
Nix Hour

174 Members
Discussions and notifications for the weekly Nix Hour, a Nix Q&A Lecture by Tweag: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/the-nix-hour-a-weekly-nix-q-a-lecture-by-tweag/2276738 Servers

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24 Nov 2023

Regarding the format of the Nix Hour, I'm proposing:

  • Keep the focus on a single topic per episode
  • Keep the length to at most 1 hour, potentially ending earlier if it's a good time to stop
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil *

Regarding the format of the Nix Hour, I'm proposing:

  • Keep the focus on a single topic per episode, ideally announcing the topic beforehand
  • Keep the length to at most 1 hour, potentially ending earlier if it's a good time to stop
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil *

Regarding the format of the Nix Hour, I'm proposing:

  • Keep the focus on a single topic per episode, ideally announcing the topic beforehand
  • Keep the length to at most 1 hour, potentially ending earlier if it's a good time to stop
  • Switch up the day and time a bit more, so that people with different availability have a better chance to attend as well
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil mikecm: kadokusei10: Thoughts? ^ 19:40:06
25 Nov 2023

Keep the focus on a single topic per episode, ideally announcing the topic beforehand
Keep the length to at most 1 hour, potentially ending earlier if it's a good time to stop

What if little topics/questions that only take, say 5-10 minutes come up in the issues? I
guess you could wait until such questions from the same topic accumulate enough to warrant
a video on their topic.

Switch up the day and time a bit more, so that people with different availability have a better chance to attend as well

While I would be very happy to attend, I am also aware I am not in a particularly popular
time zone. If allowing me to attend will entail 10 others can not I would feel guilty πŸ˜…
I guess you could have a poll to see the distribution, to make sure only time zones with
enough demand are chosen.

What do you think?

@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10Replied in the proposal thread13:02:55

While I would be very happy to attend, I am also aware I am not in a particularly popular
time zone

If it is true there aren't much people in my timezone, it can't be helped so I will be
fine with not ever attending live. The other day I was worried that half of the stream
would be exclusive to attenders. Perhaps in that case it would have been possible to
script a bot to attend just so that the contents could be recorded and I don't miss a
thing. But then other people with the same issue would also need to do the same thing, in
which case it is more efficient to just record everything in the first place.

If the idea of not recording all questions is to allow people who prefer to ask in
private, ask their questions, they can always participate under a temporary name and put
their questions in the chat I assume? In that case they wouldn't mind that their
questions are recorded I guess? I might be wrong.

@10leej:matrix.orgnevoyu joined the room.15:57:00
@mikecm:matrix.orgmikecmThat's good. Have you had any thoughts about other subject matter experts? Or expanding the subjects, maybe taking a survey? Perhaps hosted by someone on the other side of the earth? Or are these for later when the current format is more stable.16:40:31
26 Nov 2023
@evils:nixos.devevils joined the room.15:15:35
@evils:nixos.devevilssome suggested topics somewhat topical, if you haven't done an hour on this before: the release process maybe somewhat overkill unless you go into all the things affected by this, answering my question here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9415#issuecomment-1820824736 ("What is the actual issue with libGL on non-NixOS?") (my interest is in providing a package i maintain via a Nix bundle, which doesn't work because of that)15:50:45
@evils:nixos.devevils * some suggested topics somewhat topical, if you haven't done an hour on this before: the release process maybe somewhat overkill unless you go into all the things affected by this, answering my question here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9415#issuecomment-1820824736 ("What is the actual issue with libGL on non-NixOS?") (my interest is in providing a GUI package i maintain via a Nix bundle, which doesn't work because of that)15:55:40
@evils:nixos.devevils * some suggested topics somewhat topical, if you haven't done an hour on this before: the release process maybe somewhat overkill unless you go into all the things affected by this, answering my question here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9415#issuecomment-1820824736 ("What is the actual issue with libGL on non-NixOS?") (my interest is in providing a GUI package via a Nix bundle, which doesn't work because of that)15:55:50
@evils:nixos.devevilsanother "i wouldn't mind having an expert spend an hour on my problem" https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/255657 fetchZip unpacks the source, the source is exceeds the hydra limit, so even though the package that uses the source outputs something way below the limit, it can't be built on hydra maybe interesting to look into fetchFromGitHub -> fetchZip -> fetchurl -> maybe mirrors (software heritage foundation?)? also when to not build something on Hydra, or when to set up your own cache, or the prospects for P2P stores?16:10:06
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil evils: Great ideas! Can you open these as issues on https://github.com/tweag/nix-hour? 21:22:22
In reply to @mikecm:matrix.org
That's good. Have you had any thoughts about other subject matter experts? Or expanding the subjects, maybe taking a survey?
Perhaps hosted by someone on the other side of the earth?
Or are these for later when the current format is more stable.
For now I won't be doing that. It would take more time and mental capacity to organise that, which I currently lack. I'd appreciate others doing this though! Incidentally the developer dialogues are going on right now, which is kind of like that (though not as technical)
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil kadokusei10: Yeah if smaller issues come up I'd try to address a bunch of related ones together. 21:25:03
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil kadokusei10: While I can't guarantee Japan time, I have a pretty good idea how to make it work without being too straining :) 21:26:51
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil kadokusei10: Regarding recording, I don't think that would be okay, people have the right to not be recorded, and we need to be clear about that. Nobody can be everywhere all at once, there's always something missed, but that's fine because we're always exchanging information everywhere :) 21:28:49
27 Nov 2023
In reply to @infinisil:matrix.org
For now I won't be doing that. It would take more time and mental capacity to organise that, which I currently lack. I'd appreciate others doing this though! Incidentally the developer dialogues are going on right now, which is kind of like that (though not as technical)
Got a
Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.
Also I would like to help, but I'm still a novice.
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil mikecm: Whoops not sure what happened there, this should work: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/2023-nix-developer-dialogues-live-stream/35386 15:05:42
@mikecm:matrix.orgmikecmYes I have watched similar, but I don't think I'm alone in thinking that the nix hour format is better because of a number of reasons: less formal, more targeted, people watching can have their issues aired, I think it helps with learning.15:13:32
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil mikecm: Yeah it's not the same, but probably the closest to guest lectures there is right now :) 15:15:15
Download 1000002511.jpg
@drupol:matrix.org@drupol:matrix.org spotted ! 19:38:24
@jfly:matrix.orgJeremy Fleischman (jfly) joined the room.21:40:41
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil Pol: Haha awesome, thanks for watching! ❀️ 21:53:52

infinisil: Thanks for the reply!

I have a pretty good idea how to make it work without being too straining :)
Is that idea in a stage where you can share it?
Regarding not recording some stuff. I understand πŸ‘πŸΌ

@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10 *

infinisil: Thanks for the reply!

I have a pretty good idea how to make it work without being too straining :)
Is that idea in a stage where you can share it?

Regarding not recording some stuff. I understand πŸ‘πŸΌ

@kadokusei10:matrix.orgkadokusei10 *

infinisil: Thanks for the reply!

I have a pretty good idea how to make it work without being too straining :)

Is that idea in a stage where you can share it?

Regarding not recording some stuff. I understand πŸ‘πŸΌ


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