6 Dec 2023 |
Feeds | New post in Nix Hour Playlist: The Nix Hour #55 [Writing NixOS Modules, part 2] | 14:49:32 |
7 Dec 2023 |
| @mlyx:matrix.org joined the room. | 15:31:55 |
infinisil | @room The next Nix hour is in 1 hour! Just like last week, we decided the topic ahead of time. It's another "Writing NixOS modules" though, because we didn't cover a lot of the questions from last time. If you have further questions, please add them to this issue. But also feel free to ask questions by voice/chat in the meeting, or if you just want to listen in, watch the livestream 😄 | 16:02:23 |
infinisil | Starting in a couple minutes! | 16:59:58 |
8 Dec 2023 |
| jost-s joined the room. | 13:20:17 |
13 Dec 2023 |
Feeds | New post in Nix Hour Playlist: The Nix Hour #56 [Debugging Nix code] | 15:09:00 |
infinisil | Check out https://discourse.nixos.org/t/the-nix-hour-a-weekly-nix-q-a-lecture-by-tweag/22767/31 for some updates to the Nix Hour! | 16:06:47 |
14 Dec 2023 |
infinisil | @room The next Nix hour is in 55 minutes! The topic this time it's "Debugging Nix code". If you have any questions about this topic, you can comment them in this issue. But also feel free to ask questions by voice/chat in the meeting, or if you just want to listen in, watch the livestream 😄 | 16:07:10 |
| @aitvaras:one.ems.host joined the room. | 16:11:56 |
infinisil | Everything frozen again 🫠 | 18:11:22 |
infinisil | yorik.sar: ^ | 18:11:36 |
yorik.sar | I guess we can disperse then :) | 18:12:21 |
16 Dec 2023 |
| a-kenji joined the room. | 13:23:15 |
18 Dec 2023 |
| @bzzm3r:matrix.org joined the room. | 11:34:07 |
23 Dec 2023 |
| raitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius to raitobezarius (DECT 2128). | 22:21:49 |
25 Dec 2023 |
| @aitvaras:one.ems.host left the room. | 16:04:57 |
27 Dec 2023 |
| @joerg:thalheim.io changed their display name from Mic92 to Mic92 (DECT: 7934). | 14:31:11 |
30 Dec 2023 |
| raitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius (DECT 2128) to raitobezarius. | 19:52:15 |
31 Dec 2023 |
| @joerg:thalheim.io changed their display name from Mic92 (DECT: 7934) to Mic92. | 16:13:07 |
4 Jan 2024 |
Feeds | New post in Nix Hour Playlist: The Nix Hour #56 [Impure runtime dependencies] | 15:00:33 |
5 Jan 2024 |
infinisil | @room The next Nix hour is in 1h10! The topic this time is Impure runtime dependencies. If you have questions about this topic, you either can comment them in this issue, or ask them live via voice/chat in the meeting. There's also the livestream for just listening in 😄 | 12:49:37 |
kadokusei10 | Since I've never participated in the Jitsi meet before, I'd like to ask, when one wants to ask a question on voice/chat, does one use the "raise hand" functionality before that? Or does one just find a good time to start asking the question? | 13:40:35 |
infinisil | Never thought much about this, but raising the hand sounds great! But also just finding a good time also works :) | 13:43:12 |
kadokusei10 | Cool.
I guess that means no one used that functionality in the Jitsi meet before? | 13:44:16 |
infinisil | I think it has been used before, not consistently though. I think any way works really ;) | 13:45:15 |
kadokusei10 | I see 👍🏼
(Couldn't tell because I only watched through YouTube until today) | 13:49:43 |
infinisil | Oh no there seem to be jitsi problems | 13:59:09 |
infinisil | Can others join? kadokusei10 | 13:59:35 |
kadokusei10 | I couldn't join. I thought maybe it's because it starts in a couple of minutes
| 14:00:08 |