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24 Nov 2022
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_hah.. I have figured out I mostly don't like ML . I dont like the "am I an idiot or do I just need to throw more compute at it" factor02:26:11
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I like to be certain that im an idiot02:26:20
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesso you are trying with less?02:26:23
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesbut big mood02:26:27
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_the story is I have some access to oldish uni hpc cluster so I figured Id try to un unity's mlagents toolkit on an hpc node for my "intro to reinforcement learning in practice" course02:27:12
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ * the story is I have some access to oldish uni hpc cluster so I figured Id try to run unity's mlagents toolkit on an hpc node for my "intro to reinforcement learning in practice" course02:27:18
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I have access to the cluster because uni side job, and of course I hadnt ever actually logged into it because I was doing other job related things02:27:45
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_so there I am doign research for the project onhow contianers and namespaes and stuff works02:28:00
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_and I log in02:28:04
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_and its rhel6 2.6.32 , uname says a 2013 build02:28:17
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_and im like02:28:19
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesand find out all that stuff is a decade in the future02:28:22
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_uh guys02:28:23
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesmine is rhel7 but i can't convince the admins to raise the namespace limit above 002:28:36
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ill just note none of this stuff is supported by the kernel on the machines kekekeke02:28:44
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rules * mine is rhel7 and 3.19.something but i can't convince the admins to raise the namespace limit above 002:28:46
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_well, I'm going all in on proot02:29:02
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_its worked so far02:29:09
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_idk about performance overhead though02:29:16
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesi assume then those don't have GPUs02:29:16
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ /actually/ the ydo 02:29:32
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_but ill be happy to just figure out cpu stuff for starters first02:29:40
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulessee if you can get nixGL and virtualgl going02:29:54
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_idk te enterprise gpu stuff, k20s and k40s or soemthing, also something about xeon phi02:30:06
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesi intend to write up and publish how i did that at some indefinite point...02:30:07
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ * idk the enterprise gpu stuff, k20s and k40s or soemthing, also something about xeon phi02:30:20
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesxeon phi is firmly in the nerd kitsch category at this point i'm pretty sure02:30:36
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_but yeah its ~10 year old hardware02:31:20

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