matrix.org | | shu9 | User(0) |
@sielicki:matrix.org | | sielicki | User(0) |
@signaleleven:signal-eleven.com | | signaleleven | User(0) |
@sigurosa:matrix.org | | sigurosa | User(0) |
@silentlurker:matrix.org | | silentlurker | User(0) |
@darinmorrison:matrix.org | | silvanshade | User(0) |
@skiparoo:matrix.org | | skippy | User(0) |
@sky1e:mildlyfunctional.gay | | sky1e | User(0) |
@slby:matrix.org | | slby | User(0) |
@sleepymonad:matrix.org | | sleepymonad | User(0) |
@snakemap-navigation:matrix.org | | snakemap-navigation | User(0) |
@solemnmagus:matrix.org | | solemnmagus | User(0) |
@solidguy01:matrix.org | | solidguy01 | User(0) |
@sorear:matrix.org | | sorear | User(0) |
@spacesbot:nixos.dev | | spacesbot - keeps a log of public NixOS channels | User(0) |
@spedallen:envs.net | | spedallen | User(0) |
@spyied:matrix.org | | spyied | User(0) |
@sss:matrix.dark-alexandr.net | | sss | User(0) |
@stroove:matrix.org | | stroove | User(0) |
@strutztm:strutztm.de | | strutztm | User(0) |
@stv0ge:matrix.org | | stv0g | User(0) |
@suderman:matrix.org | | suderman | User(0) |
@sudoforge:matrix.org | | sudoforge | User(0) |
@syphoxy:matrix.org | | sy | User(0) |
@sysarcher:matrix.org | | sysarcher | User(0) |
@sysedwinistrator:matrix.org | | sysedwinistrator | User(0) |
@systia:matrix.org | | systia | User(0) |
@szlend:matrix.org | | szlend | User(0) |
@tacocatgirl:catgirl.cloud | | tacocatgirl | User(0) |
@tdanner:matrix.org | | tdanner | User(0) |
@noob_tea:matrix.org | | tea | User(0) |
@tejing:matrix.org | | tejing | User(0) |
@tempusernixos:matrix.org | | tempusernixos | User(0) |
@teoc:matrix.org | | teo (they/he) | User(0) |
@terje.furenes:matrix.org | | terje.furenes | User(0) |
@t3rminal-filth:matrix.org | | terminalfilth | User(0) |
@terrestrialpedestrian:sibnsk.net | | terrestrialpedestrian | User(0) |
@terrorjack:matrix.terrorjack.com | | terrorjack | User(0) |
@keiichi:matrix.org | | teto | User(0) |
@teutat3s:pub.solar | | teutat3s | User(0) |
@ultranix:matrix.org | | tgunnoe | User(0) |
@thaumavorio:thaumic.dev | | thaumavorio | User(0) |
@thefloweringash:matrix.org | | thefloweringash | User(0) |
@thekla:cybre.space | | thekla | User(0) |
@thesola10:matrix.org | | thesola10 | User(0) |
@thomas.a.anderson:matrix.org | | thomas.a.anderson | User(0) |
@thomaslepoix:matrix.org | | thomaslepoix | User(0) |
@thoth101010:matrix.org | | thoth | User(0) |
@tiagod:matrix.org | | tiagod | User(0) |
@timidbits:matrix.org | | timidbit | User(0) |
@tioan:dunwyn.xyz | | tioan | User(0) |
@tired:fairydust.space | | tired | User(0) |
@zippy2536:matrix.org | | tivio | User(0) |
@tolgaerok:matrix.org | | tolga erok | User(0) |
@tollb1:matrix.org | | tollb1 | User(0) |
@tom.anderson:sibnsk.net | | tom.anderson | User(0) |
@tomberek:matrix.org | | tomberek | User(0) |
@tomog:matrix.org | | tomf | User(0) |
@metello:matrix.org | | toraritte | User(0) |
@tq5rpg:matrix.org | | tq5rpg | User(0) |
@treed:cybre.space | | treed | User(0) |
@treed:zenithia.net | | treed | User(0) |
@trexd:matrix.org | | trexd | User(0) |
