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12 Jan 2025
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korzand this behavior was pretty much consistent for the past week on nixpkgs-review 2.x19:00:52
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korz* and this behavior was consistent for the past week on nixpkgs-review 2.x19:01:09
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.org Am I going insane or is that .devcontainer directory in the nixpkgs root new? 19:05:28
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgThe committee says it was added three years ago but I really doubt that.19:05:52
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.org * 19:06:21
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korzit doesn't exist in the 24.11 branch, so you doubt is accurate19:06:34
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korz* it doesn't exist in the 24.11 branch, so your doubt is accurate19:06:38
@sigmasquadron:matrix.org@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgOh, looks like it was a three-year old PR merged just an hour ago.19:06:44
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyhttps://github.com/devcontainers/features/pkgs/container/features%2Fnix 🤔19:16:01
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI didn't know this was a thing19:16:32
@perchun:matrix.orgPerchun Pak
In reply to @niklaskorz:korz.dev

without specifying eval:

❯ nixpkgs-review pr 365718
$ git -c fetch.prune=false fetch --no-tags --force https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs master:refs/nixpkgs-review/0 pull/365718/head:refs/nixpkgs-review/1
$ git worktree add /Users/niklaskorz/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-365718-1/nixpkgs 549d2f521f398268bc04ee9ce2ed61a048240035
Bereite Arbeitsverzeichnis vor (losgelöster HEAD 549d2f521f39)
Aktualisiere Dateien: 100% (45518/45518), fertig.
HEAD ist jetzt bei 549d2f521f39 hcdiag: init at 0.5.5 (#371689)
$ git merge --no-commit --no-ff be7b92e97dac09dc9c8910b82e723bf1690c6aa3
Automatischer Merge abgeschlossen; halte, wie gewünscht, vor dem Commit an
Nothing to be built.

with eval local:

❯ nixpkgs-review pr --eval local 365718
$ git -c fetch.prune=false fetch --no-tags --force https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs master:refs/nixpkgs-review/0 pull/365718/head:refs/nixpkgs-review/1
$ git worktree add /Users/niklaskorz/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-365718-3/nixpkgs 549d2f521f398268bc04ee9ce2ed61a048240035
Bereite Arbeitsverzeichnis vor (losgelöster HEAD 549d2f521f39)
Aktualisiere Dateien: 100% (45518/45518), fertig.
HEAD ist jetzt bei 549d2f521f39 hcdiag: init at 0.5.5 (#371689)
$ nix-env --extra-experimental-features no-url-literals --option system aarch64-darwin -f <nixpkgs> --nix-path nixpkgs=/Users/niklaskorz/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-365718-3/nixpkgs nixpkgs-overlays=/var/folders/9g/_bl_31396q31d61z44lgmlvh0000gn/T/tmpsunitweb -qaP --xml --out-path --show-trace --no-allow-import-from-derivation
$ git merge --no-commit --no-ff be7b92e97dac09dc9c8910b82e723bf1690c6aa3
Automatischer Merge abgeschlossen; halte, wie gewünscht, vor dem Commit an
$ nix-env --extra-experimental-features no-url-literals --option system aarch64-darwin -f <nixpkgs> --nix-path nixpkgs=/Users/niklaskorz/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-365718-3/nixpkgs nixpkgs-overlays=/var/folders/9g/_bl_31396q31d61z44lgmlvh0000gn/T/tmpsunitweb -qaP --xml --out-path --show-trace --no-allow-import-from-derivation --meta
--------- Impacted packages on 'aarch64-darwin' ---------
2 packages updated:
chatd ollama (0.5.1 → 0.5.4)
You should provide a github token, gh requires it to download eval results unfortunately
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korzgh is active and working19:22:47
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korz I mean obviously it is, otherwise nixpkgs-review post-result would not work 19:23:17
@perchun:matrix.orgPerchun Pak
In reply to @niklaskorz:korz.dev
gh is active and working
I don't mean gh-the-cli, I mean GitHub
@perchun:matrix.orgPerchun Pak Don't know internals, just try GITHUB_TOKEN=$(gh auth token) nixpkgs-review... 19:25:09
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korzeither way, upgraded to 3.0.1 from unstable and it works without issues, so I don't personally care, just wanted to mention it19:25:12
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas KorzI guess there are not that many people reviewing packages while running stable anyhow19:27:12
@perchun:matrix.orgPerchun Pak Oh, downloading eval results from GHA was added in 3.0.0, so 2.x is basically broken for newer PRs 19:30:21
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korzyes, if you scroll up you will see that that's what I said19:30:34
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korz^19:30:43
@perchun:matrix.orgPerchun Pak Sorry for the misunderstanding 19:30:51
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas Korzno worries 😅19:31:17
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyit's weird because I always experienced 2.x doing local evals when ofborg hadn't finished19:33:09
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyis it just not able to do that now because of the job getting deleted or something?19:33:17
@niklaskorz:korz.devNiklas KorzI wish I knew 😬19:41:51
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilywell, it seems okay to backport to me. I don't know how breaking the changes are, but it probably falls under "Services that would fail without up-to-date client software".19:55:05
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily nixpkgs-review is a live service game :) 19:55:16
@glepage:matrix.orgGaétan Lepage I would be in favor of a backport too.
The changes are "breaking" in a way as we have made the tool fetch GHA results (instead of Ofborg's). But as emily said, the older version is now obsolete.
In reply to @niklaskorz:korz.dev
I guess there are not that many people reviewing packages while running stable anyhow
I'd love to see a Stable team at some point, since this is a common issue and only gets more common later into the release cycle
@llakala:matrix.orgllakala* I'd love to see a Stable team at some point to help resolve this, since this is a common issue and only gets more common later into the release cycle23:29:30

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