25 Apr 2024 |
| Enric Morales joined the room. | 15:55:57 |
Enric Morales | hello everyone! | 15:56:41 |
Enric Morales | watched a session on youtube and it's really interesting! i'll try to jump on the next one! | 15:57:05 |
nat-418 | In reply to @djacu:matrix.org Sadly, unless something has changed recently, I don't think there is a call any more. It's only streamed to youtube now. But there is live chat and infinisil does respond to it. ah ok I jumped on a call back in the day | 15:59:16 |
djacu | In reply to @kiike:matrix.org watched a session on youtube and it's really interesting! i'll try to jump on the next one! welcome! Do you already have the nix hour in your calendar? Makes it much easier see when they are coming | 15:59:42 |
Enric Morales | i am trying to import it to outlook as we speak 😄 | 16:00:12 |
Enric Morales | cheers! | 16:00:22 |
infinisil | Can't promise it's going to be a good one, but I'll try to both cover the original issue and some other interesting bits :) | 16:08:14 |
infinisil | If you have more specific questions, feel free to add them to the issue :) | 16:08:47 |
Enric Morales | I really liked the one where you went debugging nixpkgs build fails | 16:11:32 |
Enric Morales | and i'm a bit more interested in themes around contributing to nixpkgs rather than the system per se, of course i'm very interested in the system especially all concerning demistifying functionality | 16:14:03 |
stablejoy | In reply to @kiike:matrix.org and i'm a bit more interested in themes around contributing to nixpkgs rather than the system per se, of course i'm very interested in the system especially all concerning demistifying functionality Oh have you seen the one about contributing and then ZHF ones too | 16:15:19 |
Enric Morales | contributing to nixpkgs? yep. zhf, not yet (i don't know what it stands for) | 16:16:48 |
stablejoy | In reply to @kiike:matrix.org contributing to nixpkgs? yep. zhf, not yet (i don't know what it stands for) zero hydra failures, there is one zhf coming up soon | 16:17:24 |
Enric Morales | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTzEslx3Kg0 this one? i'll watch it tonight | 16:17:28 |
stablejoy | I used to think ZHF is the name of Nix Zurich meetup lol | 16:18:54 |
Enric Morales | that ZHF video is very useful! | 19:17:39 |
Enric Morales | is ZHF a good project to get started contributing? I only have a couple packages that I co-maintain | 19:17:57 |
djacu | In reply to @infinisil:matrix.org Can't promise it's going to be a good one, but I'll try to both cover the original issue and some other interesting bits :) Based on my experience of being a viewer since the beginning, I think it'll be a good episode; just like all the rest. :) | 19:25:03 |
infinisil | Don't jinx it! | 19:27:20 |
infinisil | Thanks 😄 | 19:27:47 |
stablejoy | In reply to @kiike:matrix.org is ZHF a good project to get started contributing? I only have a couple packages that I co-maintain Also looking at open issues or good first issue label in nixpkgs/nix/nix.dev repo. | 19:43:54 |
Enric Morales | thanks stablejoy! | 19:48:33 |
| SomeoneSerge (UTC+3) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (void) to SomeoneSerge (UTC+1). | 23:01:24 |
26 Apr 2024 |
infinisil | @room The next Nix hour is in 60 minutes! This week we'll go on a small module system expedition. You can watch the Nix Hour in this live stream. If you have any questions about this, either ask them beforehand in this issue, or use the live chat 😄 | 14:00:22 |
| stablejoy changed their profile picture. | 14:03:44 |
| ibizaman joined the room. | 15:52:28 |
Pico | The part that confused me but cleared up now
type = types.submodule ./vpn.nix
So the manual does say: https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/unstable/#sec-option-types-submodule
types.submodule o
A set of sub options o. o can be an attribute set, a function returning an attribute set, or a path to a file containing such a value
So that's why passing a path is fine, I suspect the vpn.nix could contain either a function like it did in the example or just an attribute set. I tried to figure it out from reading the source but that's bit hard for my nix level.
| 17:03:24 |
27 Apr 2024 |
| nebu joined the room. | 20:19:19 |
28 Apr 2024 |
| buf joined the room. | 02:55:49 |