
NixOS Gaming

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8 Jan 2025
@iopq:matrix.orgiopqWhat's the best combo for Wine games and OBS? I get black screens on Gnome and KDE from time to time when streaming. That's an instant loss. Maybe I could work out how to get x11 working19:00:57
@iopq:matrix.orgiopqI don't get these issues when I'm not capturing the game window or to screen19:01:53
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuWorked well for me19:30:02
@tuxiqae:matrix.orgtuxiqaeOn the same note, any idea how to stream onto Discord Canary on Sway?20:00:03
9 Jan 2025
@anjix:matrix.organji joined the room.17:31:57
10 Jan 2025
@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgSigmaSquadron changed their display name from SigmaSquadron (Away until 2024-01-12) to SigmaSquadron (Away until 2024-01-11).22:15:43
@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgSigmaSquadron changed their display name from SigmaSquadron (Away until 2024-01-11) to SigmaSquadron (Away until 2025-01-11).22:43:15
11 Jan 2025
@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgSigmaSquadron changed their display name from SigmaSquadron (Away until 2025-01-11) to SigmaSquadron.15:06:36
Download image.png
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhbAnyone else experienced this with Beat Saber? Half Life Alyx seems to work fine. I'll double check Beat Saber later again :)15:36:22
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]not sure if this has changed but doesnt steamvr need to be on the beta branch?15:38:08
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its] source: https://curiouslynerdy.com/nixos-steamvr-openxr/
(i dont do vr stuff myself)
In reply to @emma:rory.gay
not sure if this has changed but doesnt steamvr need to be on the beta branch?
In reply to @emma:rory.gay
not sure if this has changed but doesnt steamvr need to be on the beta branch?
But then Half Life Alyx wouldn't work I assume :D
@emma:rory.gayEmma [it/its]there seem to be some issues specific to beatsaber so ymmv16:21:22
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuWell, does OpenXR work?16:29:57
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuTry xrgears or something16:30:01
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemu (Remember to steam-run it) 16:30:06
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuIf not, check the OpenXR configuration JSON16:30:20
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuI'm not certain HL:A is OpenXR; might be OpenVR given that it's a Valve game16:33:34
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhbI'll try after dinner as soon as my hair isn't wet. The feeling of a headset on wet hair is horrible. I can only imagine a VR headset would be even more so16:53:12
@oak:universumi.fioak changed their profile picture.16:45:13
@srestegosaurio:tchncs.desrestegosaurio (on tchncs.de)
In reply to @eyjhb:eyjhb.dk
I'll try after dinner as soon as my hair isn't wet. The feeling of a headset on wet hair is horrible. I can only imagine a VR headset would be even more so
Just reading it made feel uncomfortable.
@oak:universumi.fioak removed their profile picture.16:46:16
@srestegosaurio:tchncs.desrestegosaurio (on tchncs.de)Long hair has more maintenance burden of what I would have expected initially.16:59:48
@oak:universumi.fioak set a profile picture.16:46:43
In reply to @srestegosaurio:tchncs.de
Long hair has more maintenance burden of what I would have expected initially.
Besides getting a lot more hair in my mouth, the biggest difference is that the hair is still attached to my head. 😅 And eating.. and having curly hair it gets everywhere in your face 🙃
@pandapip1:matrix.orgpandapip1 joined the room.21:23:39
@srestegosaurio:tchncs.desrestegosaurio (on tchncs.de)
In reply to @eyjhb:eyjhb.dk
Besides getting a lot more hair in my mouth, the biggest difference is that the hair is still attached to my head. 😅 And eating.. and having curly hair it gets everywhere in your face 🙃
I cannot stand my own hair if it's not tied down in some way. Specially if it's a windy day.

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