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Keeping nixpkgs up to date. r-ryantm bot. https://github.com/ryantm/nixpkgs-update and https://github.com/nix-community/infra/blob/master/build02/nixpkgs-update.nix29 Servers

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2 Aug 2024
In reply to @hexa:lossy.network
better yet, the url to the project repo 🙂
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa🙂 14:07:07
3 Aug 2024
In reply to @shawn8901:matrix.org

Is there a way how to disable r-ryantm to update a specific package if it's build out of another?

I was trying to disable vmagent for being updated (as we build it out of VictoriaMetrics package via override).
I was trying to add # nixpkgs-update: no auto update being added as comment.

Thus it did still create a PR ( https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/331673 ). I would have assumed that I would just create a PR for VictoriaMetrics now, does somebody know what is wrong?

If you want the comment to work need to fix meta.position:

❯ nix eval -f. vmagent.meta.position
diff --git a/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix b/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
index f31526026319..612144762d6f 100644
--- a/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
+++ b/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This package is build out of the victoriametrics package.
 # so no separat update prs are needed for vmagent
 # nixpkgs-update: no auto update
-lib.addMetaAttrs { mainProgram = "vmagent"; } (
+lib.addMetaAttrs { mainProgram = "vmagent"; position = toString ./package.nix + ":1"; } (
   victoriametrics.override {
     withServer = false;
     withVictoriaLogs = false;
❯ nix eval -f. vmagent.meta.position

Could add it to the skiplist instead:

In reply to @zowoq:matrix.org

If you want the comment to work need to fix meta.position:

❯ nix eval -f. vmagent.meta.position
diff --git a/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix b/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
index f31526026319..612144762d6f 100644
--- a/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
+++ b/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This package is build out of the victoriametrics package.
 # so no separat update prs are needed for vmagent
 # nixpkgs-update: no auto update
-lib.addMetaAttrs { mainProgram = "vmagent"; } (
+lib.addMetaAttrs { mainProgram = "vmagent"; position = toString ./package.nix + ":1"; } (
   victoriametrics.override {
     withServer = false;
     withVictoriaLogs = false;
❯ nix eval -f. vmagent.meta.position

Could add it to the skiplist instead:

Let me try the position first :) thx!
In reply to @zowoq:matrix.org

If you want the comment to work need to fix meta.position:

❯ nix eval -f. vmagent.meta.position
diff --git a/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix b/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
index f31526026319..612144762d6f 100644
--- a/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
+++ b/pkgs/by-name/vm/vmagent/package.nix
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # This package is build out of the victoriametrics package.
 # so no separat update prs are needed for vmagent
 # nixpkgs-update: no auto update
-lib.addMetaAttrs { mainProgram = "vmagent"; } (
+lib.addMetaAttrs { mainProgram = "vmagent"; position = toString ./package.nix + ":1"; } (
   victoriametrics.override {
     withServer = false;
     withVictoriaLogs = false;
❯ nix eval -f. vmagent.meta.position

Could add it to the skiplist instead:

it seems that setting the position fixes my overall issue. Tho not being on the ignored list but complaining before that the old version is not defined in the master derivation (as those are defined on the overriden ones).

I suspect that nixpkgs-update might should check for ignores first, and then for sanity [as it would at least in this case not result in a faulty error log].

Tho it still fine for my result.
ill keep the ignore comment still, so that the initial intention is clear why meta.position is added.

@shawn8901:matrix.orgshawn8901 *

it seems that setting the position fixes my overall issue. Tho not being on the ignored list but complaining before that the old version is not defined in the master derivation (as those are defined on the overriden ones).

I suspect that nixpkgs-update might should check for ignores first, and then for sanity [as it would at least in this case not result in a faulty error log].

Tho it still fine for my result.
ill keep the ignore comment still, so that the initial intention is clear why meta.position is added.

Or do you have other suggestions for that? 🙂

@shawn8901:matrix.orgshawn8901 *

it seems that setting the position fixes my overall issue. Tho not being on the ignored list but complaining before that the old version is not defined in the master derivation (as those are defined on the overriden ones).

I suspect that nixpkgs-update might should check for ignores first, and then for sanity [as it would at least in this case not result in a faulty error log].

Tho it still fine for my result.
ill could keep the ignore comment still, so that the initial intention is clear why meta.position is added.

Tho i start to feel that adding it to nixpkgs-updates internal skiplist is kind of more understandable.

Or do you have other suggestions for that? 🙂

5 Aug 2024
@bumperboat:matrix.orgbumperboat joined the room.12:35:12
@bumperboat:matrix.orgbumperboathttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/330788 there is a later release that came out shortly after this one with further fixes -- does the bot need to be manually ran again?12:36:33
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.nopbsdsit'll get around to it and force-push the pr23:11:07
6 Aug 2024
In reply to @bumperboat:matrix.org
https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/330788 there is a later release that came out shortly after this one with further fixes -- does the bot need to be manually ran again?
I commented on the PR.

Or do you have other suggestions for that?

No. This is is known issue with the bot: https://github.com/nix-community/nixpkgs-update/issues/315. There is a plan to fix it but it hasn't been finished yet: https://github.com/nix-community/nixpkgs-update/issues/315.

8 Aug 2024
@qyliss:fairydust.spaceAlyssa Ross set a profile picture.18:48:34
10 Aug 2024
@khaneliman:matrix.orgAustin Horstman changed their display name from Khaneliman to Austin Horstman.03:50:11
11 Aug 2024
@glepage:matrix.orgGaétan Lepage Is there a way to manually trigger the update bot on a specific package ?
For tinymist, it seems that the check happens every ~10 days.
16 Aug 2024
@glepage:matrix.orgGaétan LepageRedacted or Malformed Event11:21:18
17 Aug 2024
@sasha:the-apothecary.clubSashanoraa.gay (she/her, ze/zir) joined the room.22:21:17
20 Aug 2024
@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.netbenwebb changed their display name from benjaminedwardwebb to benwebb.12:44:09
21 Aug 2024
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetric what are the semantics of the log table in this db? https://nixpkgs-update-logs.nix-community.org/~supervisor/state.db 16:20:44
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetrici guess it represents a snapshot of the latest run of nixpkgs-update -- so no historical information, correct?16:21:45
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetricif so, how often does it get updated? i'm trying to use it to catch new build errors16:22:16
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetriclooks like the code that creates that db isn't at https://github.com/nix-community/nixpkgs-update, btw. any idea where to look?16:31:37
In reply to @asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk
looks like the code that creates that db isn't at https://github.com/nix-community/nixpkgs-update, btw. any idea where to look?
23 Aug 2024
@benjaminedwardwebb:envs.netbenwebb left the room.18:57:18
27 Aug 2024
@aloisw:kde.orgaloisw left the room.17:20:51
28 Aug 2024
@zoriot:tchncs.deZoriot joined the room.19:51:10
@zoriot:tchncs.deZoriotHow to fix issues from the Bot in the PR`s? In that example i want to add the sha256 hashes so this can be merged https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/33632419:57:14
@zoriot:tchncs.deZoriot * How to fix issues from the Bot in the PR`s? In that example i want to add the sha256 hashes so this can be merged https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/336324 I created a new PR for that. How is this issue possible? 20:28:55
@zoriot:tchncs.deZoriot * How to fix issues from the Bot in the PR`s? In that example i want to add the sha256 hashes so this can be merged https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/336324 I created a new PR for that. How is this issue possible? Is there a way this will be fixed? 20:29:10

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