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12 Jan 2025
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.org Does NixOS care about lib/modules-load.d/ in systemd.packages`? 23:43:19
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.org * Does NixOS care about lib/modules-load.d/ in systemd.packages? 23:43:28
@perchun:matrix.orgPerchun Pak

is it possible to remove an attribute in an overlay?

cleanAttrs = lib.flip removeAttrs [ ... ];
overlay = final: prev: ... # how to call cleanAttrs here?
13 Jan 2025
@pveierland:matrix.orgpveierland Has the public key of the nixos cache ever changed? Or is this an extremely unlikely event? 01:57:37
@hexa:lossy.networkhexanot to my knowledge01:58:40
@pveierland:matrix.orgpveierland What does the -1 part of the cache.nixos.org-1:<public_key_base64> name signify in the substituter config? 02:02:23
@pveierland:matrix.orgpveierlandIt just seems like something added to have a unique key name02:14:02
In reply to@pveierland:matrix.org
What does the -1 part of the cache.nixos.org-1:<public_key_base64> name signify in the substituter config?
The key version, theoretically
@pveierland:matrix.orgpveierlandVersion of the key itself, or the format of what is after the comma?07:21:14
@k900:0upti.meK900Of the key itself07:22:22
@k900:0upti.meK900It is not actually significant07:22:28
@k900:0upti.meK900It is purely a convention07:22:32
@k900:0upti.meK900Nix itself does not understand it07:22:37
@sss:matrix.dark-alexandr.netssshi all, is it possible to migrate from ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays to flakes ?10:14:52
@k900:0upti.meK900 This is a question for #Nix / NixOS 10:18:27
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.org Hey, I'm building a package with __structuredAttrs enabled, and I'm getting some bash variable expansion issues when setting paths in configureFlags. I have --with-initdir=$out/etc/init.d set, but for some reason, it's mapped to \$out/etc/init.d, and it ends up expanded to /ut/etc/init.d, and I don't know why. 13:35:36
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.org * Hey, I'm building a package with __structuredAttrs enabled, and I'm getting some bash variable expansion issues when setting paths in configureFlags. I have --with-initdir=$out/etc/init.d set, but for some reason, it's mapped to \$out/etc/init.d, and it ends up expanded to /ut/etc/init.d, and I don't know why. How do I ensure the arbitrarily-named outputs are passed correctly? 13:36:05
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily${placeholder "out"}13:36:39
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgWill it automagically figure out the right paths afterwards?13:37:35
@paparodeo:matrix.org@paparodeo:matrix.org not in nix-shell but in a builder it will.13:37:54
@paparodeo:matrix.org@paparodeo:matrix.org you might be able to get away with $(out) if the variable is getting expanded in a makefile. 13:38:57
@paparodeo:matrix.org@paparodeo:matrix.org but placeholder seems nicer despite the problems with nix-shell. 13:39:24
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgi think placeholder will be fine, since it's inside nixpkgs.13:39:34
@johnrtitor:matrix.orgAinz Ooal Gown
In reply to @atemu12:matrix.org
We had ofborg-like building a little while ago again; where did that go?
That wasn't merged actually 
@johnrtitor:matrix.orgAinz Ooal Gown https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/368690

@emilazy:matrix.orgemilythat's a separate thing15:42:11
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuIt's actually working too; it apparently took a while and there wasn't a blocker CI check like there was for the old ofBorg15:54:46
@goibhniu:matrix.orggoibhniu changed their display name from goibhniu to goibhniu-test.19:16:21

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