
Systems Programming

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13 Dec 2024
@netpleb:matrix.orgnetplebRedacted or Malformed Event20:58:09
@netpleb:matrix.orgnetplebRedacted or Malformed Event21:11:31
@netpleb:matrix.orgnetpleb * I want to know whether I can control which encryption/decryption key is used by the TPM for when .tpm file are created. Rather than the tpm using some encryption/decryption key which was provided/burned-in or whatever by firmware, can I require it to use one of my own? (so long as I can safely add that key to the TPM)21:11:53
14 Dec 2024
In reply to @netpleb:matrix.org
I am back with another dumb question. This time it is about using tpm2 though. Is this a good channel to ask it? Feels like if anybody knows the answer it is all of you in here.
You want #users:nixos.org
16 Dec 2024
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92TPMs most of the time will try to generate their own generated key. I haven't heard of an import function yet.16:57:37
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianTPMs for sure can import keys18:53:48
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianTPM2_Import :)18:54:00
@k900:0upti.meK900Please stop posting in the decommissioned room18:56:31
17 Dec 2024
@philiptaron:matrix.org@philiptaron:matrix.org left the room.23:07:08
18 Dec 2024
@netpleb:matrix.orgnetpleb I am confused as to how we are to know whether this room is decommissioned or not. 19:22:46
@k900:0upti.meK900You aren't, because the room is extremely split brained19:23:38
@k900:0upti.meK900So it can't be modified in a way that's visible to most users19:23:51
@k900:0upti.meK900For Matrix state resolution reasons19:24:00
@netpleb:matrix.orgnetpleb Yes, that works for importing keys into a hierarchy on the TPM. You can specify which "parent" key in the tpm should be used to encrypt the stuff you are importing too. The thing that is frustrating (at least to me) is that you cannot specify the "seed" which is used to derive, for example, the platform and endorsement keys. The TPM uses the TPM's random number generator for those seeds and then deterministically derives the keys. However, if nothing else but for audit purposes, it would be quite nice if we could force the TPM to use seeds of our choosing. Hope that makes sense. At least that is my current/limited/probably-wrong understanding. Sorry for posting again to decommissioned room :( 19:26:28
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92I don't think this room is decommissioned.19:27:08
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 🏳️‍🌈see, split brain :)19:27:26
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92Those matrix links never works for me.19:28:30
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianJust dont use the endorsement hierarchy?19:28:52
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianOr can you also not set the seed for the owner hierarchy?19:29:04
@k900:0upti.meK900Oh wait19:31:12
@k900:0upti.meK900This is not the old #nix:nixos.org room19:31:20
@k900:0upti.meK900 What the fuck is this room then 19:31:46
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92No. This is #systems-programming:nixos.org19:31:59
@k900:0upti.meK900Oh great19:32:10
@k900:0upti.meK900Then it's split brained19:32:12
@k900:0upti.meK900 @hexa do the thing 19:32:15
@netpleb:matrix.orgnetpleb Right, as far as I can tell we cannot set the seed even for the owner hierarchy. But I also am very new to these APIs and may not be fully understanding. 19:42:21
@k900:0upti.meK900Audit of what exactly19:44:53
@k900:0upti.meK900It makes no sense for the TPM security model to load outside keys19:45:01
@k900:0upti.meK900Because then you have other ways to leak keys19:45:08

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