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19 Oct 2024
@assistant:pygmalion.chatAssistantIs it not? my understanding was that it would still be considered a dependency of the package and thus pulled even if after evaluation it's not used19:33:19
@symphorien:xlumurb.eusymphorienis it currently ok to remove software from nixpkgs with the upcoming release ?19:40:30
@symphorien:xlumurb.eusymphorienI did not follow the calendar very closely19:40:43
In reply to@atemu12:matrix.org
Assistant: Why would it be pulled if it was disabled?
if I do
{ stdenvNoCC
, lib
, fetchFromGitHub
, hyprland
, jq
, grim
, slurp
, wl-clipboard
, libnotify
, withFreeze ? true, hyprpicker
, makeWrapper

stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
  pname = "hyprshot";
  version = "1.3.0";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "Gustash";
    repo = "hyprshot";
    rev = finalAttrs.version;
    hash = "sha256-9taTmV357cWglMGuN3NLq3bfNneFthwV6y+Ml4qEeHA=";

  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];

  installPhase = ''
    runHook preInstall

    install -Dm755 hyprshot -t "$out/bin"
    wrapProgram "$out/bin/hyprshot" \
      --prefix PATH ":" ${lib.makeBinPath [
          hyprland jq grim slurp wl-clipboard libnotify
        ] ++ lib.optionals withFreeze [ hyprpicker ]}

    runHook postInstall
then does hyprshot.override { withFreeze = false; } not pull hyprpicker?
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemu Assistant: I can't tell you from this snippet because that fully depends on whether you guard hyprpicker's inclusion in the drv behind the flag or not. It being a function arg doesn't matter if it's never used; remember that Nix is lazy 19:54:42
@assistant:pygmalion.chatAssistantThat is the derivation, but what I'm getting is that my assumption was wrong and I misunderstood what was said earlier, so I will add the flag20:00:03
@reckenrode:matrix.orgRandy Eckenrode * It doesn’t seem to work with packages where the version information isn’t easily available. I tried to use it with my out-of-tree FFXIV derivation, but it kept trying to do things that didn’t make sense. To get the Mac client version, I have to parse Sparkle update manifests. Also, old versions are take offline as soon as a new one is released.20:03:26
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuOhh, totally missed that the thing is scrollable. Yes, that'll only include hyprpicker when the flag is set21:38:54
@niko:nyanbinary.rsnyanbinary 🏳️‍⚧️image.png
Download image.png
@niko:nyanbinary.rsnyanbinary 🏳️‍⚧️is this just my end or is the channel named scewed up21:42:09
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco amarshall: Should you and adamcstephens be added as codeowners of the zfs nixos module so you get added to review PRs like this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/349560 22:16:23
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)why do some PRs just sit after getting a bunch of approvals, but it's never merged23:34:43
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them) I'm trying to get VR working (again) on my machine, and found WiVRn, bam there was a PR from june https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/316975 23:35:16
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)how can I help actually get these PRs through, because I notice there is a lot of stagnation23:35:30
20 Oct 2024
@oneeyed:matrix.orgSamThis issue potentially affects many nodejs packages and has already received two approvals, from the maintainer and from the person who deprecated the alias. Could a committer merge it? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/34978300:09:10
In reply to@titaniumtown:envs.net
how can I help actually get these PRs through, because I notice there is a lot of stagnation
Post in #Nixpkgs Review Requests if it's been longer than a week. If the PR has already been through review, there is also https://discourse.nixos.org/t/prs-already-reviewed/2617 on the Discourse, which is specifically for PRs that are reviewed but not merged.
@tomodachi94:matrix.orgTomodachi94That PR in particular might be scaring people away due to the 141 comments on it02:38:49
@tomodachi94:matrix.orgTomodachi94Taking a look at that specific PR right now :)02:44:50
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)
In reply to @tomodachi94:matrix.org
Post in #Nixpkgs Review Requests if it's been longer than a week. If the PR has already been through review, there is also https://discourse.nixos.org/t/prs-already-reviewed/2617 on the Discourse, which is specifically for PRs that are reviewed but not merged.
thank you for the information. I'm trying my best to give what I can to the community :)
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)
In reply to @tomodachi94:matrix.org
Taking a look at that specific PR right now :)
thank you so much!
@tomodachi94:matrix.orgTomodachi94Merged :)03:03:25
@robert:funklause.dedotlambdaDo we have a list where violations of the trust we put in committers are documented?03:05:20
@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgSigmaSquadroni'm not sure why, but something tells me that a committer did something pretty bad.03:08:09
@sigmasquadron:matrix.orgSigmaSquadronmust have been the wind03:08:35
In reply to @sigmasquadron:matrix.org
i'm not sure why, but something tells me that a committer did something pretty bad.
In reply to@robert:funklause.de
Do we have a list where violations of the trust we put in committers are documented?
I don't think there's anything centralized. There have been comments (thinking of one in particular who I won't name) in the original committer right request issue that explained why someone had the bit removed after someone re-nominated them unknowingly
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)
In reply to @robert:funklause.de
all PRs will be merged, no exceptions 🫡
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)
In reply to @robert:funklause.de
* all PRs will be merged, no exceptions 🫡 /j
In reply to @robert:funklause.de
yep, that does fall on the category of 'pretty bad'.
But maybe it's best to discuss this with Pol before anything?
In reply to@titaniumtown:envs.net
all PRs will be merged, no exceptions 🫡 /j
Especially breaking changes on stable branches 🫡

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