
Nix Hour

179 Members
Discussions and notifications for the weekly Nix Hour, a Nix Q&A Lecture by Tweag: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/the-nix-hour-a-weekly-nix-q-a-lecture-by-tweag/2276739 Servers

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7 Feb 2024
@yorik.sar:matrix.orgyorik.sarSomeone else was watching. Or was it each of us 2 times? :)16:04:30
@yorik.sar:matrix.orgyorik.sarI think we could've saved some memory if we only took at most 5 characters of the prefix since the longest number name is 5 chars long.16:16:05
@yorik.sar:matrix.orgyorik.sarWe could also fold instead of mapping to keep only references to the first and last match 🤔16:16:47

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