18 Jan 2024 |
| NixOS Moderation Bot banned bzm3r (<no reason supplied>). | 12:08:21 |
Feeds | New post in Nix Hour Playlist: The Nix Hour #59 [programming puzzle] | 16:49:27 |
19 Jan 2024 |
infinisil | @room The next Nix hour is in 1 hour! We're having some fun today with a programming puzzle (don't know which one yet). Unfortunately I'm having Jitsi problems recently, so we're just gonna use YouTube today. Feel free to watch the stream and ask any question you have in the live chat! | 12:56:49 |
kadokusei10 | Iām terribly sorry but I will not be able to watch live today as I have to wake up extra early tomorrow m(_ _)m | 13:23:10 |
infinisil | No problem! | 13:55:08 |
Sofie (AWAY) | infinisil: No sound on stream FYI | 14:04:36 |
infinisil | Oh man | 14:05:02 |
Sofie (AWAY) | I heard my message tho xD | 14:05:11 |
| confus joined the room. | 14:06:11 |
nasser |  Download image.png | 15:01:46 |
Sofie (AWAY) | Had some fun simplifying the code.
rec {
lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
interweave = item: elems: [item] ++ (lib.intersperse item elems) ++ [item];
digits = ["0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"];
tracingPipe = value: funcs:
lib.pipe value (interweave lib.traceValSeq funcs);
result = tracingPipe "123a45" [
(lib.filter (char: lib.elem char digits))
(map (char: lib.toInt char))
| 15:34:04 |
Sofie (AWAY) | * Had some fun simplifying the code from today's hour.
rec {
lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
interweave = item: elems: [item] ++ (lib.intersperse item elems) ++ [item];
digits = ["0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"];
tracingPipe = value: funcs:
lib.pipe value (interweave lib.traceValSeq funcs);
result = tracingPipe "123a45" [
(lib.filter (char: lib.elem char digits))
(map (char: lib.toInt char))
| 15:34:19 |
Sofie (AWAY) | * Had some fun simplifying the tracing pipe from today's hour.
rec {
lib = import <nixpkgs/lib>;
interweave = item: elems: [item] ++ (lib.intersperse item elems) ++ [item];
digits = ["0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"];
tracingPipe = value: funcs:
lib.pipe value (interweave lib.traceValSeq funcs);
result = tracingPipe "123a45" [
(lib.filter (char: lib.elem char digits))
(map (char: lib.toInt char))
| 15:36:23 |
infinisil | Nice! | 15:39:11 |
Sofie (AWAY) | Not no clue about if traceValSeq is what i should use here. But it seems to work so lol. | 15:40:42 |
Sofie (AWAY) | * Not sure about if traceValSeq is what i should use here. But it seems to work so lol. | 15:40:50 |
| AkechiShiro joined the room. | 22:42:36 |
22 Jan 2024 |
| maka_77x joined the room. | 03:06:29 |
25 Jan 2024 |
Feeds | New post in Nix Hour Playlist: The Nix Hour #60 [compiling packages from source] | 14:21:39 |
26 Jan 2024 |
infinisil | @room The next Nix hour is in 1h15! Today we're talking about Compiling packages from source. If you have any questions about this topic, you can either ask them in this issue or ask them live in the chat on the livestream | 12:45:57 |
| Bryan joined the room. | 12:50:54 |
infinisil | Backlink: https://matrix.to/#/!KqkRjyTEzAGRiZFBYT:nixos.org/$TzhEW9QGueiHJwR2lk1xCYZb6Y-beLd974I0IbA2vyE?via=nixos.org&via=matrix.org&via=tchncs.de | 12:51:20 |
infinisil | Bryan: Honestly last week was the most fun episode so far for me, I kind of want to do more random programming puzzles! | 12:51:50 |
infinisil | But it's also kind of really not what Nix is made for š
| 12:52:01 |
| ghpzin joined the room. | 12:52:43 |
Bryan | I didn't think I would've enjoyed it as much as I did, but I was exposed to some bits of nix that I hadn't seen much use for yet. I'm presently building out a deploy-rs "bundle" for a bunch of hosts and the iteration/mapping was eye opening. I've been able to abstract away some simple bits from a ~30 host db cluster so that I don't have to type it out (and can represent the internal structure better). Thanks for that - but I do TOTALLY understand that it isn't really what nix is built for. | 12:54:08 |
infinisil | I guess we could do some puzzles here and there :D | 12:56:30 |
kadokusei10 | infinisil: Thanks for the last 4 weeks! I got to watch live 3 out of 4 times (only missed last week) and I enjoyed the experience very much! | 15:03:25 |
| getpsyched joined the room. | 15:10:53 |
infinisil | Awesome, glad to have you! Hopefully again in the future when the timing happens to align :D | 15:34:34 |