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24 Nov 2022

currently im

  • mutilating fhsuserenv trying to get it to eval withmusl
  • trying to get some python stuff to build
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_appppaaaarrently fhsuserenv only works with glibc? Im not sure02:36:12
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I tried to remove all the i686 stuff but something is still hanging on and preventing me from evaling02:36:30
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_(i think I just waited for 3 fortran stage compiles on the side or something...blas and lapack are compiling..)02:37:15
In reply to @tpw_rules:matrix.org
that's the real danger of nix
Im wondering if this is a more feasible way of upgrading userspace if, and until, we can upgrade the kernel
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_its an open question why its so old, we are supposed to get custory of the machine...at some point02:38:38
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ * its an open question why its so old, we are supposed to get custody of the machine...at some point02:38:45
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ libgcrypt tests failed with Fatal: getentropy is not supported: Function not implemented and I'm not sure why 02:39:50
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_musl should support it? https://fossies.org/linux/musl/src/misc/getentropy.c02:40:29
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I really wish root wasnt necessary to debug io performance...02:41:51
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I spent the last two weeks babysitting builds and machine learning and I want to be done with it and do something useful :p I want to turnin the project today so it would be great to get this stuff to build...02:45:39
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_f**. I just accidentally ^c-ed an almost finished blas build. siiiigh02:53:44
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ah nope, all of blas, openblas, and lapack, gg.02:54:49
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_perfect time to retry /dev/shm02:56:04
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_something I mighthave messed up last time is not setting the temp dir variables to be on shm too02:59:48
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_hm, I got steam-run to eval. I probably broke it though?03:37:18
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_time to build spidermonkey and rust because of polkit...03:37:59
@nickcao:nichi.coNick Cao joined the room.05:03:05
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ tpw_rules: if I ever manage to get any sort of graphics going, do I need nixGL? I don't know how the graphics stack works so idk if I can just throw xvfb-run at it and get sw rendering 05:06:40
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesno, nixGL is only necessary to link up with the hardware graphics drivers05:07:26
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_Hm. I didnt hink through how I'm going to deal with UnityPlayer.so requiring glibc 2.14 or 2.1505:27:18
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ * Hm. I didnt think through how I'm going to deal with UnityPlayer.so requiring glibc 2.14 or 2.1505:27:26
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_though technically I think thats old enough to run?05:27:37
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I might have done a lot more work than needed for this binary at least05:28:14
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_it might not be trivial to build against an old glibc though05:50:48
18 Dec 2022
@madouura:matrix.orgMadoura So apparently mainline clang can compile and link HIP executables just fine without hipcc.
It still makes sense to follow the official ROCm software stack for nixpkgs, but dang. This would have been a lot easier to just use regular clang.
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I still want to work on it but I haven't gotten my little project working yet. Also exams.15:50:23
@madouura:matrix.orgMadoura Ah I get it.
I've had a lot of free time lately so I've been spending it (without sleeping...) working on porting ROCm to nixpkgs lol.
Theoretically since we have rocmClangStdenv now switching away from hipcc if/when it's needed should be easy for all the ROCm packages.

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