
Nix Hour

180 Members
Discussions and notifications for the weekly Nix Hour, a Nix Q&A Lecture by Tweag: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/the-nix-hour-a-weekly-nix-q-a-lecture-by-tweag/2276738 Servers

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17 Mar 2024
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org joined the room.20:10:49
18 Mar 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Nix Hour Playlist: The Nix Hour #66 [incremental builds, part 2] 15:25:03
@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.netbenjaminedwardwebb joined the room.22:53:11
19 Mar 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.00:29:50
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil @room The next Nix hour is in 60 minutes! This week we're again looking at incremental builds. You can watch the Nix Hour in this live stream. If you have any questions about this, either ask them beforehand in this issue, or use the live chat. 15:59:45
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (UTC+3) joined the room.16:09:52
@ondrej:vlach.xyzovlach joined the room.17:53:24
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilPR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/297241 :)18:16:18
@daniel:routing.rocksdan_nrw joined the room.19:08:36
21 Mar 2024
@nuko:shimeji.cafefsnkty changed their profile picture.09:48:39
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.18:02:48
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org left the room.20:09:43
22 Mar 2024
@nuko:shimeji.cafefsnkty changed their profile picture.04:47:47
23 Mar 2024
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (UTC+3) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (hash-versioned python modules when) to SomeoneSerge (migrating synapse).02:10:55
@nuko:shimeji.cafefsnkty changed their profile picture.07:42:44
24 Mar 2024
@nuko:shimeji.cafefsnkty changed their profile picture.06:16:14
25 Mar 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Nix Hour Playlist: The Nix Hour #67 [language tooling] 15:44:50
26 Mar 2024
@mg:maximiliangaedig.comMaximilian Gaedig ⚡️ joined the room.15:08:51
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil @room The next Nix hour is in 60 minutes! This week we're looking at language tooling for a project. You can watch the Nix Hour in this live stream. If you have any questions about this, either ask them beforehand in this issue, or use the live chat. 16:03:15
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilI need to fix this freezing problem..17:56:55
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil For some reason it's really hard to reproduce 17:57:25
29 Mar 2024
@sebtm:lodere.esSebTM joined the room.05:40:37
31 Mar 2024
@technicus:matrix.orgMiles Dyson joined the room.23:09:44
2 Apr 2024
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy joined the room.12:14:27
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoyHello. I'm thinking about starting a 'Nix Hour' stream. I want to use this to record my learning. Also in case my GSoC proposal goes through to document the progerss. It might also be useful for beginners. I would like Infinisil's advice on what to call the stream. Should I use 'Stablejoy's Nix Hour' instead of a random name? Zimbatm had Nix fridays. And I'd like to be clear I'm not trying to get viewers or use Infinisil's popularity. I'm just wondering what's best in terms of naming. Maybe each user could have their own '[username] nix hour' stream. Infinisil also inspired me to start my own guitar hour. I am a guitar professional but have only done very little with streaming my sessions. Infinisil approach is very cool and I can answer some of questions very often people have but who do not actually go for a guitar lesson. It’s a very nice way to share knowledge, and then when I teach privately all that somehow stays buried in that moment. Anyway I’d like to hear an opinion if possible or a suggestion on naming the nix hour.12:28:58
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoyI havent streamed anything yet with nix and this is just basically me thinking about it12:29:48
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy * Hello. I'm thinking about starting a 'Nix Hour' stream. I want to use this to record my learning. Also in case my GSoC proposal goes through to document the progress. It might also be useful for beginners. I would like Infinisil's advice on what to call the stream. Should I use 'Stablejoy's Nix Hour' instead of a random name? Zimbatm had Nix fridays. And I'd like to be clear I'm not trying to get viewers or use Infinisil's popularity. I'm just wondering what's best in terms of naming. Maybe each user could have their own '[username] nix hour' stream. Infinisil also inspired me to start my own guitar hour. I am a guitar professional but have only done very little with streaming my sessions. Infinisil approach is very cool and I can answer some of questions very often people have but who do not actually go for a guitar lesson. It’s a very nice way to share knowledge, and then when I teach privately all that somehow stays buried in that moment. Anyway I’d like to hear an opinion if possible or a suggestion on naming the nix hour. 12:30:09
In reply to @stablejoy:matrix.org
I havent streamed anything yet with nix and this is just basically me thinking about it
I might watch it. I've been using MX Linux, but I've read the many very unique ways that Nix makes our lives easier, especially for those focused on system administration tools and the housekeeping that comes with maintaining a Linux system. Maybe you'll show me something that isn't anywhere else that I absolutely feel like I must have and cause a conversion.
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil stablejoy: That's awesome! I do think a separate name would be better, just because it makes finding things easier and less confusing. I also wouldn't want to take attention away from your own streams :) 14:04:50
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilHere's a couple ideas: "Nix journey", "Nix on Air", "Tour de Nix", "Nixpedition" 🤔14:07:19

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