@tristan:nerdsin.space | | tristan | User(0) |
@tsn9cp:matrix.org | | tsn9cp | User(0) |
@ttamttam:matrix.org | | ttamttam | User(0) |
@tuto_:matrix.org | | tuto | User(0) |
@twitchy0:matrix.org | | twitchy0 | User(0) |
@u2c9727a4:matrix.org | | u2c9727a4 | User(0) |
@uakci:uakci.space | | uakci~ | User(0) |
@ubalot:matrix.org | | ubalot | User(0) |
@uep:matrix.org | | uep | User(0) |
@tinybronca:sibnsk.net | | underpantsgnome | User(0) |
@setthemfree:matrix.org | | undltd | User(0) |
@updown:envs.net | | updown | User(0) |
@vampress:catgirl.cloud | | vampress | User(0) |
@vandycarlos:matrix.org | | vandycarlos | User(0) |
@varvir:matrix.org | | varvir | User(0) |
@vbg754_f:matrix.org | | vbg754_f | User(0) |
@vidister:entropia.de | | vidister / fiona | User(0) |
@vika:matrix.nice.sampler.fi | | vika (she/her) 🏳️⚧️ | User(0) |
@vknemsara:matrix.org | | vknemsara | User(0) |
@vlinkz:matrix.org | | vlinkz | User(0) |
@void68:matrix.org | | void | User(0) |
@von.dev:matrix.org | | von.dev | User(0) |
@voxxit:matrix.org | | voxxit | User(0) |
@wjjunyor:matrix.org | | w | User(0) |
@w3max:matrix.org | | w3max | User(0) |
@w4tsn:darmstadt.social | | w4tsn | User(0) |
@wackbyte:matrix.org | | wackbyte | User(0) |
@waidesoper:beeper.com | | waidesoper | User(0) |
@whitespire:matrix.org | | whitespire | User(0) |
@wildwestrom:nitro.chat | | wildwestrom | User(0) |
@willbush:matrix.org | | willbush | User(0) |
@willgorman:matrix.org | | willgorman | User(0) |
@42willow:matrix.org | | willow | User(0) |
@willruggiano:matrix.org | | willruggiano | User(0) |
@windchimesofmagic:matrix.org | | windchimesofmagic | User(0) |
@winston:milli.ng | | winston | User(0) |
@atharvaamritkar:matrix.org | | wiredhikari | User(0) |
@witcher:envs.net | | witcher | User(0) |
@nikolamiric:matrix.org | | wolix | User(0) |
@wriver4:matrix.org | | wriver4 | User(0) |
@wuyoli:aria-net.org | | wuyoli (Old) | User(0) |
@wyndon:envs.net | | wyndon | User(0) |
@x10an14:matrix.org | | x10an14 | User(0) |
@xanderio:bitflip.jetzt | | xanderio | User(0) |
@xenomirv:matrix.org | | xenomirv | User(0) |
@xerzy:matrix.org | | xerz | User(0) |
@ximnoise:infosec.exchange | | ximnoise | User(0) |
@yaya:uwu.is | | yaya | User(0) |
@yellovv:matrix.org | | yellovv | User(0) |
@yusdacra:tchncs.de | | yusdacra | User(0) |
@zarel_it:matrix.org | | zarel | User(0) |
@inkbottle:matrix.org | | zebrag | User(0) |
@zeratax:dmnd.sh | | zeratax (any/all) | User(0) |
@memoryfragmentation:matrix.org | | zimward | User(0) |
@zitrone:utwente.io | | zitrone | User(0) |
@zodman101:matrix.org | | zodman | User(0) |
@zoechi:matrix.org | | zoechi | User(0) |
@zoopli:matrix.org | | zoopli | User(0) |
@zowoq:matrix.org | | zowoq | User(0) |
@aciceri:nixos.dev | | zrsk | User(0) |
@nimfer:matrix.opencodebox.com | | ||NIMFER|| | User(0) |
@simon.brandner:envs.net | | Šimon Brandner | User(0) |
@alist:matrix.org | | λlice | User(0) |
@djeeta:matrix.org | | ジータ | User(0) |
@ghadfg:matrix.org | | ポポロ | User(0) |
@huzhenghui-5d4aa5a6d73408ce4fc7e8e1:gitter.im | | 胡争辉 | User(0) |