
Nix Hour

181 Members
Discussions and notifications for the weekly Nix Hour, a Nix Q&A Lecture by Tweag: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/the-nix-hour-a-weekly-nix-q-a-lecture-by-tweag/2276740 Servers

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25 Apr 2024
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (migrating synapse) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (void) to SomeoneSerge (UTC+1).23:01:24
26 Apr 2024
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil @room The next Nix hour is in 60 minutes! This week we'll go on a small module system expedition. You can watch the Nix Hour in this live stream. If you have any questions about this, either ask them beforehand in this issue, or use the live chat 😄 14:00:22
@stablejoy:matrix.org@stablejoy:matrix.org changed their profile picture.14:03:44
@ibizaman:matrix.orgibizaman joined the room.15:52:28

The part that confused me but cleared up now

type = types.submodule ./vpn.nix

So the manual does say:

types.submodule o

    A set of sub options o. o can be an attribute set, a function returning an attribute set, or a path to a file containing such a value

So that's why passing a path is fine, I suspect the vpn.nix could contain either a function like it did in the example or just an attribute set.
I tried to figure it out from reading the source but that's bit hard for my nix level.

27 Apr 2024
@nebunebu:matrix.orgnebu joined the room.20:19:19
28 Apr 2024
@buf:matrix.orgbuf joined the room.02:55:49
29 Apr 2024
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (migrating synapse) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (UTC+1) to SomeoneSerge (is taking time off and doesn't want to hear about it).11:43:10
@stablejoy:matrix.org@stablejoy:matrix.org omg I'm so happy infinisil I named the channel "NixOS Discovery" 11:47:25
@stablejoy:matrix.org@stablejoy:matrix.orgIts just an intro but so happy about it11:47:44
@dgrig:erethon.comdgrigCongrats! If you want some early feedback, I think your voice is louder on the left audio channel which makes it sound like it's mono when wearing headphones.11:51:54
In reply to @dgrig:erethon.com
Congrats! If you want some early feedback, I think your voice is louder on the left audio channel which makes it sound like it's mono when wearing headphones.
do you think it has to do with the mic being on the left side of keyboard?
@dgrig:erethon.comdgrig¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have no idea, it depends on how it was recorded I believe11:58:32
In reply to @dgrig:erethon.com
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have no idea, it depends on how it was recorded I believe
good to know, I will do more tests. I was just so happy finally beginning so I just went ahead. I will do tests with the sound. Thanks!
@stablejoy:matrix.org@stablejoy:matrix.orgAnd btw Ill remove the logo I think or make a variation it looks kinda official with that logo and NixOS discovery12:39:39
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilAwesome, congrats! I can give you a shout-out in the next Nix Hour if you want, sound good? :D14:38:33
@stablejoy:matrix.org@stablejoy:matrix.orgYes that would be very nice of you ❤️14:57:23
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilAlright will do! The next one will be on 2024-05-08 :)14:59:09
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:28:26
@nikdo:matrix.org@nikdo:matrix.org left the room.19:03:56
30 Apr 2024
@noughtypixel:matrix.orgNoughty Pixel joined the room.01:21:24
@noughtypixel:matrix.orgNoughty Pixel set a profile picture.01:25:21
@noughtypixel:matrix.orgNoughty Pixel changed their profile picture.14:23:11
@xondtx:matrix.orgondt joined the room.22:35:32
1 May 2024
@pixelfog:matrix.orgpixelfog joined the room.02:17:51
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:06:02
@yorik.sar:matrix.orgyorik.sarRedacted or Malformed Event16:43:28

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