
Nix community teams members

49 Members
Collaboration room for all the members of a Nix community team. Anybody can join this room and read the history, but only members of community teams can post here. Moderators can give people permission to post by granting them powerlevel 10. https://matrix.to/#/!qPyghedoYQUdaSXHnv:hufschmitt.net/$lmbsV4lGtAwatn8prBSx3J-64dgBr6niYolQDdLjHyY?via=nixos.org&via=matrix.org&via=hufschmitt.net13 Servers

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10 Dec 2023
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusAnd everyone has kinda their interpretation of the things20:57:39
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius To make it short, here's mine, we are stuck with GitHub, people tried to go on Codeberg and we made it crash, GitHub server is not performant enough for our own usecases, alternatives like Gerrit are probably too user-unfriendly and would create other sorts of problems, because of that and how unclear the timeline of the existence of a high performance Git server with user friendly stuff, is. I prefer to declare that I want to prioritize the comfort of everyone dealing daily with nixpkgs in GitHub and heavily depending on them does not exclude backupping everything, this is what I have urged colleagues to do like in https://discourse.nixos.org/t/data-dump-of-all-nixpkgs-pull-requests/34457 and what I wish we would continue to do by mirroring the issues, PRs, comments, users, etc. in another silo to preserve our history and make export / migration easy in the potential future we can ditch GitHub. 21:00:01
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusNow, if it's impossible to record the GitHub handle information of someone inside the maintainer-list.nix because of control concerns over the data stored in the visible part of the Git repository (the git objects part being invisible and containing information about the handle of that someone) and the reason invoked for that is GDPR and what not and if, we, as a community cannot come to a conclusion on this, which seems to me, a trivial question in the context (but I do understand why someone can be opposed to it). I will spare myself the mixed and complicated feelings I have regarding this whole situation and will move on to build stuff and ignore folks that didn't record enough data like OfBorg does. Whether this will creates further issues is left to the future who will tell us if it works in practice or not.21:02:46
@artturin:matrix.orgArtturin joined the room.21:03:39
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisilI don't feel great discussing this here because not everybody can write messages here..21:04:34
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusI forgot about that after writing all those messages21:04:49
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusSearching for my rooms I found https://matrix.to/#/#platform-governance:nixos.org21:05:44
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusMoving on to https://matrix.to/#/!VyoUhyWvlhSpFWWxHL:matrix.org/$cg7CQdQhNw8kD7PG26TgZ4Prop8p78CkoixR5BuhAn0?via=nixos.org&via=matrix.org&via=hufschmitt.net21:06:41
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezariusApologies for the noise here21:06:45
In reply to @raitobezarius:matrix.org
Apologies for the noise here
don’t worry, it’s all good.
@hexchen:colon.athexchen important topic with an unclear forum, not exactly a far stretch to talk about it in here 21:07:27
@fricklerhandwerk:matrix.orgfricklerhandwerkCould be a task for the all-teams meeting preparation to collect stances on the problem and then in the meeting draft a joint statement22:14:50
12 Dec 2023
@cdepillabout:matrix.orgcdepillabout joined the room.04:04:04
16 Dec 2023
@a-kenji:matrix.orga-kenji joined the room.13:24:03
20 Dec 2023
In reply to @theophane:hufschmitt.net
Let's plan for another gathering right now: https://lettucemeet.com/l/oel7O . Since Christmas is coming, it'll be hard to do it before next year, so I've scheduled that for the week of Jan 8
Friendly ping on the above, please fill in your availability before going on vacations :)
23 Dec 2023
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius to raitobezarius (DECT 2128).22:22:45
25 Dec 2023
@julienmalka:matrix.org@julienmalka:matrix.org changed their display name from Julien to Julien - DECT 4575.20:03:40
27 Dec 2023
@gdesforges:matrix.org@gdesforges:matrix.org left the room.11:24:10
@flokli:matrix.orgflokli changed their display name from flokli to flokli (DECT TVIX).12:48:17
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic92 to Mic92 (DECT: 7934).14:31:11
29 Dec 2023
@ronef:matrix.orgronefHey! It's almost happy 2024 <3 18:04:00
@ronef:matrix.orgronefI'm starting to compile the list to recap 2023, just like we did last year. Would love to get as much input as possible and I'll share the open doc so everyone can jump into it18:04:32
30 Dec 2023
@flokli:matrix.orgflokli changed their display name from flokli (DECT TVIX) to flokli.15:34:22
@julienmalka:matrix.org@julienmalka:matrix.org changed their display name from Julien - DECT 4575 to Julien.18:43:48
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius (DECT 2128) to raitobezarius.19:53:31
31 Dec 2023
@joerg:thalheim.ioMic92 changed their display name from Mic92 (DECT: 7934) to Mic92.16:13:07
8 Jan 2024

Hey all, and happy 2024!

Based on the results of the poll, I've moved the meeting to Thursday (Jan 11) a bit earlier (20h30 CET/19h30 UTC).
Please add yourself to the agenda if you can make it.
Please also add any topic you'd like to talk about. Current main topic is teams funding, but we can find time to talk about other issues

In reply to @theophane:hufschmitt.net

Hey all, and happy 2024!

Based on the results of the poll, I've moved the meeting to Thursday (Jan 11) a bit earlier (20h30 CET/19h30 UTC).
Please add yourself to the agenda if you can make it.
Please also add any topic you'd like to talk about. Current main topic is teams funding, but we can find time to talk about other issues

where should people add themselves? the current document mentions 2023-11-11, should we change that to 2024-01-11?

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