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21 Oct 2024
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami Liedes I just remember years ago looking with horror at some steam shell scripts (it's probably just me, I've grown a strong dislike towards shell scripting). And a few days after that I read that there was some bug in the steam shell scripts that executed rm -rf /. 06:51:29
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemu Do you mean this beauty? https://github.com/sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch/blob/master/steamtinkerlaunch 06:52:21
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuWhy, would you not want to write a GUI steam compat tool interceptor in 27k lines of bash? 06:52:56
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami LiedesNo, I think that looks worse. I didn't get that deep.06:52:58
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuUpdated my write-up on a potential new hardware accel driver API in a new issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/35016207:00:04
@k900:0upti.meK900Do you also want to get the loader config changes in there?07:03:17
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuWDYM by loader config changes?07:04:28
@k900:0upti.meK900Like moving Vulkan drivers out of /run/opengl-drivers07:07:13
@k900:0upti.meK900And such07:07:14
@k900:0upti.meK900Because that's something I also want to look into because with Mesa 24.3 we can actually use host drivers sometimes07:07:31
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuI think that should come after the NixOS options are redesigned07:07:41
@k900:0upti.meK900So it would be nice to update all the loaders to also look in FHS-brained paths07:07:44
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuThough if there are any constraints to be aware of here, we can let that influence the design07:08:00
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuLike, the change is rather independent if you ask me07:09:08
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuOne can happen without the other07:09:14
@netbrain:matrix.orgnetbrainhm the pressure vessel solution from steam is pretty interesting, especially the part where they yoink graphics drivers from the host system to the container.07:09:35
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuBut it'd be better to have the new NixOS options to perhaps have an even better design for the driver path change which is IMHO more significant07:09:39
@vengmark2:matrix.orgl0b0 daggerfall-unity: init at 1.1.1 08:40:19
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami Liedes
In reply to @atemu12:matrix.org
Updated my write-up on a potential new hardware accel driver API in a new issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/350162
Terminology point: With "hardware-accelerated compute" I immediately wondered if you mean only things like CUDA or also graphics. I think Nvidia's usage of "compute" muddles things here; I think it means only non-graphics. Not sure what better terminology would be. GPU API?
@k900:0upti.meK900venc/vdec is also definitely not compute tbh08:55:39
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami LiedesI do more CUDA than graphics; I've also mused a bit on the pain of having to rebuild a lot of stuff after setting some cuda option. And the interesting dilemma that if I set my compute architectures, building will be much faster but there will be much less cached content. Not sure there's a solution to that either... I read a bit on if it would be even theoretically possible to split things into a "base package" and then separate compute architecture packages, but I think it looks dim. I feel there's a monad lurking here. Compute monad, or building-with-compute monad.08:56:01
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami LiedesIt might work if all the builds were declarative instead of shelling to, well, shell or cmake or something.08:57:32
In reply to @k900:0upti.me
venc/vdec is also definitely not compute tbh
Why not? Data in, computed data out.
@k900:0upti.meK900It's not computing though08:57:54
@k900:0upti.meK900At least not in the typical definition of the word08:58:02
@k900:0upti.meK900That's all fixed function08:58:06
@sliedes:hacklab.fiSami LiedesMaybe there's also the point that if we define compute very widely, it's not a very useful term because everything in NixOS is compute :)08:58:31
In reply to@sliedes:hacklab.fi
I do more CUDA than graphics; I've also mused a bit on the pain of having to rebuild a lot of stuff after setting some cuda option. And the interesting dilemma that if I set my compute architectures, building will be much faster but there will be much less cached content. Not sure there's a solution to that either... I read a bit on if it would be even theoretically possible to split things into a "base package" and then separate compute architecture packages, but I think it looks dim. I feel there's a monad lurking here. Compute monad, or building-with-compute monad.
Honestly we should just ship unfreeRedistributable on Hydra
@k900:0upti.meK900And not have this problem08:58:48
@k900:0upti.meK900But hurr durr08:58:52

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