
Nix Hour

166 Members
Discussions and notifications for the weekly Nix Hour, a Nix Q&A Lecture by Tweag: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/the-nix-hour-a-weekly-nix-q-a-lecture-by-tweag/2276735 Servers

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5 Jan 2024
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilOh no there seem to be jitsi problems13:59:09
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil Can others join? kadokusei10 13:59:35
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10I couldn't join. I thought maybe it's because it starts in a couple of minutes 14:00:08
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10"You have been disconnected, you may want to check your internet connection"14:00:32
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilNo I get the same14:01:10
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilDefinitely not right14:01:18
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10BTW I tried to join about 30 minutes ago, and it joined just fine (I left right afterwards)14:01:24
@yorik.sar:matrix.orgyorik.sarI can't join either.14:02:18
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil@room New meeting link: https://meet.jit.si/the-nix-hour14:02:24
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10I clicked "join without audio" and it seems to work14:02:28
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10Rejoined with audio and it seems to work, for now.14:03:48
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10After about one minute I got "you have been disconnected"14:04:14
@yorik.sar:matrix.orgyorik.sar infinisil: Looks like you're breaking up again... Did it froze again? 14:10:32
6 Jan 2024
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhb set a profile picture.14:00:48
7 Jan 2024
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10Thanks to this Nix Hour, I got to hear how my voice sounds like during a recording compared to other people and realized it's pretty bad! I went ahead and bought a headset with the best microphone I could find (for its price range) 🔊03:20:34
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10 * Thanks to this Nix Hour, I got to hear how my voice sounds like during a recording compared to other people and realized it's pretty bad! I went ahead and bought a headset with the best microphone I could find (for its price range) 🎙 03:20:45
@iamameatpopsicle:matrix.orgiamameatpopsicle joined the room.17:45:35
11 Jan 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Nix Hour Playlist: The Nix Hour #58 [python.withPackages] 15:09:24
@tsmarcnk:matrix.org@tsmarcnk:matrix.org left the room.18:51:33
12 Jan 2024
@tpankrath:matrix.orgTobias PankrathAre Nix Hour sessions uploaded somewhere so I can download them for longer train rides to watch? I can youtube-dl them ofc, but if there is a bittorrent or sth. similiar, I'd prefer that. 07:36:06
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil Tobias Pankrath: Not right now but see https://github.com/tweag/nix-hour/issues/50 for future updates 09:41:31
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil @room The next Nix hour is in 1h30! The topic this time is python.withPackages. If you have questions about this topic, you either can comment them in this issue, or ask them live via voice/chat in the meeting. There's also the livestream for just listening in 😄 12:31:17
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilStarting in a couple minutes!13:57:44
@picog:matrix.orgPico joined the room.14:12:38
@picog:matrix.orgPicoThe YT description says the meeting is at https://meet.zrh.init7.net/nix-hour Is that correct? Takes me to an empty room14:15:24
In reply to @picog:matrix.org
The YT description says the meeting is at https://meet.zrh.init7.net/nix-hour Is that correct?
Takes me to an empty room
How about https://meet.jit.si/the-nix-hour?
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10But the video stream is over on YouTube due to some technical difficulties. Questions are on Jitsi chat.14:20:33
In reply to @kadokusei10:matrix.org
How about https://meet.jit.si/the-nix-hour?
Yeah, works. So I assume a mistake or a redirect is not working?
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10Video on: https://www.youtube.com/live/WVTPjuQk3vo14:21:50
@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10Redacted or Malformed Event15:03:53

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