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21 Dec 2024
@tuxiqae:matrix.orgtuxiqaeRunning Niri (Wayland)13:53:57
@k900:0upti.meK900Do you have xwayland13:54:25

Just as instructed in the wiki:

  programs.steam = {
    enable = true;
    remotePlay.openFirewall = true; # Open ports in the firewall for Steam Remote Play
    dedicatedServer.openFirewall = false; # Open ports in the firewall for Source Dedicated Server
    localNetworkGameTransfers.openFirewall = true; # Open ports in the firewall for Steam Local Network Game Transfers
@k900:0upti.meK900I feel like I remember something about niri not doing xwayland correctly 13:54:44
@tuxiqae:matrix.orgtuxiqaeShould I? 😅13:54:45
@k900:0upti.meK900Or something 13:54:46
@k900:0upti.meK900Yes because Steam is X11 only 13:55:04
@rtjure:matrix.orgrtjurealso 32bit support used to be needed13:55:30
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuSteam is X11-only13:57:02
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuAnd games typically are too13:57:03
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemu programs.steam.enable does that already 13:57:33
In reply to @atemu12:matrix.org
And games typically are too
Proton 10 will get wayland wine support, right?
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuIt might?13:57:57
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuWe don't know until it's out13:58:03
In reply to @sigmasquadron:matrix.org
Proton 10 will get wayland wine support, right?
@tuxiqae:matrix.orgtuxiqae* True13:58:15
@k900:0upti.meK900Well 13:58:16
@k900:0upti.meK900Maybe 13:58:18
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuBut WINE wayland support was getting near the finish line last time I checked13:58:18
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuI'd expect optional support but off by default13:58:30
@k900:0upti.meK900But not guaranteed, and not going to matter anyway 13:58:32
@k900:0upti.meK900Because Steam itself is still stuck on X1113:58:39
@tuxiqae:matrix.orgtuxiqae Setting programs.xwayland.enable = true; didn't solve the issue 13:59:36
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuAre you sure it doesn't matter? Don't we want proper window presentation niceties?14:00:11
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuAh you meant for the purpose of yeeting xwayland14:00:22
In reply to @atemu12:matrix.org
Are you sure it doesn't matter? Don't we want proper window presentation niceties?
We won't have them with the current state of the Wine driver anyway

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