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27 Oct 2022
Room Avatar Renderer.13:52:07
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot joined the room.13:55:12
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@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellion joined the room.15:54:28
28 Oct 2022
@jb:vk3.wtfjbedo joined the room.00:14:41
29 Oct 2022
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_ joined the room.22:02:06
30 Oct 2022
@madouura:matrix.orgMadoura joined the room.02:19:13
@madouura:matrix.orgMadouraHi, can I assume this is HPC in the context of things like CUDA or ROCM?02:20:37
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_o/ yup I guess that too07:39:37
@madouura:matrix.orgMadouraHello, I'm trying to package rocBLAS as part of an ongoing massive ROCm stack port, but am running into what I think may be nix-specific issues concerning either LLVM_rocm or hip. https://github.com/Madouura/nixpkgs/blob/661719becd0ac8134ce018c0a7ed58c947ceb096/pkgs/development/libraries/rocblas/default.nix For context, see https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/rocBLAS/issues/127707:45:15
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_wow nice I guess07:45:31
@madouura:matrix.orgMadouraThat was a forward, guess you can't edit it.07:45:45
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I myself havent touched any of that stack yet but maybe some clueful people will gather as this develops.07:46:04
@madouura:matrix.orgMadoura * [ forwarded ] Hello, I'm trying to package rocBLAS as part of an ongoing massive ROCm stack port, but am running into what I think may be nix-specific issues concerning either LLVM_rocm or hip. https://github.com/Madouura/nixpkgs/blob/661719becd0ac8134ce018c0a7ed58c947ceb096/pkgs/development/libraries/rocblas/default.nix For context, see https://github.com/ROCmSoftwarePlatform/rocBLAS/issues/1277 07:46:05
@madouura:matrix.orgMadoura * That was a forward, guess you can't edit it. (or you CAN lol)07:46:14
@madouura:matrix.orgMadouraYup, that's the hope.07:46:33
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_Im still not sure whether you can just -p python and a bunch of python packages or whether you basically have to withPackages it07:48:04
@madouura:matrix.orgMadouraYou mean in a build script or in a nix shell?07:48:35
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_doesn't matter07:48:45
@madouura:matrix.orgMadouraIf it's a build script like nixpkgs, you're gonna have to add each package with hashes if they don't exist already manually.07:49:15
@madouura:matrix.orgMadoura If it's just something like nix-shell -p python pip then yeah you can just pip them in 07:49:33
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_I mean in your repro you used a nix-shell command where you listed some python packages07:49:55
@madouura:matrix.orgMadoura rocblas/default.nix? 07:50:45
@madouura:matrix.orgMadouraI don't see nix-shell there.07:50:50
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_no, the first issue post07:51:02
@madouura:matrix.orgMadouraAh my bad.07:51:17
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_well anyway, I don't have any good ideas; once I'm this deep I usually just end up trying to figure out what is supposed to be building the missing files and try to figure out why that isnt executing07:51:18
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_and also possibly compare against a known working build on a system with a working build07:52:04
@madouura:matrix.orgMadoura The final package list is in rocblas/default.nix, so you don't need all of the ones in that issue. 07:52:10
@jcie74:matrix.orgpie_Im kind of elbow deep in my own thing right now but maybe you can try that?07:52:37

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